环球时报中英文对照版 环球时报中英文对照版在哪里看

专业目录 2025-01-23 10:23:34


《GLOBAL TIMES》较《CHINA DAILY》和《21 century》水平要高些。但本人认为还不是地道的英文。

环球时报中英文对照版 环球时报中英文对照版在哪里看环球时报中英文对照版 环球时报中英文对照版在哪里看

环球时报中英文对照版 环球时报中英文对照版在哪里看

环球时报中英文对照版 环球时报中英文对照版在哪里看



环球时报英文为Global Times。



2009年4月20日,《环球时报》英文版(Global Times)创刊。《环球时报》中文版、英文版以“多元世界,解读复杂”为宗旨,致力于促进与世界的交流与互动。2018年3月,获“2017年百强报纸”荣誉。



English edition是什么意思

English edition





The english edition of the official news the global times described the row as a"culture war".



New year is happy, good luck! May english edition done better and better, can give uore better learning opportunity.





急求 !!环球时报 晨报的 中英文

《环球时报》(原名《环球文萃》) 是日报社主办的报纸,创刊于1993年1月3日。从2006年1月起,《环球时报》已改为日报,每星期一至星期五出版,星期一至星期四16版,星期五24版,零售价一元,价平均每份0.9元。



Round the world the Times "(original" Round the world ArticleGathering") is the international news news which the People'sDaily News Agency sponsors, began publication to January 3, 1993. FromJanuary, 2006, "Round the world Times" changed the daily , ryMonday publishes to Friday, Monday to Thursday 16 edition, Friday 24edition, a retail pr Yuan, subscription pr erage each 0.9Yuan.

Round the world the Times in has more than 350 specially appointed in the world 75 countries and the area, special correspondent, the single time quantity issued surpasses 2,000,000.Publishes the article receives the party and the national leader takes, to arouse the domestic and foreign media widespread interest highly, by the Associated Press, Reuter, Agence France Presse, the Kyodo News Agency is published frequently passes the manuscript, and many times by world well-known news reprint.

Round the world the Times successively is evaluated "the nation" tenbig newss which by the reprint rate highest top-notch news", the Beijing area reader is most liked", "the distant Shen area mostreceives reader being popular among readers the top-notchpublication". In 2004 evaluates by the world brand laboratory and theworld economics forum "in 2004 China 500 most to he the valuebrand". In the same year is evaluated by the China InternationalAirlines "on the airplane most to receive news first which thereader welcome". In April, 2005 the quilt "2,005 Chinese mediainvestment annual meeting" evaluates "second session of China most tohe investment value media news class second".







The Beijing morning "authorized by the municipal party committeepropaganda department to July 20, 1998 to begin publication, most hadthe strength and the influence three newss by Beijing" theBeijing Daily "," the Beijing Evening News "," the Beijing YouthReports "jointly organizes, the collection natrium three newsshe published a news the experience and the superiority.

"The Beijing Morning " is the national capital goes on the marketry day the earliest news, also is in the Beijing market onlyis allowed to flow the sales news.

About news date quantity issued 340,000, the highest quantity issued breaks through 500,000, circulates for perusal rate is 4.6 human of/shares, ry day approximay some 6,000,000 people read the morning , in Beijing area population cover scale already 30%.

The Beijing morning bases on all hope upper dog's dream, the fixed nearly 16,000,000 expense crowds, eagerly anticipates the fashion white-collar tidal current.The investigation demonstrated that, in all cherishing morning reader, 56% they is the off worker, staff members and so on in which private enterprise, state-owned enterprise holds the suitable proportion; 38% above they are the technical college school record, the age structure are extremely reasonable.

Extends as the Beijing morning Internet, morning net oncontent, page layout with news media close coordination, thusrealizes "the news net" the interaction, this is the newsoff follows since long ago publishes a news the policy.

Based on the Internet news dissemination pattern, the morning net take the morning news content as a backing, enhancesthe news the attachment value, expands the news the radiating powerand the influence, the breakthrough tradition news releasepattern. On May 28, 2001 "the Wide band Beijing Morning " iorn, is our country first carries on reading and the disseminationlarge-scale metropolis electron news using the wide band net.

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