ff宣布达成135亿美元融资 ff融资闹乌龙

各省高考 2025-01-04 10:30:33


ff宣布达成135亿美元融资 ff融资闹乌龙ff宣布达成135亿美元融资 ff融资闹乌龙

ff宣布达成135亿美元融资 ff融资闹乌龙

1、1.05亿美元的投资将支持FF 的持续生产和交付,并帮助FF实现其长期战略目标,包括扩大生产规模、进一步改善销售和服务体系、全球业务发展以及改善一般日常经营流。


3、That would make me happier than getting $1 Billion US dollars. I am NOT kidding, Learning a new language at my age is a big challenge. But I put in the work because I think it’s worth fighting for, The bigger the fight, the sweeter the victory乐视控股创始人贾跃亭再此亮相美国FF全员大会,并用英文进行演讲。

4、贾跃亭透露了一些FF 及工厂的进度细节,称FF获得15亿美元融资,其中5.5亿美元已经到账。







11、贾跃亭FF全员会演讲全文:Fight to the FirstGood afternoon ryone,Thank you for being here.大家下午好,感谢你们出席今天的全员会。

12、Today, I would like to talk about the mament transformation of our company ,in order to deliver FF on time and realize our vision.今天,我讲话的主题是公司变革,以按时交付FF ,实现我们的愿景。

13、We he already achid some transformational victories,in the first quarter of this year. During restart phase, we he secured more than 1.5 Billion US dollars investment , with $550 Million already in the bank.我们已经在今年一季度,取得一些变革性胜利。


15、We he hired many top new talents, We are n seeing some people realize the grass is not always greener on the other side. And we he welcomed them back through Home Coming Program. We he re-engaged our suppliers at CES and Global Supplier Summit , and we he released a majority of the vehicle parts.I will share with you for the first time , Construction at Hanford factory has already started, We he ordered all the long lead-time equipment.我次和大家分享,汉福德工厂已经正式动工,所有的长周期生产设备都已经下单。

16、And, great news, Shortly after this meeting, you will be able to log in to your Solium account , and see your stock options, We are all owners of FF.紧接着,一个好消息,一会会议结束之后,就能立即登录自己的Solium账户,并查看到股权信息,我们都是FF的Owner。

17、These achiments demonstrate our progress, more than just words – these are actions. Thank you for these sible这些成绩显示出我们的进步,不仅是语言,我们也用行动说话.谢谢各位让这一切变为可能。



20、First, we must transform our organization. I beli Strategy determines organization, organization determines success. We will finalize the tier 2 and 3 organization with clear roles and responsibilities, We will rebuild the muscle in key areas through hiring top talents . and give ryone the necessary tools to be successful。





25、举个例子,我们已在二楼建起FF 项目控制塔。


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