bash函数 bash函数支持递归吗
bash函数 bash函数支持递归吗
3、sum=0a=$1if [ $# -ne 2 ]##thenecho "Please input two numbers!"elif [ $1 -gt $2 ]thenecho "The seconde number must be great the first number."elsefor i in $(seq $1 $2)sum=`expr $sum + $i`echo ""$1~$2" sum is $sum"fi#执行结果#[root@localhost opt]# ./b.sh 3 6#"3~6" sum is 18#[root@localhost opt]# ./b.sh 3#Please input two numbers!#[root@localhost opt]# ./b.sh 3 5 6#Please input two numbers!#The seconde number must be great the first number.#[root@localhost opt]# ./b.sh 3 25#!/bin/shfun(){sum=0for i in `seq $1 $2`sum=`expr $i + $sum`}echo "Please input 2 number:"read a bexpr $a + 0 1>/dev/null 2>&1if [[ $? -ne 0 ]];thenecho "wrong number"fiexpr $b + 0 1>/dev/null 2>&1if [[ $? -ne 0 ]];thenecho "wrong number"fiif [[ $a -ge $b ]];thenecho "wrong number"fifun $a $bsum(){total=0for num in `seq $1 $2`let total+=numecho $total}read -p "Input number1: " num1if [ $num1 -ge $num2 ]; thenexit 1fisum $num1 $num2exit 0#!/bin/shb=$2c=$awhile [ $c -le $b ]c=$(($c+1))}read -p "Please input the number1:" xif [ $x -ge $y ];thenelsesum $x $yfiexit 0。
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