Counting down XX Day of the College Entrance Examination
高考一本线 英语翻译 一本高考英语怎么样
高考一本线 英语翻译 一本高考英语怎么样
高考一本线 英语翻译 一本高考英语怎么样
读英语首先你肯定要背些单词咯,但是,要提高英语只背单词是不够的,要背就要背重点单词的词组,高考就爱考词组很多的单词,这样的单词容易混,被猜中的概率就低,这种词的词组就要整理出来,大概3000多个这种词组,背完可以稳上125,另外如果想考140分以上的高分的话,还有中低频的词组1.2万个要记忆.你都高三了,可能来不及整理了,你看看永安纤城中学06年高考英语单科状元廖唯伟的笔记.整理了高中所有单词的词组1.5万个,按高考相关度分单元排列的.72页,比任何单词书都轻便.新版让福州的书法家重抄制作的,我刚买一份,才116块.状元爷亲自给我做辅导,爽啊. 我原来已经买了旧版106块的了, 已经进步了十多分了,买了新版,希望spent a great amount of time on literature把没看清的给补上.这样能多进步一点.
high 36 汉英经济词汇 内部资料test pour meter time 。中式英语,别介意。呵呵
counting down of the college entrance exmination
counting down of the college entrance exmination
Countdown to the college entrance examination
高三学生:Senior three student
高三学生:Grade 3 of senior high school
高考:coThe the university entrance exan reckons by time.llege entrance exam
In 2008, the university entrance exam, I disappointed, more is unwilling, because there is no complete their university, although not celebrity, but is unwilling to mark out after a few days, I immediay went to school without permitted applied, two months after school, so my answer career began ~
especially the class's fierce, it wa不能吧。。。s very tense atmosphere of the classroom. In the face of such new collective, both excited and fear, excent is here a few good friends, but with a kind of inferiority, because this answer most of the students in grades are too good, class examination scores on line, more than 80 individual student id to me, this is just 65 to me, but I thought in another Angle. In fact, it is a good thing, because in the study, we can communicate with each other, after the birth of the class is permitted, I determined to cannot let the family and myself down ~
Howr, the easier said than done, so it is not because of his poor math, school of mathematics recitations too difficult for me this maths is bad person is undoubtedly a gobbledygook ~ but I didn't give up, because I am not high requirements of mathematics, as long as the book on the problem done, read textbooks, should also do ~ seems a bit too optimistic, because this wants to I decided to test this, but next month after exams, I hit the mark in chongqing district is good, can't step 2 lines, especially the diagnostic test appointment, I got a 460,2 this line 461, 2 the diagnosis, 2 lines 459 456, ry time pass by, for upcoming exam, I caught flat-footed, don't know how to say is good, although the family to he won't blame me how, but it still cannot give oneself, in the college entrance examination and more than 20 days from the time, ry night I ran out online, because of excessive pressure has quickly let me suffocated, but who can understand, the university entrance exam coming day, I seem very calm, don't like to fears that the last two days, the examination to feel good, but then he to go online, I think the answer had died of heart, he found himself many questions are wrong, n all three, so that such achiments in half month than hell, 24 points and delimit fractional line is to find out the day my heart beating fast, the final result, I just stepped out of line, see the results of three, I wasn't disappointed, but not happy, because I don't know if I can read undergraduate course, still want read undergraduate course, although is 3, but I beli that as long as their efforts, after all, is always a bachelor degree, a job later also less than to go to
Today, the university has no quick half before momentum, how to get along with others, suddenly become very confused, and now I really afraid, compared with the huge psychological pressure permitted period, I fear this decadence and full of interests, eager to return to life, and rybody to struggle toger day ~!
2008 college entrance examination results came out, I am disappointed that more did not resign, because the university did not complete his goal, although not get the job, but that is not willing to ~ points out a few days later, apart from anything else, I immediay went to the school news of one repeat, two months after opening, and thus, my career started repetition ~
Repeat on the first day to school, faced with a new environment, new ctes, I seem inexplicable tension, especially the class teacher fierce bar bar, let the classroom atmosphere was very tense. Faced with this new collective, excited, they fear, excent is here to know a few good friends, but is accompanied by a kind of inferiority complex, because the majority of students who repeat class results are good, class study is based on college entrance examination scores of row number, more than 80 individuals I actually routed to 65, which is just to give me a fatal blow, but the flip side, is actually a good thing, because we can learn from each other on the exchange,
After all, the entire class is a repeat of Health ~ I made up my mind, can not let ourselves down at home and ~
Howr, that's easier said than done is not what is going on, because I was poor in mathematics, and school rmation issued in mathematics refresher too difficult, for my kind of math super rotten person is undoubtedly a book from heen ~ But I did not give up, because I he math requirements are not very high, as long as the books on the theme done, see more teaching materials, should be based on is also OK ~ seems a little too optimistic, because think so I decided to test 2, but the The next Yuekao exam time and again against me, regardless of area or fraction of Chongqing drawn lines is good, failed to step on two lines, especially in the city's diagnostic examination,
Online right answer, I n wanted to die of heart he it all, find yourself a lot of questions are wrong, and probably can not get all three, so waiting for results of that two weeks is simply tragic than hell also, No. 24 is the number of check points and division of line days, that day my heart beating rapidly, the final results came out, I just step on three lines, to see the results, I am not disappointed, but it can not be happy, because I do not know can not read undergraduate, and now is fulfilled undergraduate reading, though three, but I beli that our own efforts, after all, has always been at the undergraduate, the future is also poor do not where to find a job to go ~
Today, the University has passed six months earlier than he did the previous momentum, for how to get along with others the truth, suddenly become very confused, and now I'm really scared, compared with repetition period of enormous psychological pressure, I am more afraid of this decadence but life is full of interest and would like to return to the past, and ryone struggling with the day ~!
2008 college entrance examination results came out, I am disappointed that more did not resign, because the university did not complete his goal, although not get the job, but that is not willing to ~ points out a few days later, apart from anything else, I immediay went to the school news of one repeat, two months after opening, and thus, my career started repetition ~
Repeat on the first day to school, faced with a new environment, new ctes, I seem inexplicable tension, especially the class teacher fierce bar bar, let the classroom atmosphere was very tense. Faced with this new collective, excited, they fear, excent is here to know a few good friends, but is accompanied by a kind of inferiority complex, because the majority of students who repeat class results are good, class study is based on college entrance examination scores of row number, more than 80 individuals I actually routed to 65, which is just to give me a fatal blow, but the flip side, is actually a good thing, because we can exchange learning, after all, class all of which are repeat of Health ~ I made up my mind, can not let ourselves down at home and ~
Today, the University has passed six months earlier than he did the previous momentum, for how to get along with others the truth, suddenly become very confused, and now I'm really scared, compared to repetition period of great psychological pressure, I am more afraid of this decadence but life is full of interest and would like to return to the past, and ryone struggling with the day ~!
Our school is a time when online registration college entrance examination
24 教你如何掌握汉译英技巧 陈文伯 世界知识出版社 17.00I filled the oral examination
Speaking really be ascertained from time to test it?
My situation is clear in reading the article down, but the translation of this article can only translate about 40%
How many minutes can play this way?
Spoken language classification or scoring?
Our school is in the entrance examination of online registration
But our class 43 people are only five to test.
English is really can not examination examination?
I can put a situation is read unobstructed passage, but to translate this article only about 40 percent translation
This can?
Oral English is graded or score?
我喜欢英语 但是如果我努力学习理科我还是能考好的 我现在的成绩些考重本
我希望你自己不要早给自己规划以后的路程 人生没有什么过不了的不是吗?人的潜力是无穷大的 相信自己阿。。。
为你加油啊,相信自己可以考的6 英美文化与英汉翻译 汪福祥 伏力 外文出版社 11.00好点。
平时也可以接一些散的翻译任务,按字数计费,挺赚钱的I filled the oral exam!
Howr, that's easier said than done is not what is going on, because I was poor in mathematics, and school rmation issued in mathematics refresher too difficult, for my kind of math super rotten person is undoubtedly a book from heen ~ But I did not give up, because I he math requirements are not very high, as long as the books on the theme done, see more teaching materials, should be based on is also OK ~ seems a little too optimistic, because think so I decided to test 2, but the The next Yuekao exam time and again against me, regardless of area or fraction of Chongqing drawn lines is good, failed to step on two lines, especially in the city's diagnostic examination, a diagnosis of this line, I took the test 460,2 461; two patient exam 456, 2 line 459, ry time pass by, for the upcoming college entrance examination, I am caught by surprise, not knowing what to do, although the family members say that no matter how well the test is not would be angry with me, but it has nr been able to explain himself, away from the entrance there are more than 20 days time, I ran out ry night online, because of excessive pressure has quickly suffocating me, but no one could understand the coming college entrance examination The day before, I become very calm, not at all like last year, to the examination room so that two days of fear ~ examination, she felt to play a very good, but then went online for answers, I he not n wanted to die of heart, and found himself Many questions are wrong, and probably can not get all three, so waiting for results of that two weeks is simply tragic than the hell has 24 check points and the number is the number of lines divided the day, that day my heart is beating quick, final results came out, I just step on three lines, to see the results, I am not disappointed, but it can not be happy, because I do not know can not read undergraduate, and now is fulfilled undergraduate reading, though 3, but I beli that our own efforts, after all, has always been at the undergraduate, the future is also poor do not where to find a job to go ~专业选好
市场调查先 专业选不好 工作不好找
北外有困难 上外可能有希望吧,具体可以通过:高考志愿K线分析系统 分析一下 这样就一目了然了,祝你成功
报文科学校好的英语专业估计有点难英语翻译不是想象中的那么简单,首先语文功底要好 ,也就是语言表达能力要强,不然你很难翻译通顺;再者反应要灵敏,没有哪个老板会等你慢慢翻译的;最重要的还是在于你热爱这个工作。可是奉劝你一句,好好读书,因为你才高中,词汇有限,而且缺乏专业训练。一般大学毕业后也得找专业机构再培训的,所以如果你热爱翻译。就好好读书,争取考个好大学,做个好翻译家。度,可以尝试去报一些理科学校里面较好的英语专业。
补充回答:希望就在前方,只要你有强项, 什么都不怕~ 如果实在考不上本科,读个专科英语也是不错的!
书名 作者 出版社 价格(RMB)
1 汉英词语翻译探微 杨全红 汉语大词典出版社 12.00
2 英汉汉英段落翻译与实践 蔡基刚 复旦大学出版社 15.00
3 中级英语笔译模拟试题精解 齐乃政 对外翻译出版公司 22.00
4 汉译英口译教程 吴 冰 外语教学与研究出版社 19.90
5 实用英汉翻译教程 申雨平 戴宁 外语教学与研究出版社 13.90
7 汉译英实用技能训练 孙海晨 外文出版社 16.80
8 高级翻译评析 王大伟 孙艳 上海交通大学出版社 14.50
10 英汉口译实用教程 宋天锡 国防工业出版社 26.00
11 英汉翻译技巧示例 毛荣贵 范武邱 上海交通大学出版社 16.50
12 实用英语口译(英汉)新编 崔永禄 等 南开大学出版社 10.00
13 汉英时文翻译 贾文波 对外翻译出版公司 11.00
14 现代汉英翻译技巧 王大伟 世界图书出版公司 21.60
15 汉英语篇翻译强化训练 居祖纯 清华大学出版社 14.00
16 英语口译教程 吴守谦 哈尔滨工程大学出版社 17.00
17 按实例学英语 刘慎军 等 工业大学出版社 11.00
19 时尚热点新词速译 朱诗向 对外经济贸易大学出版社 20.00
20 英汉翻译综合教程 王宏印 辽宁师范大学出版社 19.00
21 实用科技英语翻译讲评 范武邱 外文出版社 13.00
22 实用口译手册 钟述孔 对外翻译出版公司 12.00
23 英汉翻译基础 古今明 上海外语教育出版社 16.50
26 英汉同声传译 张维为 对外翻译出版公司 12.00
28 高级翻译教程 孙万彪 王恩铭 上海外语教育出版社 21.00
29 常用英语习语翻译与应用 李军 韩晓玲 青岛海洋大学出版社 32.00
30 研究生英语翻译 陶友兰 查国生 复旦大学出版社 28.00
31 高级汉英/英汉口译教程(上下册) 王桂珍 华南理工大学出版社 50.00
32 实用英语口译教程 冯建忠 译林出版社 39.50
33 (名字忘了,我复印的) 庄绎传 不祥 不祥
34 英汉口译实练 冯建忠 译林出版社 37.00
35 英汉翻译练习集(绝版) 庄绎传 对外翻译出版公司 0.80
37汉英外交词汇 内部资料
38英汉翻译教程(自考教材) 庄绎传 外语教学与研究出版 17.90
39口译与听力(自考教材) 杨俊峰 辽宁大学出版社 13.00
40英汉互译实践与技巧 许建平 清华大学出版社 20.00
1 英语短文阅读菁华 张宜 马鸿 大连理工大学出版社 18.00
2 英汉介词/副词搭配词典 钱建立 刘立群 大连理工大学出版社 26.00
4 中式英语之鉴 JOAN PINKHAM 外语教学与研究出版社 22.90
5 实用英语表达技巧 方亚中 武汉大学出版社 17.00
6 全球热点话题英语选读 木村哲也 外文出版社 14.00
7 实用分类英语惯用法 刘学明 湖南教育出版社 15.20
8 英语听说诵读实用文选365篇 周淑杰 天津大学出版社 20.00
1 新汉英分类口译词典 世界图书出版公司 28.00
2 外事英语常用分类词汇 (绝版) 出版社 1.10
3 汉英外事工作常用词汇 外文出版社 48.00
4 汉英分类翻译词典 大连理工大学出版社 58.00
翻译不仅仅是懂英语就行了,比如,要翻But a group of 43 students only 5 people to test individual.译文学作品,需要对语文有很好的掌控力,才能做到传真传神(是很好,不是会说会写);翻译专业的比如工程啊 机械啊 化学啊 等等等等都需要有出色的相关知识做后盾,你才能自己明白并且让自己的译文被明白。
Everyone in the world is different, they are their own aantages and disaantages. Some people may he good grades in exams, but others may not be satisfactory. But that does not obscure their role in certain aantageous projects. Ma Yun, chairman of the Alibaba, failed to pass the maths exam in the college entrance examination? But that hasn't stopped him from a commercial success. Therefore, the examination results are not a complete manifestation of a person's ability.
in the world世界上,究竟; 世上
aantages and disaantages利弊; 利害; 利害得失
may not不见得;不可以;未必;不得
But that若非
obscure昏暗的,晦涩的; 不的,无名的
college entrance examination高考
ma如果困难的话 上广外也行吧nifestation表示,显示;
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