学校里初三大扫除作文英语 大扫除英语作业

招生计划 2025-01-04 10:23:14


I am a middle school student . I am good at maths because i like my maths teacher's humorous teaching . After class I often play ball s with my ctes and they are all friendly to me. I also like swimming and drawing .I am getting along well with my classWe often think a lot.mates and we often each other . Our teachers are very n but they are strict with all the students . I love my school and the life here. 我是名中学生。我擅长数学因为我喜欢数学老师的幽默教学。下课后我常和同学们打球。他们都很友好。我还喜欢 游泳 和画画。我现在与同学们相处得很好。我们经常互相帮助。我们的老师们也很好但他们对所有学生都很严格。我爱我的学校和学校的生活。

first,I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.let's clean the floor.

学校里初三大扫除作文英语 大扫除英语作业学校里初三大扫除作文英语 大扫除英语作业

学校里初三大扫除作文英语 大扫除英语作业

then,let me clean the table.

巜家庭卫生大扫除》英语作文五句话 快!!!!

以下作文,分享给你,希望能帮到你他不太我的学校生活 英语 作文 篇一喜欢现成的玩具,并急于把它们撕成碎片,以满足他幼稚的好奇心。但他很珍惜自己卖的玩具,比如用来打碎窗户玻璃的弹弓,一次又一次地受到惩罚。:

求一篇关于学校决定让同学轮流扫厕所的英语作文 要70个词

英语作文在英语中所占的分值较大,下面为大家总结了初三英语作文范文,仅供We he six classes ry day. The first class begins at 7:50 am. I like all the classes for my teachers can make the classes lively and interesting. My forite subject is English, so I join English Corner ry week. I can speak English with many other students there. It's very interesting and exciting. I think it's fulfor me to learn English well. After class, I always play s with my friends. We play soccer ball,basketball, volleyball, ping-pong and so on. They are very relaxing.大家参考。

在离开前,我仍想为母校的发展尽我的一份力。每年夏天,我们最关注的就是学习和饮水问题。天气炎热,而没有水喝,实在难受。其实,饮水问题的原因在于人为。炎热时,很多同学直接打开龙头喝水,不用水瓶接。造成了浪费的水明显比真正被引用的水多几倍的情况。生命的源泉流失,不免让我有些伤感。浪费水的同学全部都报着图方便和认为水不用他们出钱,浪费就浪费的心理。如果要纠正这种情况,不是一朝一夕的事。对于水的匮乏,相信各位校比我清楚多了。为此,我想了个解决的方法,但治标不治本,关键在于对学生的教育。 现在,许多大学里使用水电都要刷卡,这样,学生就会尽量节约,因为是出自己的钱,所以学生的态度就会有三百六十读大转弯。我建议学生进行效仿。在饮水处使用这种设备,这样,学生们就不能直接引用了,更何谈成倍的浪费?虽然成本比较高,但是,水真实的价值是无限的,节约水是种美德。学校也不必担心家长的反应。学生喝再多的水,也只要几元钱,家长不会为了很少的钱而反对,相反会为学校这种保护水资源的做法拍手称快。 我即将离开母校了,向母校提此建议,若有益,望能采纳。 此致 敬礼1、我的英语不好。我读初一的时候,农村的孩子比较腼腆,英语说不好,记不住单词,老师就罚写100遍,造成我对英语失去兴趣,一上英语课就害怕。整天提心吊胆的,生怕老师点名回答问题。这样怎么会学的好?!农村有农村的实际情况,不像城里,学校学不好,家长可以花钱上补习班。可是农村哪有这样的条件,我觉得英语老师,特别是初一的老师,一定要培养孩子的兴趣,多鼓励鼓励,特别是口语,一定要让他们多说,不管对错,一定要鼓励:你讲的很好。只要把孩子的学习英语兴趣培养起来了,学好是一件很正常的事了。 2、现在搞的是素质教育,不知道现在学生全面发展的情况是什么样子的,我的记忆里还是一味的追求考进当阳一中的人是多少,我们是被害的一代。虽然考进了当阳一中,上了大学,但现在在工作中遇到了不少的麻烦,单位搞活动,问有什么特长没有啊,只好说没有,篮球不会,足球不会,歌唱跑调,书法不会,字写的简直没法看,往后发展的机会很小了,在上玩不开。要真正培养人才就要全面发展,特别是初中的教育,小孩子是培养兴趣的好机会,错过了就可能永远错过了,当阳一中是没法培养兴趣的,初中毕业回家的也是没有机会培养的。 3、建议学校开展一些活动,可以模仿大学的一些模式,比如成立俱乐部。像篮球,足球,乒乓球,排球,羽毛球,围棋,象棋,舞蹈,音乐,书法,生物,英语角,绘画等等吧,以培养学生的兴趣为宗旨。在每年新生入学的时候可以报名参加,每周抽出一个课外活动的时间搞个活动,老师讲点专业内容,这些内容一定是要专业的,别一开始就告诉学生错误的东西,以后很难纠正过来。只有通过这些活动的开展,才能促进教学活动的开展,半月镇中的教学才有特色。这些活动的开展反过来可以促进教学工作的开展。 4、两点要求:一是希望老师要用普通话讲课,在校园都要用,包括办公室,可能当阳话分不出Z,ZH,C,CH,S,SH,L,N这几个发音,我现在的普通话讲的是人家有时听不懂,当阳的口音非常重,希望现在的校友将来出去了像我这样子。二是练字。建议初一的课程里每天有书法课,我的字很难看,现在文件上签个名字都很难看,字写不好,说明你这人也不怎么样。现在虽说写字的机会很少,但如果你有一手好字,以后不管干什么事,人家都愿意和你打交道,初一不练,以后手腕都硬了,没机会练好了。 六年级第三单元的作文是给学校或老师写一封建议书。我们六(6)班的学生写了许多。不少建议都是相当不错的。为此,我选择了几条给大家看看: 1、学校喷水池的水较,应该换一些水,养些金鱼。 2、喷水池,山上的仙鹤颜色都褪了,可以找个工人漆一下 3、学校应该为低年级小朋友设置一些娱乐场所,以便他们适合小学的生活 4、乒乓室可以在中午对学生开放,各个班级可以轮流进入 5、教室里无绿化,可以设生物角 6、阅览室的门总是关着,可以在中午时分对高年级学生开放 7、食堂饭菜还可以,但有时还会吃到小虫子,让家长们不放心,对学校的声誉不太好 8、中午一直放动画片不好,可以放些跟日常生活、学习有关的教育片、名人成材故事、作文点评、校园安全教育片、感动人物等。还可以放些校园歌曲,让大家跟着唱唱,以免大家只会唱流行歌曲 9、教室里可以安装放伞的专用立柜

But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.


Should we our parents do some housework

My school life is very common. I get up at six o’clock ry morning from Monday to Friday. And the I would go running with my ctes, as our head teacher says health is the most important thing. After running I he to do morning exercises on the playground. Then I can he breakfast. Hing breakfast, I need to he morning reading. Oh, I almost forget that all of the students he to do some cleaning before breakfast. There come the various classes. Then noon comes. Hing lunch, I will go to sleep. I often read twenty minutes before I fall asleep. I he class in the afternoon. And I still he classes at night. It’s boring, right? But I he got used to it and enjoy myself at school.


My name is B. I'm 14 years old, and I study in No. 1 Middle School of Hangzhou. My school is very big and beautiful. I'm very happy in the school.

我常常在早上六点十五分时起床。起床后,我便在运动场锻炼身体。6点40分的时候,我吃了早饭。你可以看到许多老师和学生在餐厅(用餐)“We are honest.。吃完早饭后,我便和同学一起读英语。

每天,我们都要上六节课。节课于7点50分开始。因为我的老师上课非常生动、有趣,所以我喜欢所有课程。我的科目是英语,所以我每周都会参加英语角。我可以和其他同学在那里说英语。这是一件非常有趣和令人兴奋的事。我认为它有助于我把英语学得更好。放学后,我总是和朋友做游戏。我们踢 足球 ,打 篮球 、 排球 和乒乓等等。它们都是让人很放松的运动。

I like my lessons, my friends and my teachers. In a word, I love my sch我记得我的弟弟是个可爱的孩子,他那愉快的胡言乱语给家里带来了许多乐趣他是一个非常可爱的胖乎乎的小东西,总是用脚爬上爬下,追逐昆虫、鸟和我。ool. I find my school life more and more meaningful and colorful. My school life is wonderful, isn't it?



We he lived in Lida School for more than one year. I enjoy all the time here because it can bring me a lot of things such as feelings, knowledge and other things I need.

In some ways, our thoughts are at large. Perhaps it makes our brains creative. I beli that nothing can tie up my mind n it stands for authority. The free life is just like our school life.

In our school, of course, there are both success and failure. We should not be proud but modest because there are too many people much better than myself. Actually, we also should muster up courage and work harder.

We always keep promises.

So we he our own school life different from others.


We he six classes ry day. The first class begins at 7:50 am. I like all the classes for my teachers can make the classes lively and interesting. My forite subject is English, so I join English Corner ry week. I can speak English with many other students there. It's very interesting and exciting. I think it's fulfor me to learn English well. After class, I always play s with my friends. We play soccer ball,basketball, volleyball, ping-pong and so on. They are very relaxing.


我的学校 生活英语 作文篇二

Our School Life

I don't think our school life is colorful. Because we've got so many CLAsses ry day. I wonder wher we can change our school life someday. You see, from Monday to Friday, I he to stay at school. the only relaxation is to listen to the radio or play ball s. At weekends, we need to go to school to he CLAsses, too. I know it's very important for us to study well now. As the saying goes, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. "I want to step into the nature. I hope we will he.

more activities such as visiting museums, taking part in different kinds of contests, attending some lectures and so on. Is it only a dream?


My Home Town






My grandfather is over sixty. He looks younger than his real age. He was a polman before his retirement. He has a itive attitude towards his later years of life. He does physical exercises ry morning. He can read books without wearing glasses. He is so strong that he is able to lift hey things by himself.

He loves children very much. Every Monday afternoon he is invited to a nearby school to l stories to the children about the life and work of the polmen. All the young pupils love him very much.



My younger Brother

I do not recall himum,clean the kitchen,piease.m r hing any white clothes since he started school. He was extremely untidy, He used to come home with a face of udges, an inkspattered shirt, a pair of dirt-bedraggled pants.



I remember my brother as a sweet baby, bringing muc我是B。我今年十四岁,就读于杭州一中。我的家乡我就读的学校(面积)非常大,而且还很美丽。我非常开心自己能上这所学校。h fun and delight to the family with his pleasant gabbles of nonsense. He was a very likable chubby little thing, always on his feet climbing up and down, chasing after insects, birds, and me.




There are many trees and flowers around us. The trees are green all the year. When we sit in the classroom and look out of the windows, we can see a big tree shaking its strong arms to us. It is really wonderful.

翻译为英语:I usually get up at 6:15 in the morning. Then I do morning exercises in the playground. At 6:40, I he my breakfast. You can see many students and teachers in the dinning room. After breakfast, I often read English with my ctes.

On the day of school cleaning, we cleaned the school neat and tidy.


I usually get up at 6:15 in the morning. Then I do morning exercises in the playground. At 6:40, I he my breakfast. You can see many students and teachers in the dinning room. After breakfast, I often read English with my ctes.I like

students should our parents do some housework.

Firstly,after a whole day's work, our parents must be very tired. If we them with the housework, they'll feel quite happy and pleased.

SHe did not care much for ready-made toys, and was very anxious to break them into bits, to satisfy his childish curiosity. But he treasured his sell-made toys, such as the slingshots which he used to break the glasses on the windows, and had receivedpunishments time and time again.o, I think it necessary for us to do some housework.



My school life is very common. I get up at six o’clock ry morning from Monday to Friday. And the I would go running with my ctes, as our head teacher says health is the most important thing. After running I he to do morning exercises on the playground. Then I can he breakfast. Hing breakfast, I need to he morning reading. Oh, I almost forget that all of the students he to do some cleaning before breakfast. There come the various classes. Then noon comes. Hing lunch, I will go to sleep. I often read twenty minutes before I fall asleep. I he class in the afternoon. And I still he classes at night. It’s boring, right? But I he got used to it and enjoy myself at school.

My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and r.


My name is B. I'm 14 years old, and I study in No. 1 Middle School of Hangzhou. My school is very big and beautiful. I'm very happy in the school.


每天,我们都要上六节课。节课于7点50分开始。因为我的老师上课非常生动、有趣,所以我喜欢所有课程。我的科目是英语,所以我每周都会参加英语角。我可以和其他同学在那里说英语。这是一件非常有趣和令人兴奋的事。我认为它有助于我把英语学得更好。放学后,我总是和朋友做游戏。我们踢 足球 ,打 篮球 、 排球 和乒乓等等。它们都是让人很放松的运动。

I like my lessons, my friends and my teachers. In a word, I love my school. I find my school life more and more meaningful and colorful. My school life is wonderful, isn't it?



We he lived in Lida School for more than one year. I enjoy all the time here because it can bring me a lot of things such as feelings, knowledge and other things I need.

In some ways, our thoughts are at large. Perhaps it makes our brains creative. I beli that nothing can tie up my mind n it stands for authority. The free life is just like our school life.

In our school, of course, there are both success and failure. We should not be proud but modest because there are too many people much better than myself. Actually, we also should muster up courage and work harder.

We always keep promisesIn 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes he taken place there. The streets he been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres he sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved..

So we he our own school life different from others.

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