1、RatitesPheasants and AlliesWaterfowlPenguins & PetrelsGrebes & Pelicans to StorksIbises to Pelicans and CormorantRaptorsBustards, Rails and AlliesShorebirds and AlliesSandgrouse & PigeonsParrotsHoatzin, Turacos, CuckoosOwlsNightjarsSwifts, Hummingbirds, & AlliesMousebirds to HornbillsWoodpeckers and AlliesNZ Wrens to OvenbirdsAntbirds to TapaculosTyrant Flycatchers & CotingasLyrebirds to WhipbirdsBatises to ShrikesVireos, Crows & AlliesWaxwings to SwallowsOld World Warblers and BabblersSugarbirds, Starlings, ThrushesChats, Old World FlycatchersDippers to PipitsFinches to New World BlackbirdsBuntings, Tars & Allies。
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