头发英文怎么读 头发英文怎么读写
头发英文怎么读 头发英文怎么读写
头发英文怎么读 头发英文怎么读写
头发英文怎么读 头发英文怎么读写
2、那么你知道洗头发用英语怎么说吗? 接下来跟着我来学习一下关于洗头发的英文知识吧。
3、洗头发的英语说法Wash hairwash one's hair洗头发相关英语表达每次洗头发 Every time wash hair轻轻洗头发 Gently wash the hair洗头发的英语例句1. I've had no time to wash my hair -- is it notable?我一直没有时间洗头发, 看得出来吗 ?2. Can you wash my hair with that dandruff control shampoo, please?请用那种去头屑洗发膏给我洗头发, 好吗?3. I was washing my hair when you at thedoor.你敲前门时我正在洗头发.4. I like to use shampoo to wash my hair.5. Would you like me to shampoo your hair also?您要不要我给您也洗头发?6. Let me tip your head back and wash your hair.把头向后仰,让我帮你洗头发.7. Shampoo and set as usual.像通常那样洗头发,做头发.8. I shampoo my hair.9. Would you like me to shampoo your hair?你想不想洗头发?10. I need a shampoo.我要洗头发.11. She washed her hair ry night and measured how much it grew in a week.她每晚洗头发,而且量量看一星期长多少.干性头发洗得太频繁容易受损。
4、13. After shampooing, always rinse the hair sral times in clear water.每次用完洗发剂后都要用清水将头发冲洗几次。
5、14. This shampoo ells fruity and lees the hair beautifully silky.这款洗发水是果香型的,洗后头发如丝般顺滑。
6、15. Cleanse your face thoroughly and pin back your hair.洗头发相关英文阅读:洗头发小技能Like most women, my hair-washing ritual has always been hugely important to me. For as many years as I can remember, I he shampooed tw, then massaged conditioner from roots through to tips and waited two minutes before rinsing.像大部分女人一样,洗头发对我来说很重要。
8、A few woefully short, bouncy, glossy hours would follow before my hair would rrt back to its default setting of lank and limp[. Now, it seems, that limpness was all my own fault.Rrsing the order in which you wash your hair is meant to give you all the detangling and glossing benefits of conditioner - along with extra volume - but without any residual side-effects.调换一下涂洗发水和护发素的顺序,你不仅能让秀发柔顺飘逸,还能避免护发素残余造成的副作用。
9、The mod itself is : wet your hair then work in your fourite conditioner, concentrating almost solely on the ends of the hair, with just a tiny bit at the roots. Lee the conditioner in for five minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Only now should you shampoo, rinse, and repeat, sure you don’t use more product than you need. 方法 本身很简单:把头发用清水淋湿,然后涂上你以往喜欢的护发素,要注意把护发素主要涂在发梢、发根要少涂;然后让护发素在头发上停留5分钟,之后用清水把头发冲洗一下;接下来才是涂洗发水、冲洗头发,并重复一遍,注意洗发水要适量不要放多。
10、I towel-dried as gently as I could, worried that without the final oothing of conditioner I'd be left with a mass of tangles which would explode into a haze of split ends the moment I tried to take a brush to it.我轻轻地用毛巾擦干头发,有点担心梳头的时候头发会不会打结。
11、To my immense relief, howr, my wide-toothed comb went through my hair常见译义 as easily as it normally does - with not a tangle in sight.然而,当我用宽齿梳子梳头发的时候,头发像往常一样柔顺,一点都不打结。
13、我像以往一样吹干头发,马上就注意到了与以往不一样的地方:我的头发比平时要光泽得多嘛!Two days later I repeated the process - and the difference was just as pronounced. My hair was definiy looking thicker - as though I'd used a volumising mousse, but without the dulling effect that many styling products lee behind.两天后我重复了这个试验,效果就像照片里一样:我的头发看上去厚多了,就像用过增发剂一样,但却毫无增发剂的那种副作用!By the end of the sn-day challenge, I could see a marked difference in my hair. Not only did it lee hair shinier, it ed combat frizz caused when particles of dirt stick to the residual product. Best of all, it felt softer yet thicker. Not a sticking-out ear in sight.在7天测试结束的时候,我看到了自己头发和以前相比的显著异。
15、猜你喜欢:1. 头发用英语怎么说2. 梳头发的英文短语是什么3. 洗的英文是什么4. 短头发的英文是什么5. 发型用英语怎么说6. 洗美 [hed]英 [hed]衣店用英语怎么说。
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