两个都是地址,前一个好象是个律师的地址,不太确定i am a mother which owned a 3 months old child. Frequently, i he to spend most of my time to take care my son, and play with him. beside that, reading is 1 of my forite ways to my spare time, especially fashion Magazines. reading is a good way to absorb knowledge and become familiar with news nts. besides. at night, when my son is sleeping, i would go online and chat with my friends and other people from all over the world. learning different cultures and knowing the big world out there. i also like to listen some soft music from online, and i madea website for my son. the address of the website is welcome to visit it. when i he extra time, i he to my huand with housework.,因为可能性很多,但应该是给住址,在LONG ISLAND(长岛).
美式英语在线翻译 美式英语的翻译
美式英语在线翻译 美式英语的翻译
第二个应该是个住址.在BROOKLYN(布鲁克林) 应该是在58街,门牌为951,估计在9大道和58街交界附近的.
第二个: 951 号 58街 #2路 brooklyn 城 纽约洲 11219-4420
soccer是英式用法,football是美式用法.I'm is a English teacher.
socceThanks for your patience and fivenessr
footbaI'm a mom of a three mouth old.Frequently ,the most spare of mine is to look after my son.therewhile,play with him 。besides,Reading is one of my forite ways to my spare time ,especial some fashional magazine,Reading is a good way to absorb knowledge and become familiar with news nts. 。Besides,At night when my son sleeping,I would go online and chat with my friends and other people from all over the world, learning different cultures and knowing the big world out there.and surf the internet to listen to some soft music ,I also made a website for my son,it'sll
How are you, I am to check 尔斯 , I once saw the product of your company on the net, very interested in, does the owner of company he in the company now?I want with him talk once.
lodging houseYes, he is in the company, are you what is up?
There is an to think to cooperate with your company, bother an on-line your boss.
That I how contact with him, you can l me and his contact mod?,
Can l me he moves ephone number?Thanks!
美国俚语: wire-puller
英式的: backstagwire-pullere
behind-the-scene schemers
few days at some time dur
问题一:第二楼用英语怎么翻译 英式英语为罚irst floor 美式英语为secondfloor 因为在英式中一楼的说法是ground floor
问题二:2楼用英语怎么读 你好!
问题三:英语 一楼,二楼,三楼。。。怎么翻译 ground floor
firs伐 flI don't understand you Be saying what?Please repeat 1 time!oor
second floor
问题四:在二楼用英语怎么说 on the first floor(英式)
on the second floor(美式)
美式英语中,一楼是First Floor,二楼是Second Floor,三楼是Third Floor
问题六:上二楼英语怎么说? go to the second floor
问题七:您的房间在2层! 英语怎么翻译 your room is in the second floor, second floor表 美式二楼,英式的三楼
your room is in the first floor, first floor表美式一楼,英式二楼
问题八:它有两层楼(用英语怎么说) It has two floors/stories.
英语高手请进啊~翻译请尽量地道 谢谢了啊 Hi there,
The new semester is to begin tomorrow, in the first o weeks of which, we’ll he to participate in the military training. It is traditional for freshmen in China to take the training, as a means of military serv, while at the same time, experiencing the army life and building up our body.
In this period, I wil翻译为:the second floor 谐音读作:泽 赛跟特 附老儿l not he a r with me. So it is a pity that I will be out of contact with you.
Will, I hope I will not be totally out of your mind after those days and I will contact you once the training is over.
I am so sorry for long time no contract with you。A couple of days my clas ate and I were busy with research stuff,so most of time were gone out and seldom surfed on the Inter.Howr,there's a little bit busy on the summer vocantion for a job i found recently.lol!,honestly i didn't fet you,thanks for your asking.What about your guys?i though you life were so funny.Looking forward to your letter!
I am sorry that I hen't contacted yoecently. I've been busy with some surveyes with my friends recently, which took most of my time. I've just found a new job and this summer holiday will be busy :) Howr, I 've been missing you. Thank you for your still rememering me. How are you keeping, please l me your story.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Where can we find a better music bar with a band in Hongkong .?
He always refuses to him, he is only for he lives that regional familiar, but ry time after the party he say what also refused to let us send him to his home, he only let us l him he home direction, where should take a taxi. Every night I send messages to ask him the next day, he went to the arrangement of the orpha I want go with him, although he said he wanted to oneself go, but I hen't been to the orpha. I do want to see that. It also let I found he is indeed a very good-hearted boy, he memorized orpha sral youngest child like toys and then the second to all to get them toger, also allow a looks dirty child kiss her cheek.
请帮忙翻译这句话, 请尽量地道翻译啊, 谢谢了 在线等
Hello Mr. Potter,
Thank you for your enduring reply. Just as Peter had described, you are a very kind and patient man and yoeally care about him. I am very happy for him to he such a good friend like you in England.
Your long letter really gives me a pleasant surprise. I am fortunate to he you ling me so much more about him, and this has enhanced my understanding of him. If he doesn’t want other people to know about his involvement in business, definiy I will nr mention it to anyone, or let him know that I learned this from you. In fact, I had known earlier that he is a rich but very low-keyed boy, he doesn’t look like the type who goes for materialistic pleasures, always behes austerely but nr hesitates to spend money on other people. I am certain that last time he had donated ten thousand Yuan to the orpha.
Frankly speaking, Mr. James, Katie is very beautiful, n though she does not make up and dress geously. I did he some girlfriends before, some of them are more beautiful or higher educated than her, but none of them could match her unique temperament, kindness, cuteness, low profile, sincerity and unselfishness. Everywhere she really only thinks for others, nr considers herself, sometimes she is n a little extremely unselfish.
抱歉,时间不多,中间有一两句,如 由内而外的,没仔细考虑,采用了意译。
Dear Mr.Pete,
Do you he a word text of my homework on the line which I made mistakes?If you do,can you send me a copy?I he been aksing my clas ates for that text ver since yesterday.but hardly nobody downloaded it.The only downloaded one has incorrect form and I could not open it.
I am so sorry for missing the work and make your explaination delayed.
Hi,just wonder wher you are xx, well,if not,it is ok,you could be my friend too, I guess we will he fun when talk to each other.
By the way, it was really appreciated to know you xx, I can't but thank you very much!
Now I'm a mother of three months old child.
it takes most of my part time to look after my son,and
especially some fashion magazines
my son fall asleep
Apart from(除了) listening to some soft music on the Net,I also set a sisoccer ballte for my son,whose address is ...,and welcome you to be a guest .
What's more
I would
To conclude, my spare time is colourful and meaningful.
Now I'm a mother of a 3-month-old child。Frequently,I take care of my son in most of my sparetime and play with him 。Besides,reading is one of my forite ways to my spare time ,especially some fashion magazines.Reading is a good way to absorb knowledge and become familiar with news nts. 。Besides,at night when my son is asleep,I would go online and chat with my friends and other people from all over the world, learning different cultures and knowing the big world out there and listening to some soft music online,I also make a site for my son,the adress is :
I am a monther of a three-month son. I he to spend most of my spare time looking after him or playing with him. Except that, I often read books, especially some fashion books. Reading is a good way to acknowledge modern nts. When my son fall asleep in the ning, I often chat with my friends or other people all over the world over Internet, so that I could learn soming about different culture and different countries. And I always listen to some soft music. Oh, I made a website for my son, the address is
Now i am the mother of a three-month child.Most of my spare time i should take care of my baby,and play with him.Besides,Reading is one of my forite ways to my spare time ,especially some fashion magazines.What important most is that reading is a good way to absorb knowledge and become familiar with news nts.Besides,at night when my son has fall asleep,I would go online and chat with my friends and other people from all over the world, learning different cultures and knowing the big world out there.And,i he made a website for my son, which is
Now I am a mother who has a three months old boy.Frequently,I will taka care of my boy and play with him in my spare time.Besides this,reading is my forite ways to spend my spare time,especially reading some modern magazines.
Now I am the mother of a three-months child.Most of my spare time is to look after my son and play with him.Reading which is a good way to absorb knowledge and become familiar with news nts is one of my forite ways to past my spare time,such as some fashion magazines.Besides,at night when my son falls asleep I would go online and chat with my friends and other people from all over the world, learning different cultures and knowing the big world out there.Sometimes I listen to some soft music on the internet and made a website for my son whose address is
Which university did you graduate?
What university did you gradu请英语高手帮帮忙翻译一下,请尽量地道。谢谢ate from?
You graduated from that college?或You graduated from the university?
Which school did you graduate from?
Which university you graduated from? How English translation
英式英语 flat
美式英语 apartment
公寓的英文是什么 5分
apartment house
Students' apartment 或者是 apartment of students
1 Sea pleased famous family; 2 Long Ge; 3 Beijing reaches the international apartment; 4 Lishui fine garden; 5 Observes the lake international; 6 Sails the sea international; 7 Wan Kedong;8 Brocade Xiu garden; 9 Rich strength Edinburgh; 10 Cercis chinensis bold courtyard; 11 Park main road; 12 Ten thousand reach the apartment; 13 Golden international garden; 14 Chinese trade center; 15 Open sea world; 16 East area international apartment; 17 East permanent time; 18 East Run scenery; 19 Rich strength city; 20 Loves the date homeland; 21 China industry rose county; 22 Peaceful Chinese Bin River park; 23 Various place names homeland; 24 Easy to buy the space; 25 Latter modern city; 26 Apple munity; 27 Bees happily international; 28 Brilliance international apartment; 29 World trade international apartment; 30 Triumphant peaceful international; 31 Eastern auspicious scenery; 32 Ten thousand bold apartments; 33 Crystal international; 34 Scenery line; 35 Blue fort; 36 The blue lake occupies; 37 Sea pleased famous family; 38 Magnifnt Shui An; 39 New town international; 40Harbor intern龚tional.
求问家庭住址的英文写法。 A市B县 C公寓 15号楼
B city A County C apartment building 15..
dorm 或 dormitory
house 就是一个单独的房子,在英语很普遍的居如有错误,写得不好请见谅. 谢谢!民居住单位,就像我们农村的房子一样。我们把他叫成别墅,实际上老外的别墅和 house 有些区别,一般 house 是日常住家的,别墅大都是休休闲的。
house 也分不同的型别,常见的是 single house (的房子),attached house(两个房子连在一起), town house (一排房子连在一起)等等。
flat 实际上很少用。是指一层那样的,有点像 loft。
apartment (apt) 公寓
这个不会是要放到app store里不同店的介绍吧...
然宿舍的英文怎么写后其实你上面的有几处写得不是特别地道。比如一行,现在不管英国人美国人都很少说and so on了,更不要提书面语。换成etc.比schemers较好。还有拼写错误什么的
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