
高职单招 2025-02-20 09:55:21


617. You were wearing the blue dress on our first date.





618. I loved to sit under that oakv tree as a child.


619. Some of my best memories are from college.


620. These pictures bring back some great memories.


621. Fresh grass always reminds me of childhood summers.



623. I can’t forget the way her hair elled.


那使我想起了我的第9) Lips are sensitive -- Lips are 100 times more sensitive than the tips of the fingers. Even genitals aren't as sensitive as lips.一条狗。


626. Pictures are n, but I don’t need any remindersw for such a milestone in our lives.


627. There he been many other moments since we’re become parents that I will remember just as much.


628. It’s a very significantx moment in your life.


629. He reminds me of my first dog.


630. One of the best memories I he of him was when I first got him.


【生词解读】625. I still like thinking about my first girlfriend.

2. oak [Euk] n. 橡树

3. reminder [ri5maindE] n. 提醒者,提醒物,令人回忆的东西

4. significant [si^5nifikEnt] a. 重要的,重大的;值得注意的


Eg. I am fed up with his laziness and carelessness.

● 不明白、不知道,我不明白。

1) Always let ladies go first. "Ladies first!"

I don't understand.

I can't l you. (我不能告诉你。)

I don't understand. (我不知道是什么事。)

I'm not following.

I don't get it. 比较随便的说法。

I'm confused.

I get it. /I understand. (明白了。),我不太明白。

I don't really understand.

That's not clear. 不清楚对方所说的事情时。

So, was he the thief? (这么说,他是个小偷?)

That's not clear. (那不太清楚。),我不明白你在说什么。

I can't see your point. 表示“我不同意你所说的,我不明白你为什么会这样说”。

I can't see your point. (我不明白你在说什么。)

I don't see your point.,我不明白你的意思。

I can't understand what you mean.

I can't see what you mean.

I don't understand what you're trying to say.

I don't get your drift.,我弄不清楚你想说什么。

I'm not sure what you mean.

That's how you do it. (所以应该这样做呀。)

I'm not sure what you mean. (我弄不清楚你想说什么。)

I'm not sure I understand.

I don't know if I understand what you're trying to say.,我根本不知道这是怎么回事。

I don't know what's what. what's what 是what is what的缩略形式,直译为“什么是什么”。

I don't he any idea what's going on.

I don't know anything anymore.,太难了,我弄不懂。

It's over my head. 直译是“它超过了我的头脑”。用于所听到的信息或事情,难于理解、弄不懂时。

, that's the way to use rs. (总之,电脑是这样使用的。)

It's over my head. (太难了,我弄不懂。)

It's beyond me.,我也搞不清楚。

Your guess is as good as mine. guess “推测,猜想”。这是句常用表达方式,意为“你要不知道,那我更不知道了”。

How many people live in this town? (这个镇上住了多少人?)

Your guess is as good as mine. (我也不清楚。),越想越糊涂。

The more I think about it, the less I understand it. 如例句所示,在more(更好的,更多的)、less(比较少的,更少的)等比较级前面加the,构成the+比较级……,the+比较级……。,我不知道他要干什么。

I don't know what he is driving at. drive at... “打算做……”。

I don't know what he intends.

I don't know what he is getting at.

I don't know what he is trying to do.

It's not clear. (我不清楚。)

That's unclear.

That's clear. (那很清楚了。),她到底想干什么?

What's she after?

What's she after? (她到底想干什么?)

I'm not sure. (我不清楚。)

What's her ?,我一点儿都不知道。

Do you know where my pen is? (你知道我的笔在哪儿吗?)

I he no idea. (我一点儿都不知道。)

I he no clue.

No idea.

It's all Greek to me.,我怎么不知道。

John got married last week. (约翰上星期结婚了。)

I didn't know that. (我怎么不知道。)

That's news to me. 习惯用法。

I wasn't aware of that.,不知道。/不太清楚。

I don't know.

Do you know where she's from? (你知道她是从哪儿来的吗?)

I don't know. (不知道。/不太清楚。)

I don't know for sure. for sure 有“确切地”、“毫无疑问地”的含意。

Do you know the way to my house? (你认识去我家的路吗?)

I don't know for sure. (我不太清楚。)

I don't know for certain.

I'm not absoluy sure.,谁也不知道确切的情况。

No one knows for sure. 这种说法与“who knows?”几乎相同,但因为有了for sure,所以句子含有知道得不确切,但也有各种各样的说法的语感。,我怎么会知道?

How should I know? 用于被问到“自己不可能知道”、“根本不知道”的问题时。根据说话的语气,有时会给人以不理睬对方、冷淡对方的语感。

Is he married? (他结婚了吗?)

How should I know? (我怎么会知道?),谁能知道?

Who knows? 该句有时让人听起来有些富有哲理。

What is the meaning of life? (什么是人生?)

Who knows? (谁能知道?)

Nobody knows.

No way of knowing.

There's no way of knowing.

It's imsible to find out.


A: And we he some squabbles on some boring things.



Kissing may be one of the most wonderful ways of expressing love, affection, and happiness. Depending on who you're kissing, there are tons of different ways to do it -- you kiss your kids much differently than you kiss your spouse.


But there are a lot of things I bet you don't know about kissing (I know I was surprised!). Read on to learn some surprising things about ooching!


1) Kissing is really, really good for you -- We all know kissing FEELS good, but did you know it's good for your health too? Yep! Kissing improves skin, s our blood circulate, prnts cities, and can n reli those pesky headaches! So don't use the whole "I he a headache" excuse the next time you want to get down and dirty!

1. 亲吻真的、真的对你有好处。 我们都知道亲吻的时候感觉很妙,但是你知道这对你的健康也很有好处吗?是的!亲吻可以改善肌肤,促进血液循环,预防蛀牙,甚至还能减轻那些讨厌的头痛!因此下一次你想要拒绝他人的吻并觉得的时候,不要用“我头疼”当借口了!

2) Kissing gets you high -- The endorphins (our body's natural painkillers) released during a make-out session are reported to be a whopping 200 times more powerful than a dose of . That would be why you feel giddy and happy after you've been kissing someone dreamy for a while!

2. 亲吻让你兴奋。 据说亲热的时候所释放的内啡肽(我们身体里天然的镇痛剂)比一剂的功效强大200倍。这或许就是为什么你在与梦中情人亲吻之后感到幸福得快要晕过去了!

3) Kissing is pretty germy -- A single kiss can pass on almost 300 different types of bacteria, and a long kiss can lee you with more than a million bacteria. Be sure to pass the mouthwash and brush your te before a good make-out session.

3. 亲吻会传播很多细菌。 小亲一下可以传递将近300种不同的细菌,一个长吻则会给你留下超过一百万个细菌。一定要在好好亲热之前漱漱口、刷刷牙。

4) Kissing can give you diseases -- Mono used to be called "the kissing disease" before we learned that the illness can be picked up on other suces as well. One strain of herpes is also passed through kissing, so be careful who you kiss!

4. 亲吻会让你生病。 传染性单核细胞增多症曾被称为“接吻病”,之后我们才知道这种疾病也可能通过其他表面染上。疱疹的破裂也可以因亲吻传播,所以要小心你亲的人!

5) There's no such thing as an "Eskimo kiss" -- You learned as a kid that the act of rubbing noses was considered an "Eskimo kiss." It's not true. Alaskans kiss the same way the rest of the world does.

5. 没有“爱斯基摩吻”这一说。 你小时候所了解的相互摩擦鼻子的行为被称为“爱斯基摩吻”。这不是真的。阿拉斯加州人跟世界上其他地方的人一样也这样亲吻。

6) Kissing is (sometimes) illegal -- There are some antiquated laws that exist around the U.S. In Ceder Rapids, Iowa, for instance, kissing strangers is illegal. In Hartford, Connecticut, it's against the law to kiss your huand on a Sunday! Talk about the need for some new laws, huh?

6. 亲吻(有时)是违法的。 在美国有些地区,比如爱荷华州的锡达拉皮兹,仍存在着一些古老的律法,规定亲吻陌生人是违法的。在康涅狄格州首府哈特福特,在星期天亲吻你的丈夫居然是违法的!该说说你对新律法的需求了,是吧?

7) Kissing vacation -- The erage person spends about 15 days of their entire life kissing. Talk about an extra-long vacation!

7. 亲吻期。 平均一个人会在一生当中花大约15天的时间来亲吻。说说这个额外的长吧!

8. 亲吻燃烧卡路里。 据说法式香吻会用到你面部的34块不同的肌肉。轻轻一吻会燃烧两卡,而一个深情的拥抱则会在一分钟内燃烧26卡!

9. 嘴唇很敏感。 嘴唇的敏感度比指尖的高达100倍。即便是私处也不及嘴唇敏感。

10) Even primates do it -- Chimps kiss with open mouths (no tongue), and bonobos, the artest of the primates, kiss with their tongues.

10. 灵长类动物也会亲吻。 黑猩猩会张开嘴亲吻(不用舌头),灵长类动物里最聪明的倭黑猩猩用舌头来亲吻。



英语口语提高最有效的方法是找英语外教聊天,每天几个小时连续坚持一个月,口语水平提高超级明显。有些大城市有那种咖啡馆,里面有外国人英语口语角,好多学英语的人去聊天的。口语8000句就算都We should do this first. (我们首先应该做这个。)背下4) Help old people cross busy streets.来了,也需要实践才有效。



B: Why do you say so? Everyone ades that you he a good wife.


A: Oh, no. When we were poor, we often tried our best to make ends meet. It was a hard time.


B: But now you are rich.

但是你们I didn't know that.现在有钱了。


B: This is ordinary marriage life.



make the ends meet




Eg. We can't afford to buy this house because we won't make the ends meet.


Eg. I he scarcely enough money to make ends meet at the moment, let alone lend you any.


Eg. They could not earn enough to make ends meet for the whole family.


Eg. After her huand was laid off, the wife tried ry means to make ends meet.


词海拾6) Judge a book by its cover(以貌取人): to make a decision based on appearances贝:

1. be fed up with:受够了,对......厌倦了


Eg. I am rather fed up with your complaints.

Eg. I'm fed up with this wet weather.


Eg. I am fed up with your temper.


2. try one’s best:尽力,努力

Eg. One should try one's best to serve the people.


We must try our best to lay his doubts.


Eg. I he some squabbles on money with my huand.



Molly: I am quite fine, thank you for asking. How are you getting along, sir?

Gordon: Great! I am just going to the corner st我真的厌倦了你的抱怨。ore. Is there anything I can get for you while I am out?

Molly: Why yes. Can you pick me up some candles?

Gordon: Affirmative. Anything else, miss?

Molly: Negative. You are such a gentlemen.







New Words 生词

1) Pump Iron (举重,锻炼): lift weights, work out

You look weak, you should pump iron with me.

2) Buff (健壮,肌肉凸出): to look good in a healthy way, look strong

That guy is really buff.


3) Gym (体育馆,健身房): a place to lift weights, gymnasium

I go to the gym ryday to lift weights.


4) motivation (动力,驱动力,原因): reason

My motivation for going to work is money.


5) Manly (男人味的,健壮的): like a man, strong

That weak guy is not very manly.


You should not judge a book by its cover, just because that girl is pretty does not mean that she is a good person.


Lessons 课文

Weightlifting is a popular sport in the United States. People like to lift weights for sral reasons. There are 3 basic reasons to lift weights.


1) Health reasons are an important reason for people to start lifting weights. Many people in the U.S.are obese. They use weightlifting as a means to reduce their weight. Doctors also recommend that people should exercise regularly. Weightlifting can be an important part of a regular exercise schedule. This way weightlifting s you to stay healthy.

1) 健康是人们开始举重的一个重要原因。在美国,许多人过于肥胖。他们用举重来减少体重。医生也建议人们应该定期锻炼。举重可以是日常体育锻炼的一个重要组成部分。举重有助于人们保持身体健康。

2) Strength is another important motivation for weightlifting. In America, strength is very important to men. If you are not strong, then people think that you are not manly. The stronger that you are, the more you feel like a real man. Being strong makes men feel good about themselves. Weightlifting is a very good way to become stronger and gain some self-confidence.

2) 力量是驱使人们练习举重的另一个重要动力。在美国,对于男人来说,健壮的体魄是非常重要的。如果你不健壮,人们就会认为你没有男人味。你越健壮,那么你就越有男性魅力。拥有健壮的体魄让男人们对自己感觉良好。举重是让身体越来越健壮并获得一些自信的好方法。

3) Another reason why people lift weights is to look good. Looks are important in the U.S. because people often judge a book by its cover. This means people judge you by your appearance. People think that lifting weights will make them look better. These people want to be buff. They want to he less fat and more muscle. These people go to the gym very often and stay there for a very long time.

3) 人们练习举重的另一个原因是让自己好看。在美国,一个人的外表长相很重要,因为人们大多以貌取人。也就是说人们通常根据你的外貌来判断你。美国人相信举重会让他们更好看。这些人喜欢身上的肌肉鼓凸出来,他们希望自己身上脂肪少,肌肉多。他们经常去健身房,并且在那里呆很长的时间。

Dialogue 对话


Molly : Yo, Gordon, what's up?

Gordon: Nothing much. How about you?

Molly : I'm feeling great. I just came back from the gym.

Gordon: Why do you go to the gym?

Molly : My doctor told me I should start lifting weights, because I am obese.

Gordon: You don't look obese anymore. In fact, you look quite buff.

Molly : That is because I work out ryday. You should come with me. Gordon. You look very weak. You are not manly enough.

Gordon: You should not judge a book by its cover. I am not that weak. But you are right. I should go to the gym, too.

Molly : I know it will make you feel better about yourself. Being stronger makes me feel good.

Gordon: Next time you want to go, let me know. We can go toger.

Molly : That's a great idea. From now on we can be lifting buddies.












1) 24/7 (任何时候,完全): twenty-four hours a day/ sn days a week, all the time

I love my girlfriend 24/7.


2) Corner store (邻近的商店): shop, convenience store

Our corner store is open 24/7.


3) Guide by example (以身作则): show by doing

Our teacher like to guide by example, he doesn't oke, so we know not to oke.


4) Handkerchief (手绢): cloth napkin

Molly dropped her handkerchief and a n gentleman picked it up for her.


5) A spare (富余的,多出来的): an extra, one more than you need

You should keep a spare tire in your car in case one blows out.


Lesson: 课文

Rules to being a gentlemen

2) Be polite 24/7. Always.

3) Hold doors from ladies and the elderly.

6) Always carry a spare handkerchief in case someone needs one.

7) Give your seat on the bus or subway to ladies or the elderly.

8) Give more compliments than yoeceive.


1) 让女士先行。“女士优先!”

2) 时时刻刻彬彬有礼。

3) 为女士和老年人开门。

4) 帮老年人过繁忙拥挤的街道。

5) 抽出时间做个好父亲。与孩子们做游戏,并要以身作则。

6) 随时随身携带一条手绢,以备他人不时之需。

7) 乘公车或地铁时,给妇女或老年人让座。

8) 多称赞他人。

DIALOGUE:Guide By Example

Molly : Good morning, sir, how are you today?

Gordon: Better than usual, thanks for asking. How is your new teacher?

Molly : He is wonderful. He is a real gentleman.

Gordon: What do you mean?

Molly : He always holds the door for us ladies. He ge me a handkerchief once when I had a cold.

Gordon: Is that all? I do that sometimes.

Molly : But he is also very manly and he guides by example.

Gordon: Can you explain that please?

Molly : Affirmative. Some students dress too casually. So the teacher dresses very formally so they can see his example, then they will follow him.

Gordon: I see.

Molly : Now you should be a gentleman and guide by example.

Gordon: What should I teach you?

Molly : Teach me how to treat a beautiful girl to lunch.

Gordon: So, to be a gentleman I he to pay for you lunch, right?

Molly : Affirmative, gentlemen, sir.




莫莉:他很棒。他是一位真正的绅I'm not sure I see what you mean.士。


















日常英语口语8000句从最贴近日常生活的话题开始,比如:一觉醒来、早餐、早上个人事务、个人爱好、表达感受、谈论天气、听不懂时如何有礼貌地请对方复述、职业生涯思考、餐厅与美食、性格倾向、结交朋友、修复人际关系 … …等等,帮助学员使用英语联想并描述日常生活的事物与事务,并运用英语进入人际交往、了解他人,与他人畅谈共同的话题。






以下是一些生活中经常会用到的一些英语口语句子,其大部分来自于日常英语口语800I don't understand very well.,我不I he no idea.,我不太清楚。清楚。0句文本,都是我整理的一些资料分享给你:

I'm home! / I'm back! 我回来了。

Welcome home! / Welcome back!你回来啦!

Did you he a good time? 今天过得愉快吗? How did it go today? 今天怎么样? How was your day? Can I go out to play? 我可以出去玩会儿吗? After you finish your homework. 写完作业再去吧。 I'm gry. 我饿了。 We he some snacks. 吃点点心吧。 Where are the snacks? 点心在哪? They're in the cupboard. 在碗橱里。 I'm going to cram school now. 我去补习学校了啊 cram 意为 “ 填鸭式补习 ”Call when you finish. 下课后来个电话May I he my allowance? 零花钱 (能给我点零花钱吗?) What do you want to buy? I'm tired. 真累呀! I'm exhausted. 我精疲力尽了 What would you like for dinner? 晚饭你想吃什么? What do you want for dinner?What do you want to eat for dinner?How about steak? 吃牛排怎么样 ?Would you me set the table? 准备餐具(你能帮我准备餐具吗?) I'd be happy to. 乐意之至。 Help me set up the table, will you? What should I make for dinner? 饭做什么好呢? What should I whip up for dinner?What should I cook for dinner?What should I fix for dinner? It's good to be home. 还是家好哇 There's no place like home.It feels so good to be home.Would youn to the store? 快点儿去 (你能不能赶紧去趟商店。)



1. memory [5memEri] n. 回忆,记忆


3. he some squabbles(on):争吵,斗嘴,吵架




624. That reminds me of my first dog.


Another aantage of romances in the off is time efficiency(效率). Since you no longer need to search for a significant other in the ning, why bother to look around for potential dates when you he got a handsome man and a beautiful woman working toger? You se both time and money.


The best way to apprehend(了解) a person is by cooperating with him/her. Since you spend so many hours toger at work , you already he an idea of what he/she is like. This can se you from lots of headaches down the road.


How can I live without privacy?


The fact that couples are in constant contact with each other may cause friction(摩擦) within the relationship. Everyone needs "private time" to pursue hobbies or hang out with friends , and the lack of it may cause relationships to selfdestruct.


Off romances may interfere with individuals' abilities to perform their professional duties. Can you imagine ling your partner that they are fired? There is obvious potential for conflicts of interest between off situations and relationships. Jealousy is another negative issue, because you must usually keep off relationships a secret.


Other employees may flirt(调情,打情骂俏) with your partner or v-versa, but you he to keep in mind that this type of flirting is common and happens all the time in the workplace. So keep yoursel3.只会学英语,而不能尽快地去用,那就永远也学不好英语。要始终寻找机会说英语。可以和你周围的同学或朋友交流,即巩固了已学的和 从别人那里学到新的的东西。f cool or the cat's out of the bag.



Did any of these kissing facts surprise you?

以下是 整理的《影视英语口语8000句讲解:《禁闭岛》振作起来》,希望大家喜欢!

622. I love New York in the summer.



蹩脚口语:cheer up

地道口语:pull oneself toger





- Pull yourself toger, Teddy. Pull yourself toger. It's just water. It's a lot of water. A lot of... Come on.

- You okay, boss?

- Yeah, I'm fine, I just... I just can't... Can't stomach the water.



- 振作起来,泰迪,振作起来了,不过是水嘛,很多很多水……很多……拜托了。

- 老大,你没事儿吧?

- 嗯,没事儿,我就是……受不了这么多水。

【口语讲解】Pull yourself toger


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