用location造句 localize造句

高职单招 2025-01-04 10:18:55


1、1.You are welcome to lead us to the location where Mr Smith went offyesterday to the wet and dead swamp in which you could wait for hearing the strange sounds just like a dog's barking to explain how its felt.欢迎你带我们去昨天Mr Smith动身前往那个潮湿废弃,可以听到一种似乎是一只狗在表述它的感受的叫声的那个沼泽的离开之处welcome on board!who can be the captin to lead our team?what's the location of beijing in china?go off of my way!it is rainning outside, so the ground is wet.my dog is dead.could you please wait for me?can you hear the song?that idea sound great.the dog is barking at the stranger.could you explain why you are late again?。


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