Good moining,ryone.the title of my speech is five ways to buff up your love ones.First,acknowledge the big and the little things.people want to be seen.they want their actions,attitudes,feelings,aspirations, be notd and acknowleged,Become a person who not.Secend is giving thanks and appreciation.Thank somebody for soming and they are more likely to do the same thing again or to do soming else you can thank them for,Why?Beacuse being thanked feels good.Tell them you appreciate it too.th环节二:While-reading (阅读) 这一环节我设计了两个活动。用时大约16分钟。e third is giving just to show appreciation for who they are.Make a list of what you ade about your partner or another l don’t he to wait for a special accassion.surprise that special person any time.The forth is taking an action interest.take a real interest in the things important to your special someone.listen to him or her and he a conversation about their hobbies,career,etc.learn soming new about the will make them feel understood.The fifth is doing special things just for them.find out what that special person they like cards,flowers,foot rubs,special books or magazines?you may not like or want the same things.that’s soming or give soming they like.make them feel special.大家早上好,我要演讲的题目是让爱人心情愉快的五个方法。一是洞察大小事情。人们希望能够得到关注。他们希望行动、态度、情绪、等等都能被人洞察。作为一个处处留心的人。二是表达谢意和感激。表达感谢,人们便乐于在做同样的事情或者做令你感谢的其他事情。为什么?因为被人感激的感觉很好。告诉他们你很感激。三是赞许他人的真性情。列出你的伴侣或者其他人让你钦佩的地方,然后告诉他们。你不必等到特别的场合才说。时时都给爱的人一个惊喜。四是表现出积极的兴趣。对爱的人感到重要的事情表现出真正的兴趣。对他们的爱好和工作等等,要倾听和交谈。从这些话题中了解些新事情。这么做会使他们觉得被理解。五是特意为他们做些事情。用心了解爱的人,a magical bird.I carry my dreams all with me by my big wings. I fly though the mountains ,though the forests ,over the sea,to the sun ,the warmest place in the aerospace!喜欢什么东西。他们喜欢的是卡片、花、鞋刷、特殊的书刊还是杂志?你可能不喜欢,或不需要同样的东西。没关系。做些他们喜欢的事情,或给他们一些喜欢的东西。让他们感觉很特别。
good morning ,ryone,
3 What were the goals of James Cook‘s first voyage around the world?i am so happy to be here to give you a speech ,a speech about art and ppt.i hope you all enjoy it today .
as we all know that the science and technology is getting more and more abvanced now .and we can do a lot of things with the of it ,like to make a beautiful ppt for a class or meeting.i think think that it is much better for us to add some art elements to the ppt if we taht way ,the audience will enjoy what we are talking about can surely give us a very pleasant feast .so i aise that if you want to make a ppt ,and really want to impress others ,please pay attention to this ,you can win a prize for a very good one .in some ways ,art is anecessary part of a successful ppt .you can pick some pretty pictures from the website ,and some interesting video if sible.
in my point ,we had better to combine 2. 教材地位art and ppt toger ,if you want to he a success.
such is my speech ,thank you for you time.thanlk you.
本单元的中心话题是谈论个性特征(talk about personal traits)和比较他人(compare people)。这是一个非常符合学生心理特点的话题。在这节课中,同学们次接触形容词的比较级(the comparative degree of adjectives),并运用这些词进行听、说、读、演、写等各项练习,教材对相关对话的设计及听力语言材料的选编无不紧扣比较(comparison)这个中心。
温故而知新。热身环节(Warming-up activity)根据学生对老师的情况很好奇的心理特点,设计了师生之间互问问题从而达到增进了解的目的,并且做到师生平等,形成和谐的课堂气氛,让学生敢说、愿说。作为“热身”的另外一部分,一个同学间互作自我介绍的游戏,激发了学生的兴趣和热情。同时,通过听、看、说的充分练习,复习了身高、体形、长相等方面的单词,为下一步描述图画作铺垫。
呈现(Presentation)新知识前,在黑板上画两个简笔画,既简单又形象,然后学生进行对比描述,呈现反义词。在学生将反义词搭Key: three goals: the first goal was to observe the planet Venus when it passed across the sun. This would get theastronomers to he a chance to work out the distance between the earth and the sun. The second goal was to record, classify and describe all plants and animal life observed during the trip. The third goal was that Captain Cook was given secret instructions to search for an unknown southern continents.配好之后,进行下一轮的对比描述——描述班上的同学,呈现形容词比较级。通过观察、跟读了解这些词的音、形、义。
口语部分(Oral pract)是为了进一步巩固刚学习的形容词比较级。通过有趣的三对双胞胎对比,让比较级在情景中得到合理有效地运用。并在不经意中将书上对话自然地呈现出来,作为口语练习的例子。学生从模仿到创造的这种口语训练,为下面的听力打下坚实的基础。
听力部分(Listening pract)做到循序渐进,先听顺序,再听名字,听意思。此部分不再是听简单的单词发音,更重要的是听有意义的对话。学生通过看图、听音、跟读、分角色朗读形成语感。
高中英语新教材的风格走势为话题时尚,面对未来,求异思维和人文色彩浓重,教学内容更加贴近现代生活,具有较强的时代信息,有利于提高学生的思想素质和人文素质,而本单元也是如此,本单元的中心话题是幽默,具体涉及“什么是幽默”、“笑话”、“喜剧”、“喜剧职业”等,它采用了学生十分感兴趣的话题,能够充分唤起学生的参与XX,单元内容高度生活化,富有活力,体现了本套教材的一个重要特征,紧扣时代脉博,富有时代气息,学生在学过Healthy eating、Festivals Mordern agriculture 等单元,对中外饮食习惯,节日,以及农业异有所了解之后,又对文化方面有所掌握,并为下一单元body Lang uagt(身体语言)打下了幽默的基础,本单元结在鼓励学生自主探索,了解祖国的灿烂文化,理解外国的文化,培养他们跨文化交际的意识与能力。
由于本节课涉及warming up listening和speaking 三项内容,时间较为紧张,为此我将warming up的时间缩短,使其起到引入新课的作用,speaking中教材要求采访丑角,我将其改动为采访三位的不同喜剧类型,不同的职业笑星,使学生充分了解到不同幽默和不同文化之间的异,增强了他们的采访兴趣。
本节课导入采用事先让学生准备一个幽默小笑话,做为morning report ,并询问:why did you laugh? Do you think it’s funny?用大屏幕展现几幅各种幽默形式的.,从而引出本单元的主题Humor。
(本节课导入先播放赵本山的几组,让三名同学表演其英语版的小品《卖拐》,并询问:who is he? Why did you laugh? Do you think it’s funny?)用大屏幕展现几幅各种幽默形式的,从而引出本单元的主题Humor。
2、Warming up
观看大屏幕上,总结一些幽默类型,并询问学生“In what other performances do you enjoy humor?” (你还在其它哪种幽默演出中欣赏到幽默从而让学生在心中构建一个Lexical ck,使学生了解幽默的各种形式,引出其中的一种形式—绕口令,设计让学生以竞赛形式快速朗诵,这部分目的有两个,一是呈现本单元的中心话题幽默,二是培养学生的语感。
4、Speaking 口语阶段
6、Home work 在网上查询有关幽默的资料。
3、课堂互动频繁。师生之间的一问一答,生生之间的pairwork、group work使课堂动了起来,活了起来。
很高兴有机会向大家展示一下我对第三册第四模块Reading and Vocabulary部分的教学设计。(同时板书: Book3 - Module4 Reading and Vocabulary)
新课标要求我们要围绕三维教学目标开展教学,整高中英语作文演讲稿格式范文二:i beli in our future合发展学生语言知识、语言技能、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识五个方面的素养,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。根据这一要求,针对学生的实际情况,我重新整合教材完成了教学设计。它由教材分析、目标和方法分析、过程分析和板书设计四部分组成。
该模块的主题是:Sandstorms in Asia(沙尘暴)。Reading and Vocabulary是整个模块的核心。它以文章Sandstorms in Asia为载体,为我们了介绍了(主要是)沙尘暴的情况。同时呈现出了本模块的重点词汇、句型、语法和语言功能。
这节课的语言知识目标有三个:一是识记与自然灾害有关的14个单词,学会运用4个重点单词和7个重点短语,这是基础也是重点;二是理解并运用一个so … that…的状语从句,2个动词不定式作主语的句子和1个即含有同位语从句又时间状语从句和原因状语从句的长句子。这是重点也是难点;三是注意动词不定式在文中的运用,这为下节语法课的学习做了铺垫。
我把这节课的能力目标定位在:重点练学生整体把握文章结构和捕捉细节的阅读能力;重点练学生skimmimg 和scanning的阅读技巧。
环节一:Pre-reading (读前) 在这一环节,我设计了一个活动。大约用时5分钟。
首先,用直观教学法和头脑风暴法,借助于PPT,导出有关的词汇,即完成了导入又检查了学生预习词汇的效果。再完成Activity Two,以激活学生的背景图式,为阅读做好准备。再放一段沙尘暴的视频,导入新课。
活动一:Fast-reading 这篇文章有六段组成。首先5分钟让学生skim文章找出每段的中心句。由于较明显,让基础稍的学生回答,这样有助于调动后进生参与课堂的积极性。这一活动主要练学生整体把握文章结构的能力
活动二:Intensive-reading 我把课本里的活动四作为该活动的练习。5分钟,让学生就课下完成的问题进行小组讨论,鼓励学生尽量自己组织语言。然后call back the answers toger.这一活动主要练学生捕捉细节的阅读能力。
环节三:Post-reading (读后) 这一环节我设计了三个活动。大约22分钟。
活动一:处理重点词汇。(同时板书:Key Words: 1. 2. 3. 4. Key Phrase: 1. 2. 3. 4.)学生展示课下查出的4个单词和7个短语的用法。稍作讲解后,用Activity Five来巩固词汇。
活动二:攻克难点句型。(同时板书:Key Patterns: 1. 2. 3. 4. )学生朗读so … that…的状语从句,2个动词不定式作主语的句子和1个即含有同位语从句又时间状语从句和原因状语从句的长句子。让学生们以小组讨论的形式先自己分析句子的结构,然后在老师的下归纳总结出动词不定式作主语的规律和so … that的用法, 并让学生板书在黑板上。比赛背诵这几个句子后,用五个高考选择题,巩固该难点。
活动三:Test (检测) 以活页形式展示课文的缩写,挖掉重点的单词、短语和句型,形成一篇完形填空题。让学生听并跟读课文录音后,完成该短文。5分钟后收齐带回批改,便于老师了解授课效果。
3. 教学目标
(1) 知识目标
(2) 能力目标
(3) 情感目标
4. 教学重点。难点。
三个调查— 整个课的展开围绕三个调查—(父辈梦想,成功故事,我的理想);
三条主线— 在对比中发展—(父辈经历,成功人生,我的道路,)
一个中心— 学生中心:课前备学生,课堂任务型。
第三:水下餐厅,顾名思义是建在海底的一个餐厅What is(三)情感目标 Botany? Science of studying plants is called Botany,比较吸引眼球。
americanA recorder, a notebook comr and a projector. dream。试试,
B. In 1768, the Royal Ny appointed James Cook as the commander of the Endeor to take members of the Royal Society on an expedition to Tahiti. P31英语主要是单词吧,词汇量不够,啥都没用 ,而且新高考改了题型,也要有一套自己做每类题的方法 ,而且你要想好 ,自从新高考改革后,有两个作文儿 ,这个改动要占据比你以前更多的时间 ,你要想好,要先做什么题 ,我的建议是,你可以先写作文 ,毕竟作文写就有分 ,剩下的题按分数从高到低排列做 ,这样可以稳下心,就算真做不完 ,损失也不大 ,加油吧 !我先说这些 ,那种题怎么做法,你需要你再3、教学重难点问我
§主旨大意■ The text“The Birth of a Science”mainly ls us _________ .A.the importance of to classify plant species into groupsC.the history and dlopment of botanyD.Linnaeus‘discoveries about different species演讲搞是关于什么主题的?麻烦说一下,ppt可以用模板做。你想要什么主题的。
1. 教材简析When you walk in the broad road to enjoy the flowers next to the tree, suddenly assail the nostrils ell from the sewage ell, you do not think you sick? When you walk in the golden beach, the sea breeze blowing You feel very comfortable, all of a sudden a plastic bag flew to your face, you do not think it disappointing?
Human dlopment in a long road, wher natural or carry out economic dlopment, has created a brilliant performance. At the same time, howr, because of the unreasonable dlopment and utilization of natural resources, not pay attention to environmental protection, creating a global environmental pollution and ecological damage. Now the world each year 6,000,000 hectares of land become desert, 20,000,000 hectares of forest disappear in an erage of one hour in the extinction of a species. Since the destruction of the ozone layer, the greenhouse effect in increasing the right to use the Earth's rising temperatures, melting Antarctic cap to start, sea-ll rise will continue, many of the world's coastal cities, islands and a large amount of land will be swallowed by the sea. This series of environmental problems not only affect the economic dlopment and social progress and n threaten its very survival, so the environment has become a common concern of all mankind.
Students, the importance of protecting the environment. If in the process of economic dlopment not pay attention to environmental protection, they are subject to nature's rnge. Not only damage our generation, but also detrimental to our future generations!
Students, we are the s of the planet's all, each of us should he a all sense of environmental protection. Environmental protection is the responsibility incumbent upon all of us. We must now start from the starting side, from the little things: a tree love flowers, love birds and other all animals, and so on. Through our efforts to make the sky bluer of the motherland, and more green and water clearer.
There must be a way
Where there, a way, this probably is not what the secret. Open the history books, from those nts, precedents can be found rywhere. Nobel Prize in 1932 was Sherrington who is one of them. Sherrington is back "prodigal son," staired his youth on a lot of nausea, others say he can not be as big "climate." On one occasion, he milk on a shelf in the work of the women he had a love, that women would rather not drowned in the River Thames to jump to marry him. Men Gun that he awoke from a confused in, he quietly left London, determined to turn over a new leaf. Since then, he studied hard, and finally in the central nervous research he made outstanding contributions. And served as Oxford University, London University, the University of Liverpool professors.
In people's imagination, the great inventor Thomas Edison is certainly a "genius", he said: "The invention is inspired by one per cent increase of 99 percent perspiration." Elementary school, his teacher said as a big "Wooden", had finally dropped out. Later, his mother under the guidance of the hard work harder, engage in research, he fought almost ry day more than 20 hours. In order to dlop light, he tested more than 1600 kinds of material. More than 1600 kinds, and how amazing t(二)语言知识目标he number! Can imagine, there is no blood and sweat of the fighting, we may be in the dark, it is not difficult to imagine: do not pay the pr and want the fruits of well-being, and that can only be a dream . Edison with his glorious life to l us: where there must be a selfless striver.
We are in real life, many people envy Pro-yuan fish, but I do not know still active and spun the web. Some people learn from good people really feel very envious of, and not their own efforts, remains unchanged in the end, when the examination would like to catch the "big" reason in the examination room on to a needle Zhang Fei -- Small eyes staring eyes, passing each other "ince" and n move to copy the book. Marx's "Das Kapital", said: "Science does not n on the road to the road, only the bull by the horns along the rugged trail to climb, to reach the final glorious peak." Persrance, hard steel to stone, noble The ideal is not good in high-long distraction of the Kingdom of fantasy, and in the down-to-earth way of struggle.
Mang-ho in the field of science and boundless, inscrutable. It is being erected lofty peak as Mount Everest in the land; it has a negative peak as the Pacific Ocean in the Valley Ming Ming underwater. We are all still very young life to us with a beautiful picture, it is not a "Volga River boat tracker" boring, nor is it the "Last Supper" sad and dreary, but "gallop map" vitality, Xiao Xiao Chang Si's gallop!
以下是 为大家整理的关于《高三英语Unit 4 Reading说课稿》,供大家学习参考!
A Talk On How To Teach The Reading Material In Unit 4 (SS3)
——The Birth of a Science (说课稿)
在人教版高一英语的下册的Unit 19,曾经谈论过一些关于农业的话题,学生对早期的出名的农业家贾思勰有了一定的了解。人教版高三英语的Unit 4这个单元以Green World 为话题,让学生初步了解一些植物学方面的内容,如植物的分类、栽培以及植物学的发展的历程等等;语言技能和很多的语言点几乎都是围绕介绍绿色世界这一中心话题而展开的。要求学生能够运用所学的内容对相关话题进行流利的表述。
在POST-READING 部分,针对READING部分的相关内容设计了5个练习。第1个练习以选择填空的形式考查学生对课文细节内容的了解。第2-5小题以问句的形式进一步考查学生对课文重点内容的了解。
二。说教学目标(Teaching goals)
5.加深对阅读技巧(Scanning and skimming mod)的理解及运用。
1. Target language语言目标
1)。Learn some important words and phrases(学习一些有用的词汇和短语)
merely, classify, identification, male, promote, botanical, privilege, cosy, wealth, expense reward, appetite output, accumulate, abandon, distinguish, appoint, calculate , astronomy, enterprise, settlement, abandon, on a large scale, look out for2)。 Learn some important sentences(学习一些重要句子)
A. Attempts had been made by others to classify plant species into groups, but the breakthrough came with the work of Carl Linnaeus. P30
C. He also looked out for new economic species: plants that could be grown in England or other parts of the world to produce crops that could be sold. P31
D. Banks was the first to move crops from one continent to another on a large scale, ing to dlop local economies with these new imports. P31
2. Ability goals 能力目标
Enable students to talk about “Botany” and say soming about the dlopment history of botany. Help the students to know the contribution of the three important persons to the science of botany. Try to improve the reading ability of the students.三。 Teaching important and difficult points说教学重点及教学难点
Help students to understand the whole passage. Help students to know how to use some key words and understand the meaning of some difficult sentences.
四。说教学方法和学法指导Teaching mods and study guide
在本单元的Reading当中,文章比较长,有很多有的新单词,个别的句子非常难理解,学生在阅读当中一定会遇到一定的困难。因此,我采用了一些灵活的实用的教学方法(如Scanning and skimming mod和Task-based mod),帮助学生理解文章的内容,努力提高阅读课的教学效果。具体做法如下:
解读标题 The Birth of a Science. 这能帮助学生快速了解文章的内容。对提高阅读效果有很大的帮助。 老师可向学生设问:What is Botany?让学生思考并回答。
通读课文,了解细节。老师可向学生提出问题:How many people are mentioned in the passage? 让学生快速阅读并寻找此问题的。
深层了解,归纳课文大意。What is the main idea of the passage? 让学生归纳文章的大意,从而帮助学生理解整篇文章的内容。
升华主题。What can we learn from the passage? 让学生能联系实际,学有所获。
让学生进行分组(Pair work/ Group work)的讨论(Discussion),加深学生对课文的理解,进一步调动学生学习的积极性。
五。说教具准备Teaching aids1、运用现代化的教学手段,给学生创设了良好的语言交际环境。
六。说教学过程Teaching procedures
Step 2 Fast reading
Step 3 Listening
Step 4 Exercises
Step 5 Post reading
Step 6 Language points
Step 7 Homework
Step 2 Fast reading (Reading material):
A. Pre-reading questions:
B. Fast-reading questions:( 3minutes)
§推理判断●Captain Cook made ________voyages altoger around the B.two C.three D. four
C .Intensive-reading questions: (5-10minutes)( ppt. is better for students to understand)
What were the goals of James Cook‘s first voyage around the world?
Step 3 Listening
How many people are mentioned in the passage? Who were they?
Carl Linnaeus
Daniel Solander
Joseph Banks
Captain Cook
Step 4 Exercises
1.Before Linnaeus, botany was ________.A.studied by doctors B.unknown to anyoneC.fully dloped D.a branch of medicine
2. Some economic species plants such as____could to dlop local economies.A.rose and peony B.tea and appleC.cocoa and hemp D.Cocoa and lemon
3. It was ____ who made Kew(地方名) a centre of scientific and economic research.A.Joseph Banks B.Captain CookC.Linnaeus D. Daniel Solander
4.Paragraph one of the text mainly ls us ___ .A.the importance of botany to classify plant species into groupsC.Linnaeus‘ contribution to botany D.Linnaeus’ discoveries about different species
5.Captain Cook made ___voyages altoger around the B.two C.three D.four
Step 5 Post reading
1.Why was Karl Linnaeus important to the history of botany as a science?
Because his idea of grouping plants in families was ______. The identification of different species was based on the arrangement of the female and male organs in the flowers.
2.How did scientists classify plants before Linnaeus?
They classified plants into _____ and herds according to the shape of the _____ and wher they had flowers or not.
There are _____. First ,it was to study the passing of the planet Venus. Second,it was to record and classify all plant and animal life. Third, it was to search for unknown southern land.
4 Why did Banks he to supply his own money to equip part of the expedition?
Because the __________ would not pay for all the equipment and expenses.
5 What did Banks do in his later life?
He was involved in enterprise exploration of Africa and settlement of Australia. He dloped a
great botanical _______ and so on.
Step 6 Language points
1. according to 根据 2. wher they he flowers or not 是否3. at first sight. 眼,乍看
4. make atwhen i came into the classroom, i found the atmosphere was quite strange.tempt to do sth 尝试着做…
e.g. He made no attempt to take a medical degree.
We failed in our attempt to climb the mountain.
5. classify …。 into 把。。编排,分类
高中英语作文演讲稿格式范文一:I he a dream
Every one has his own dream.When I was a little kid ,my dream was n to he a candy shop of my own .But now ,when I am 16 years old ,standing here ,my dreams he already changed a lot.
I he got quite different experience from other girls.While they were playing toys at home,while they were dreaming to be the princesses in the story .I was running in the hard rain,jumping in the hey snow,pitching in the strong wind.
Nothing could stop me ,because of a wonderful call from my heart -- to be an athlete.Yeah ,of course ,I'm an athlete,I'm so proud of that all the time .
When I was 10 years old ,I became a shot-put athlete.The training was really hard ,I couldn't bear the hey shot in my hands .
But I always beli that "god only those who themselves".During those hard days,I find I was growing more quickly than others of the same age.
To be an athlete is my most correct cho.But,I quit my team after entering high school because of a silly excuse.I really didn't want tI beli you, young friends: where there, a way!o stop my sports career anyway.
Today I say to you my friends that n though I must face the difficulties of yesterday ,today and tomorrow .I still he a dream .It is a dream deeply rooted in my soul.
I he a dream that one day ,I can run,jump and pitch just like I used to be.
I he a dream that one day , I can go back to my dream sports and join the national team.
I he a dream that one day ,I can stand on the highest place at the olympic s.With all the cameras pointing at me.I will l ryone that I'm so proud to be a Chinese athlete!
This is my hope .This is the faith that I continue my steps with!!!
With this faith ,I will live though the strong wind and hey rain ,nr give up !
So let victory ring from my heart,from all of you.When we allow victory to ring .I must be the one!
In my imagination,I'm a bird ,
Every night ,I he a dream ,I see a girl ---iling
honorable judges, fellow students:
good afternoon!
recently, ther is a heated debate in our society. the college students are the beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptional education at
extraordinary places. but will we be able to face the challenge and support ourselves against all odds? will we be able to better the lives of others? will we be able to accept the responsibility of building the future of our country?
the cynics say the college students are the pampered lost generation, which would cringe at the slightest discomfort. but the cynics are wrong. the college students i see are eagerly learning about how to live independently. we each other clean the dormitory, go shopping and bargain toger, and take part time jobs to supplement our pocket money.
the cynics say we care for nothing other than grades; and we neglect the need for character cultivation. but again, the cynics are wrong.
we care deeply for each other, we cherish , we treasure just, and we seek truth. last week, thousands of my fellow students had their blood type tested in order to make a contribution for the children who suffer from blood cancer.
i beli in all my fellow ctes. though we are still inexperienced and n a little bit childish. i beli that we he the courage and faith to meet any challenge and take on our responsibilities.
we are Pparing to assume new responsibilities and tasks, and to use the education we he received to make our world a better place. i beli in our future. 1、写英语作文时书名怎么办 2、高考英语作文评分标准是什么 3、高考英语作文多少分 4、高考英语作文模板 开头句 5、高考英语作文字数要求 多少尊敬的各位评委,下午好!会扣分吗 6、高中英语作文常用名言 7、高中英语作文名言 8、高考英语作文常用名言 9、高考英语作文常用谚语格言汇集 10、高考英语作文名言 ;
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