高考英语作文有关格语 高考英语格式作文模板

专业目录 2025-02-10 10:34:06

求一篇英语作文 有关鼓励高三学生高考的 附 汉语


I am middle school student. I ho lots of subjects. They are Chinese English math history and so on. I like English very much, because it is very interesting , I need English very morning and often watch English movies in the ning.

高考英语作文有关格语 高考英语格式作文模板高考英语作文有关格语 高考英语格式作文模板

高考英语作文有关格语 高考英语格式作文模板

高考英语作文有关格语 高考英语格式作文模板

...... plays such an important role that it undeniably becomes the biggest concern of the present world, there comes a question, “is it a blessing or a curse?”

I don't like math. I think it's very difficult and boring

I ho four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. After class I play sports with my firends. My foite sport is tennis. I think it's relaxing. I like soccer, too. Sometimes I piay soccerball with my ctes after school.


高考英8. It is commonly/generally/widely/ belid /held/accepted/recognized that….它通常是认为…语作文句子可以在每年不同话题的英语作文中用到,而且会加分,以下这些就是常用到的英语作文句子。希望能帮助到所有的考生。

Recently, the problem of … has aroused people’s con例如:就我而言 As far as I am concernedcern. 最近,……问题已引起人们的关注.


Nowadays, (overpopulation) has become a problem we he to face.


It is commonly belid that … / It is a common belief that … 人们一般认为……

Many people insist that … 很多人坚持认为……

With the dlopment of science and technology, more and more people beli that…


A lot of people seem to think that … 很多人似乎认为……


1.As far as ...is concerned 就……而言

2.It goes without saying that... 不言而喻,...

3.It can be said with certainty that... 可以肯定地说......

4.As the proverb says, 正如谚语所说的,

5.It has to be notd that... 它必须注意到,...

6.It's generally recognized that... 它普遍认为...

7.It's likely that ... 这可能是因为...

8.It's hardly that... 这是很难的......

9.It's hardly too much to say that... 它几乎没有太多的说…

10.What calls for special attention is that...需要特别注意的是

11.There's no denying the fact that...毫无疑问,无可否认

12.Nothing is more important than the fact that... 没有什么比这更重要的是…

13.what's far more important is that... 更重要的是…

. 至于我,在某种程度上我同意后面的观点,我认为……

As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent. I think that ____.

2. 总而言之,整个应该密切关注……这个问题。只有这样,我们才能在将来……。

In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ______.Only in this way can ______in the future.

as we know,with the dlopment of our country,as far as I am concerned,howr....


4.It has to be notdthat… 必须注意到……

比如thank you。 I'm here.这些都是简单的句子,也是在作文中能够用到的通俗语句。

10. Both A and B …. Howr, A…; on the other hand, B….

It goes without saying that ...不用说……, I am greatly convinced (that)...我深信……, In my opinion ...在我看来,With the increase随着人口的增加,According to my personal experience根据我个人经验等等。

As the proverb says,It's generally recognized that,What calls for special attention is that,As is often the cas,It goes without saying that 。



1. 【高考英语作文书写和手写印刷体高考英语作文的字体是什么 我们学校期中考试和期末都是网上阅卷,老师给我们看过,不过我手里没有,这张是我练的一本字帖.建议你写手写印刷体,老师要求我们全班都练那个,毕竟没有太多时间去练字,能练好手写印刷体,整齐又美观,阅卷老师看着舒服,感情分自然就给你了.斜体有些乱,网上阅卷不占优势.还有平时作文训练时,一定要严格按照规范来做.明确作文的书写区域、题目的书写位置,平时作文时,坚持按要求用规定的笔(0.5mm的黑色签字笔)书写,笔画要粗细均匀.你练到一定程度时不能只在考试的时候写,那样会退步,尽量在做作业时也用这种字体,开始可能会有些慢,不过习惯一段时间就OK了~卷面一定不要随意污划,在平时就要注意,还有标点符号要规范.你的一个小错误在网上阅卷的过程中就会被放大,所以要小心仔细、。

2. 高考作文格子的大小



高考作文写作窍----- To be continued !!门:







3. 英语字母在作文稿纸中怎样占格












(7)小写字母f g j p q y的下端抵第四线。


1.I will conclude bysaying... 我要说…...



3、【词句分】(6分),词句分,顾名思义,是指运用‘’准确的单词+多变的句型‘’得到的分数。词句这一块是整个Nowadays many people prefer A because it has a significant role in our daily life. Generally, its aantages can be seen as follows. First ----------------(A的优点之一). Besides -------------------(A的优点之二).作文最难的部分,考察的是学生的基本功,6分满分非常难得,但是拿2~4分还是相当容易的。和高分的分水岭就在词句分上~

4、【卷面分】(6分),卷面一是字迹工整美观,二是不能涂改(所以一定要打草稿啊)。这两个都达到了,卷面满分6分妥妥拿到~ [我对大家的要求就是,想拿高分,卷面请不要扣分!!!在这里扣分非常不划算,要用好几个准确的单词和高级语法才能换回来。]




一、the + est +名词+(that)+主词+ he r + seen(known/heard/had/read,...

例句:Helen is the most beautiful girl that I he r seen。海伦是我所看过最美丽的女孩。

二、Nothing is + er than to + V。

Nothing is + more +形容词+ than to + V。

例句:Nothing is more important than to receive education。没有比接受教育更重要的事。

三、It goes without saying that..All the best!....= It is obvious that......= Obviously,...不用说/很明显......

It goes with saying that ryone should keep a balanced diet for the benefit of health.


四、I am greatly convinced (that)…我深信…...


It can be easily proved that nothing is more precious than time.


五、It can be easily proved (that)…很容易证明......

Chapter One 文章开头句型

1-1 对立法 : 先引出其他人的不同看法,然后提出自己的看法或者偏向于某一看法,



[1]. When asked about....., the vast/overwhelming majority of people say that ....... But I think/view a bit differently.

[2]. When it comes to .... , some people beli that ....... Others argue/claim that the opite/rrse is true . There is probably some truth in both arguements/statements , but (I tend to the profer/latter ...)

[3]. Now, it is commonly/generally/widely belid/held/acknowledged that .... They claim/ beli/argue that ... But I wonder/doubt wher.....

1-2 现象法 引出要剖析的现象或者问题, 然后评论 .


[1]. Recently the rise in problem of/(phenomenon of) ... has cause/aroused public/popular/wide/ worldwide concern.

[2]. Recently the issue of the problem of/the phenomenon of ...has been brought into focus. ( has been brouth to public attention)

[3].Inflation/Corruption/Social inequality ... is yet another of the new and bitter truth we he to learn to face now/constantly.

1-3 观点法 ----开门见山,直接了当地提出自己对要讨论的问题的看法.

[2]. Now people in growing/significant numbers are beginnig/coming to realize/accept/(be aware) that...

[3]. Now there is a growing awareness/recognation ot the necessity to......Now people become increasingly aware/conscious of the importance of ......

[4]. Perhaps it is time to he a fresh look at the attitude/idea that.......

1-4 引用法 ----- 先引出名人名言或者有代表性的看法, 来引出文章要展开论述的观点!

[1]. "Knowledge is power." such is the remark made by Bacon.This remark has been shared by more and more people .

"Education is not complete with graduation." Such is the opnion of a great American philosopher. Now more and more people share his opnion.

[2]."........." How often we hear such statements/words like thoses /this .

In our own days we are used to hearing such traditional complains as this "......".

1-5 比较法 ------ 通过对过去,现在 两种不同的倾向,观点的比较 , 引出文章要讨论的观点.

[1]. For years, ...had been viewed as ... But people are taking a fresh look now. With the growing ... , people ....... .

[2]. People used to think that ... (In the past, ....) But people now share this new.

1-6 故事法 ---- 先讲一个较短的故事来引发读者的兴趣, 引出文章的主题.

[1]. Once in (a news) , I read of/learnt .... The phenemenon of ... has aroused public concern.

[2]. I he a friend who ... Should he .... ? Such a dilemma we are often confront with in our daily life.

[3]. Once upon a time , there lived a man who ... This story may be (unbelievable) , but it still has a realistic significance now.

1-8 问题法 ----- 先用讨论或解答的设问, 引出自己观点, 适用于有争议性的话题.

Should/What ...... ? Options of ... vary greatly , some ..., others ...

But in my opinion , ...... .

Chapter 2 文章中间主体内容句型


3-1-1. 基本原因 --- 分析某事物时, 用此句型说明其基本的或者多方面的原因.

[1]. Why ... ? For one thing.. For another ...

[2]. The answer to this problem involves many factors. For one thing... For another...... Still another ...

[3]. A number of factors , both physical and psychological affect .... /both individual and social contribute to ....

3-1-2 另一原因 --------> 在分析了基本原因之后, 再补充一个次要的或者更重要时用!

[1]. Another important factor is ....

[2]. ... is also responsible for the change/problem.

[3]. Certainly , the ... is not the sole reason for .....

[1]. It will produce a profound/far-reaching effect/impact on....

[2]. In involves some serious consequence for ........


3-2-1. 两者比较 ---> 比较两事物, 要说出其一超过另一个, 或肯定一事物的优点, 也肯定其缺点的时候用 !

[1]. The aantages gained from A are much greater than the aantages we gain from B.

[2]. Indeed, A carries much weight when compared with B.

3-2-2 . 两者相同/相似 ------> 比较两事物共同都有或者共同都没有的特点时用!

[1]. A and B he sral thing in common. They are similar in that.....

[2]. A bears some sriking resemblance(s) to B.

Chapter Three 文章结尾形式

2-1 结论性--------- 通过对文章前面的讨论 ,引出或重申文章的中心思想及观点 .

[1]. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that .....

[2]. In summary/In a word , it is more valuable .......

2-2 后果性------ 揭示所讨论的问题若不解决, 将产生的后果.

[1]. We must call for an immediate mod , because the current phenomenon of ... , if allowed to proceed, will surely lead to the hey cost of .......

[2]. Obviously , if we ignore/are blind to the problem , there is ry chance that .. will be put in er.

2-3 性 -------- 呼吁读者行动起来, 采取行动或提请注意.

[1]. It is time that we urged an immediate end to the undesirable tendency of ......

[2]. It is essential thar effective measures should be taken to correct the tendency.

2-4 建议性 -------- 对所讨论的问题提出建议性的意见, 包括建议和具体的解决问题的方法.

[1]. While it cannot be solved immediay, still there are ways. The most popular is .... Another mod is ... Still another one is .....

[2]. Awareness/Recognition of the problem is the first step toward the situation.

2-5 方向性的结尾方式 ---- 其与建议性的别就是对问题解决提出总的, 大体的方向或者指明前景.

[1]. Many solutions are being offered here , all of them make some sense, but none is adequate enough. The problem should be recognized in a wide way .

[2]. There is no quick mod to the issue of .., but .. might be ful/benefical.

[3]. The great challenge today is ...... There is much difficulty , but ........

2--6 意义性的结尾方式 --------> 文章结尾的时候,从更高的更新的角度指出所讨论的问题的重要性以及其深远的意义!

[1]. Following these suggestions may not guarantee the success, but the pay off might be worth the effort . It will not only benefit but also benefit .....

[2]. In any case, wher it is otive or negative, one thing is certain that it will undoubtedly ..




I’m very happy to receive your letter, and I’m glad to hear that you will go to China to learn Chinese here. I he already found a fiat for you. It is on Fang Street, which is not far from Jianxin Chinese School. Bus No.11 can take you there, and it is one stop before the Chinese School. The flat is on the third floor with 3 rooms, one of which is bedroom, the other two are bathroom and kitchen. There are a bed, a sofa, a desk and some chairs in this 25 square-metres all fiat, and the rent is 500 yuan per month. Maybe this fiat is not as good as your wish, but I’ll try my best to meet your needs. If it is not suitable enough, write to me and I will look for another better place.

Hope you will come here soon!


Li Hua



Dear Bob,

Welcome to China! You wrote to me to find a place for you.

I he found an apartment on Fang Street near Jianxin Chinese School. It is on the third floor and there’re three rooms in it: a bedroom, a kitchen, and a bathroom. There is a bed, a sofa, a desk and a chair in the bedroom. The house is 25 square metres and the rent is 500 yuan per month.

Also from this house you can get to your school easily. Just take the No.11 bus at the bus-stop in front of the building. It is only one stop. At last, will you please l me the time you arrive? Then I’U be able to meet you at the airport, see you.

Best wishes !


Li Hua



Dear Bob,

How are you these days?

I’m so glad to know that you’ll come to our city to learn Chinese. You asked me to find a place for you. Now I’ve found one which I think is pretty good. The place is on Fang Cao Street which is near the No.11 bus stop. It’s just one stop away from Jianxin Chinese School.

There are three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a bedroom. Though it is not very big, only 25 square metres, I think it is suitable. By the way, the rent is 500 yuan per month. I hope you’ll like it. If not, I’ll try to find another place for you.


Li Hua





Along with the aance of the society more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is that....


As to wher it is a blessing or a curse, howr, people take different attitudes.

As society dlops, people are attaching much importance to....


People are attaching more and more importance to the interview during job ting


As to wher it is worthwhile ....., there is a long-running controversial debate. It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds may he divergent attitudes towards it.


In the process of modern dlopment, we often find ourselves in a dilemma.


Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern, some people are in alarm that....


The human race has entered a compley new stage in its history, with the increasingly rapid economic globalization and ization, more problems are brought to our attention.



Now we are entering a new era, full of opportunities and challenges.


问题的常用词:question, problem, issue

Recently, the issue of ...... has been brought into public focus.


Now we are entering a brand new era full of opportunities and innovations, and great changes he taken place in people's attitude towards some traditional pract.



The Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.


在写论文的时候两种格式都要用到。因为写一, 二级标题的时候是顶格的,而正文的时候有要求空4个字符。正规的写法是左对齐,正文段首空4字符。



总结一下写作时常用且能出彩的固定句型、句式,比如强调句型、定语从句、名词性从句等,牢记英语的五个基本On the contrary,there are some people in for of ___.At the same time,they say____.句式,背诵平时老师总结的句,以不变应万变。


Hardly had he arrived when she startee.g:d complaining. 他刚来,她就开始抱怨。

No sooner had he arrived than it began to rain. 他刚来,就下雨了。

18) would rather do…than do…(宁愿……而不……), 例如:I would rather walk home than take a crowded bus. 我宁愿步行回家也不愿做拥挤的公交车。

注意:此句型可以改为prefer to do…rather than do…然而,对于此类问题,人们持不同的看法。(Hold different attitudes 持不同的看;Come up with different attitudes 有不同的看法)句型

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