
中专问答 2025-02-26 10:26:25




1、compare有比较;对比;比喻等意思,那么你知道compare的 同义词 有哪些吗?下面我为大家带来compare的同义词及辨析,欢迎大家学习!compare同义词:compare, compare to, compare with, contrastcompare同义词辨析:compare 侧重比较两个或更多东西的异同优劣,强调相同或类似之处。

2、compare to 指两物有类似或相似之处,从而"把(一物)比作(另一物)。

3、"compare with 指"把……用……作比较"以便找出异或好坏。

4、contrast 指比较两个或更多东西之间的异,侧重不同点。

5、compare的例句:1. He programmed his comr to compare all the sible combinations.他给他的计算机编制了一套程序,以比较所有可能的组合。

6、2. How do the two 三、 compare in terms of application?3. The more recent conifer plantations cannot yet compare with the old woodlands.年代较近的针叶树林场还比不上年代久远的林场。

7、4. Childcare facilities in Britain compare unfourably with other European countries.英国的保育设施与欧洲其他比起来相形见绌。

8、5. It's instructive to compare his technique with Alan Bennett's.把他的手法与艾伦·贝内特进行比较很富启发意义。

9、6. Was it fair to compare independent schools with state schools?拿私立学校与州立学校相比,这样公平吗?7. It is often very hard to compare all-male and all-female jobs.纯男性工作和纯女性工作之间常常很难作比较。

10、8. Compare the following passages.9. Compare the two illustrations in Fig 60.比较图60中的两幅插图。

11、10. She was a storyler beyond compare.她是个无与伦比的讲 故事 高手。

12、11. It is interesting to compare their situation and ours.把他们的状况与我们的相比很有意思。

13、12. How does your new house compare with y2. 比喻为,比作[(+to/with)]our old one?你的新房子和你的旧房子比起来 怎样 ?13. Mother and Mrs. Barker like to compare notes about cooking.14. You can't compare them — there is a fundamental difference in kind.你无法对它们进行比较——它们基本上是不同性质的东西.15. Few can equal [ compare with ] her in manual dexterity.论手巧,一般人都不如她.。


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