艺术如何改善学校环境英语 如何改善学校环境英语作文

中专问答 2025-01-04 10:30:33


Therefore, the strategy of sustainable dlopment to address environmental problems of today the only way to achi human dlopment in harmony with nature, the inevitable way to the contemporary trend of environmental protection. Therefore, to improve the school environment, environmental protection 优化教学手段,必须充分利用和创设情景,无论是语言情景、实物情景、声像情景都可以激发学生的学习兴趣。如听录音、看投影、角色对话等,让学生入情入景,努力使书本语言和实际运用统一起来,使课堂教学在全方位、多层次的活动中轻松愉快地进行。measures to rectify the school, it becomes imperative!

Dear head,

艺术如何改善学校环境英语 如何改善学校环境英语作文艺术如何改善学校环境英语 如何改善学校环境英语作文

艺术如何改善学校环境英语 如何改善学校环境英语作文


I’m a second year student of your university, writing to l you about my humble opinions of the learning environment in our school.

Faced with such a hard nut, we should find ways to crack it. I suggest that our school should construct some special lanes for the traffic and provide associations with specific rooms to he their meetings in order to provide a better learning environment for us.


3, each semester begins after " reading " and " knowledge contest ", so we get the knowledge, also edify sentiment, also he fun.








As we know ,nowadays with the dlopment of science and technology ,we he made great progress in many ways but they are in the meantime at the cost of our environment so low-carbon lifestyle is put forward to protect our environment .


例如,在教学关于兴趣爱好的对话时,我问:“What’s your hobby?”一个学生回答:“I like playing football.”这时,我指着墙上的一张篮球明星海报接着问:“Who is your fourite football player?”学生很兴奋地告诉我:“Michael James Owen.”我接着让他介绍关于Michael James Owen的一些情况,他很感兴趣地用英语讲了一大通。别的很多同学也踊跃发言,课堂气氛很活跃,教学效果相当好。


I appreciate your sincere consideration of my suggestions and hope that our school will be ideal for academic studies.





吴红艳 江苏淮安市清浦中学























论文摘要:语言是交际和思维的工具,而交际和思维又离不开语言环境。 一、创设英语学习环境的理论依据 现代教学论告诉我们:良好的学习环境有利于激发学生的学习兴趣,而兴趣是儿童进行活动的主要动力。有了良好的学习环境,儿童就会主动地、自觉地参与到教学过程中来,并在教学过程中充分表现自我、完善自我,学有所获。非英语的儿童在学习第二种语言时存在一个关键期(critical period,通常认为是3~10岁)即认得语言功能在青春期便完成其侧向大脑左半体的发育过程。在青春期以前,“习得(acquisition)”语言是容易的,因为这时的大脑是“有弹性的”,是灵活的。这时整个大脑都在参与语言习得,所以学习者吸收新的语言信息就会快些,容易些。尽管我们的孩子们是在这个关键期开始学习英语的,但人学习英语是在汉语环境中进行的,他们已养成汉语习惯,再加上在应试教育下,只注重英语成绩,而忽视了英语学习环境的创设以及孩子们对于英语的运用。因此,我们应该在课堂、学校和家庭中为孩子们创设尽可能多的优质的英语学习环境,让孩子们在英语环境中“习得”英语的同时,还要让孩子们通过“学得(learning)”的方式来学习并运用英语。从教育学的角度来看,除了教学育人以外,环境育人也是一个重要的方面。从环境实际上在国内外的艺术院校中,很多院校有时一个大的专业包括许多个小专业,不在乎你转不转专业,并且虽然你申请成功的专业是会在一个大的专业下来学习培训,比如帕森斯本科毕业生在年入学时,仍旧会学习培训许多基础专业专业知识,而广告设计、人机交互、设计产品、FashionDesign/设计时尚、拍摄全是同一个基础课程内容。论的角度看,英语学习环境可以有几种划分法:从地点角度,它可以分为校园英语学习环境和家庭英语学习环境;从时间角度,它可以分为课堂英语学习环境和课外英语学习环境;从空间距离角度,它可以分为直接的英语学习环境和间接的潜移默化的英语学习环境;从性质角度,它可以分为好的英语学习环境和不好的英语环境;从练角度,它可以分为自然的英语学习环境和人为的英语学习环境;从语言角度,它可以分为交际英语学习环境、有意义练的英语学习环境和机械练的英语学习环境等等。这些环境都与语言发生的地点、时间、空间、方式等相关。 二、创设小学英语学习环境的研究 1.活用方法:营造课堂英语教学环境 丹麦语言学家叶斯帕森说过:“教学外语的首要条件看来是要尽可能地让学生接触外语,使用外语,学外语像游泳一样,学生必须浸在水中,而不是偶尔沾沾水。”在小学营造浓厚的课堂英语教学氛围,有利于培养学生学习英语的兴趣和良好习惯,使学生从小形成正确的读五、英语课堂教学要尽量使用多媒体音、良好的情感和语言交际能力。 课堂教学中,我总是力求同样的方法不超过两次。呈现新的单词,前两个通过复习旧单词导入,后两个则通过猜谜语呈现,再来两个便利用来展示。巩固新知,也不总停留在“读”上面,左一遍,右一遍,会显得过于枯燥和苍白,而是积极创设环境,让学生多动脑、多动手,尽量使英语课堂教学变得更丰富多彩,更能引起学生的兴趣,更能激发他们的求知欲。 2.利用资源:优化校园英语学习环境 学生的很多时间是在校园里度过的,如何充分而灵活地利用校园环境资源,学生学习英语,更好地夯实英语基础,对每个学生英语素养的发展有着深远的意义。学生在校园环境中,可以学习、生活、运动,可以结识很多,认识许多老师。校园的许多设施:playground,comr room,library,music room等等,都是学生很想学到的语言。当然,可以更多地结合学生的学校生活学会一些词汇和句子,比如“Mr Lu is our English teacher.”,“I can run.”,“I like sports.”等。练与游戏相结合,使教学效果显而易见;复习与游戏相结合,使学习效果更为显著。多媒体计算机辅助教学具有生动形象,信息储存量大,交互性强等多种优点,如能有效合理地加以运用,不仅能使课堂容量增大,教学内容形象活泼,而且能发挥学生单独上机,个别学习的优势。我校是省级电化教育学校,计算机上标准的发言,生动有趣的练习游戏,无时无刻不在激发着学生学习英语的热情,从而使老师上课的效率也得到了很大的提高。 3.开拓领域:创设社区家庭英语学习环境 在学习英语新知识前,我常常思考:怎样才能将书本的知识活灵活现地呈现给学生们呢?于是,在学习公共标志之前,先组织了学生利用双休日的时间到一些社区公共场所去收集一些公共标志,等到上课时让他们把拍的标志或画的标志拿出来,大家一起来交流并了解它们的含义,学生们的讲解都很精彩,学得也特别快,不知不觉中学生已将这个知识点牢牢掌握。同时,也对学生进行了基本的公民道德教育,所谓“润物细无声”,应该就是这样的效果。 总之,只要我们精心打造有利于小学生英语学习的环境,不断激活学习兴趣,巧妙点燃智慧之灯,就一定能学生开启英语这扇神奇的大门,让他们进入到英语的美妙殿堂之中! [1]傅道春.教育学.高等师范出版社,2000-5. [2]英语课程标准研制组.英语课程标准解读.大学出版社,2004-6.




Take the liberty to write you this letter of recommendation, please your taking the time to look at. You are the principal of the school, there are a lot of things to do ry day. You make painstaking efforts for our work, the school into be full of. The school to be arranged in good order.


Howr, you ignore the important place -- four floor library. The reitory of knowledge it forget its mission, in a feeling of deep sleep. In the sacred hall, closing the door knowledge. Do you know? How many eager to read eyes, looked out of the window " miles away " bookshelf. You know all this? Remember the last time you let us clean the library, where the dust, just cleaned the table cloth, black. Is it a room for the students and the construction of knowledge base, were drowned in the yellow dust? Many in the school should not happen with " ready to make trouble " to " run amuck ":


1, many students can't distinguish books due to the aantages and disaantages, the blind reading to grow harmful bad books;

2, during the break after finishing his homework, because there is nothing to do, mad play into er;


1, as soon as the open reading room, buy books, buy " why one dred thousand ", " Wikipedia knowledge " and other books. And the best regular replacement of books, just in case the students boring;


The 4 recess time is too short. Don't be too little activity. The rest of the time is not enough


grade class



Therefore, the strategy of sustainable dlopment is the only way to current environmental issues, it is human nature to coordinate with the necessity of the dlopment of environmental protection is contemporary, the trend. Therefore, to improve school environment, environmental protection measures to rectify the school, become urgent!

For nearly a century, due to the rapid dlopment of science and technology, rapid industrialization, humans began to conquer the nature "proud" slogan, but in the 20th century, in nature and conquer the nature, seeking material civilization and spiritual civilization, especially in the sustainable dlopment of the "environmental crisis" at the same time, human nature is also frequently. The industrialization, the population expansion, unstinting deforestation, blind rection and war, bring to the earth's natural resources, make human survival environment deterioration, and give the biggest task left in the 21st century is that the human to seek both can satisfy people need, and no terity to satisfy their needs ability of new dlopment model threat. Thus, a new concept of "sustainable dlopment" was born in the imminent.

day month year

Attached to the Second: With regard to the issue of improving the school environment

First, the importance of improving the school environment and the need for

In the last dred years, because of the rapid dlopment of science and technology, the rapid aance of industrialization, humans are proud to put forward the "conquest of Nature" slogan, but since the 20th century, in the transformation of nature and to conquer nature, to seek material and spiritual At the same time, he a lot of runs counter to sustainable dlopment "environmental crisis" at the same time, human nature has been subject to punishment. The aance of industrialization, population expansion, uncontrolled deforestation, farmland rection blind and war damage, consume large quantities of natural resources on Earth, so that the environment for human survival, the deterioration of

To lee the 21st century the biggest issue is: can human beings to seek to meet the needs of contemporary people, not for future generations to meet their own needs the ability to e a threat to the new dlopment model. Because of this, a new concept of "sustainable dlopment" was born in the immediate time.

To improve the school environment in a concrete manifestation of the importance of: first, the environment, it can improve the overall appearance of the school to increase the influence of schools, as well as the attractiveness of greater expansion of the school's reputation, and enhance the overall strength, in order to foster better schools image; Second, education. There is no doubt that a good school environment will promote the teacher's "teaching" and students "learning" effects. So that teachers and students a good environment can fully invested in their roles. Third, on the economic front, can reduce the degree of waste of resources, so that each can maximize the effectiveness of resources, and optimize the allocation of

The need to improve the school env年级班 ironment can not be ignored n more. This is not only related to personal, relating to schools, but world-wide phenomenon, related to the earth ry major issue! If you do not implement the sustainable dlopment strategy will be a serious obstacle to social dlopment and world progress; if we do not implement the sustainable dlopment strategy, all the world will nr become extinct species - including humans this loner; If you do not implement the sustainable dlopment strategy , then one day the Earth we live to their homes will no longer exist! Therefore, the strategy of sustainable dlopment to improve the deteriorating ecological environment,

Contemporary people he is that we can not shirk its responsibility and mission history!

3 / 4

For nearly a century, due to the rapid dlopment of science and technology, rapid industrialization, humans began to conquer the nature "proud" slogan, but in the 20th century, in nature and conquer the nature, seeking material civilization and spiritual civilization, especially in the sustainable dlopment of the "environmental crisis" at the same time, human nature is also frequently. The industrialization, the population expansion, unstinting deforestation, blind rection and war, bring to the earth's natural resources, make human survival environment deterioration, and give the biggest task left in the 21st century is that the human to seek both can satisfy people need, and no terity to satisfy their needs ability of new dlopment model threat. Thus, a new concept of "sustainable dlopment" was born in the imminent.

The necessity of improving the school environment is not negligible. This isn't just about individuals, schools, but the world, ry man on the earth's big problem! If not, will implement the strategy of sustainable dlopment and social dlopment seriously hindered the progress of the world, If not implement the strategy of sustainable dlopment, the world will nr destroy all species, including mankind the isolated, If not implement the strategy of sustainable dlopment, then one day we live


首先应该给孩子营造一个良好的英语学习氛围,而且在平时可以用一些英语进行简单的沟通,而且见了面也可以用英语来打招呼问好,而且也应该让孩子养成积累词汇的好习惯,并且也应该纠正学生的语法以及发音,The necessity of improving the school environment is not negligible. This isn't just about individuals, schools, but the world, ry man on the earth's big problem! If not, will implement the strategy of sustainable dlopment and social dlopment seriously hindered the progress of the world, If not implement the strategy of sustainable dlopment, the world will nr destroy all species, including mankind the isolated, If not implement the strategy of sustainable dlopment, then one day we live earth homes will cease to exist! Say so, implementing the strategy of sustainable dlopment, improve the rapi2、让两人担当“图书”,已防撕书、偷书现象发生;dly by day worsening ecological environment is our people unshirkable responsibility and mission of the history!而且也可以通过一些有趣的游戏来进行英语教育。

要去主动在家里给孩子营造一个这样的环境,就可以弥补这部分的缺失了,每天可以用英语对话,看一些英语电To improve school environment embodies the importance of the environmental aspects: first, it can improve the overall school, appearance, increase the influence and attractive, school, to expand the greater prestige, enhance the overall strength of the school, the school set up for more good image, Second, the education. Undaunted, the good school environment will promote teachers' teaching and students' learning effects. Make teachers and students in the good environment can fully invested in his character. Third, in the economic aspect, can reduce resource waste, make ry resources to maximize effectiveness, and get the optimal configuration, so as to achi economic benefit.影。



3, because not in hours reading habits, many people just mechanically tTo improve school environment, the importance and necessityo accept the teacher knowledge, not in the extracurricular study. In view of the above 3 points, we are a matter of conscience you to make the following recommendations:

I beli the school environment protection are important because students need a quiet and pollution-free environment to study. What we need to do in order to maintain our clean and neat environment to our students? First, we will need to he giant garbage can around each corner. Second, we will need to he school policies regarding littering and spits on the ground, where students and teachers would be fine if they violated the school policies. Third, we also will need to he garbage cans in classrooms, school main entrance, back door, parking lots, basketball court, ect.... Last, we will need to announce the school policies, so the students and teachers will need to follow. By doing all this, we can promise the clean and neat environment for our current and future students.














利用多媒体教学,形象生动的实时动画、严谨准确的授课和悦耳动听的音乐,使学习内容达到了真正意义上的图文并茂、栩栩如生,可以向学生展现全新的视听效果,把教材中的情景内容以更生动的形式展现于眼前,又或是把的起始、发生、发展乃至结果整个过程一一再现。从而加深学生的认识理解,让学生投入当时的情景,有助于培养学生的观察及创造思维和分析判断能力。学生因此由被动学习者变成了始终保持高度学习兴趣的主动参与者,寓教于乐得以落到实处,学习的成功也Although we’re enjoying the modernized buildings equipped with aanced comrs, sufficient lights and well-installed desks and chairs, we do find it hard for us to concentrate on study when we’re in the classrooms. For one thing, the annoying noise made by the vans and cars disturbs our studies. For another, the classrooms, which are suped to be used for self-study, are unailable, for they are usually occupied for meetings by various kinds of associations.成了自然而然的事了。实践证明,多媒体辅助英语教学的确可以全面提高学生的英语能力。从采用多媒体英语教学手段的实验班的教学程序也能发现:由于使用多媒体,课堂教学内容相应增加,介入的媒体也比普通教室的传统英语教学要多。可见,多通道的信息输入有利于学生从不同侧面理解和掌握教学内容。


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