blush造句 bull造句
blush造句 bull造句
blush造句 bull造句
2、那么你知道初见的英文是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的初见的英文,希望大家喜欢!初见的英文1.at first blush2.at the first face3.at first sightat first blush的例句1. It'seemed a good idea at first blush.这个主意乍看似乎很好.2. At first blush , land is seen as a fixed or unalterable resource.乍一看土地是一种固定的,或者说是不可改变的资源.3. GE is, at first blush the epitome of a blue - chip name.乍一看来,通用电气简直就是蓝筹股的代名词.4. At first blush, vaccinating the wolves against rabies seems a solution.乍一看来, 为狼群注射防狂犬病是一种简单的办法.5. At first blush , DiMaria's initial comments could he been sour grapes.一开始, 似乎迪玛利亚的言论是吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸.6. It would seem, at first blush, that dollarization must be good.首先来说, 美元化看起来一定是个好事情.7. At first blush, this probably seems swell , since the alternative - ostensibly - is layoffs.乍一看, 表面不裁员而采用其他方式这一举措似乎很不错.8. His actions were not rational at first blush.乍一看,他的行为并不理性.9. Judy's ideas looked excellent at first blush.乍看起来,朱迪的主意好像极妙.10. At first blush the offer seemed attractive.乍一看,这项报价很诱人.at first sight的造句1. The young couple fell in love at first sight.这对年轻人一见钟情.2. He falls for ry pretty girl at first sight.对每一位漂亮的姑娘他都一见钟情.3. Judge not of men and things at first sight.[谚]评人论事,莫靠初见.4. They fell in love at first sight.他俩一见钟情.5. It was love at first sight, and he proed to me six weeks later.我们一见钟情,他6周后就向我求婚了。
3、6. At first sight it resembles a traditional village of two-storeyed, balconied houses, set among well-tended gardens.乍一看,它就像个传统的村庄:带阳台的两层楼房坐落于精心照料的花园中。
4、7. At first sight, Joe Pesci is not exactly cast in the leading man mould.眼看上去,乔·佩希并不是当的料。
5、8. It promised to be a more difficult undertaking than might appear at first sight.那项任务可能比乍看之下还要困难。
6、9. At first sight it looked less like a capital city than a mining camp.乍看上去,它不像是首府,更像是矿工村。
7、10. Her latest novel seems at first sight to be a reworking of similar themes.。
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