
中专问答 2025-01-04 10:27:49

英文标题:Ode to a Short Life



Life is short and full of change, Like the east wind blowing through the trees. A hundred years is as a minute, And all that we are soon shall cease.

Get wine; for in the grave there is no joy, Nor can wealth restore our youth. The wise man plucks the rose today, And cares not for the morrow's ruth.

The world is but a transitory dream, And all our joys are fleeting. Let us laugh while we can, and drink, For time is swiftly fleeting.

The sun sinks in the west, and day is done; The stars come out, and night is here. So let us make the most of life, While yet we have it here.


短歌行:一种乐府古题,属杂歌谣辞。 百年:指人的一生。 东流水:喻时光易逝。 荣华:指富贵显赫。 清樽:盛酒的杯子。 繁华:指繁荣昌盛的景象。 剧:变动。 逝川:比喻时间飞逝。


李白的《短歌行》是一首充满感伤和无奈的情感诗歌。英文翻译保持了原文的意境,并传达出了诗中对时光易逝和生命短暂的感叹。翻译者巧妙地运用了比喻和拟人手法,使诗歌更具感染力。例如,"Life is short and full of change"一语形象地比喻了人生的变幻不定,"The wise man plucks the rose today"一语则传达了要及时行乐、珍惜当下的思想。

此外,翻译者还忠实地保留了原文中"开篇直入主题"和"反复强调时光易逝"的特色。开篇以"Life is short and full of change"一句开门见山,直截了当地道出了人生的本质;诗中多次出现"Time is swiftly fleeting"、"The sun sinks in the west"等意象,反复强调了时间的无情流逝。

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