
招生计划 2025-01-04 10:19:00


餐具英文 单字教学来啦!上餐厅时,你会看到一大堆餐具,举凡 刀叉、碗盘、杯子、托盘、马克杯、茶壶 ….等等,这一大堆英文单字你都知道了吗!这篇文章会有完整的餐具教学,告诉你所有在餐厅会碰到的英文单字,赶快学起来吧!






1.eating utensils 餐具、餐饮用具

eating utensils是指餐饮用具,包含汤匙、叉子跟小刀。

例: Spoon 汤匙 Fork 叉子 Knife 小刀

上面这三样东西组合再一起,就叫做eating utensils。通常餐厅里面给的餐具都会包含这三样东西。

2.plate 7.把原本要递给别人的沙拉碗或者盐瓶从半道截下来,这基本上就等于在说:你是个既贪婪又粗鲁的人。盘子


例: /plastic/china plates 纸/塑胶/瓷碟

例: a dinner/salad plate 餐碟/沙拉碟

例: clean/dirty plates 干净/的碟子

例: There’s still lots of food on your plate. 你的盘子里还有很多食物。

4.bowl 碗


例: a soup/cereal/salad/sugar bowl 汤碗/麦片碗/沙拉钵/糖钵

例: a bowl of soup/r/porridge 一碗汤/米饭/粥



6.teapot 茶壶


7.pitcher 壶


例: a glass/plastic pitcher 玻璃/塑胶壶

例: a pitcher of beer/water/lemonade 一壶啤酒/水/柠檬汁

8.ladle 大汤匙、汤勺。

ladle 通常是指盛汤用的那种大汤匙,也可以叫做汤勺。至于那种比较小的,自己喝汤用的,那叫做spoon。

例: a soup ladle 大汤匙

9.table 餐桌

10.napkin/napkin ring 餐巾/餐巾环

至于餐巾的英文叫做napkin,而将餐巾绑好的那个东西叫做napkin ring,中文可翻作餐巾环的意思。

shaker 盐/盐罐

至于pepper则是胡椒的意思,而装胡椒的那个瓶子就叫做pepper shaker或是pepper pot,这两个都可以。

13.place setting/place mat 一套餐具/餐具垫

另外,去那种餐厅,一般都会提供整套餐具,那一整套餐具可以叫做place setting,放place setting的垫子就叫做place mat ,餐具垫的意思。

14.glass/straw/mug 玻璃杯/吸管/马克杯


例: a beer/wine glass 啤酒/葡萄酒杯


15.tongs 钳子


wine glass是酒杯的意思。

17.bottle 瓶子


例: a milk bottle 牛奶瓶

例: a bottl8.餐桌上要传递东西的话,规则一般是逆时针传递。不过,如果坐在你左手边的人想要什么东西时,你也可以直接递给他。e of beer/whisky 一瓶啤酒/威士卡


corkscrew 是指拔软木塞的螺丝起子。例如有些香槟会塞软木塞,就是用corkscrew打开的。另外,软木塞的英文叫做cork。

19.bottle cap/bottle opener 瓶盖/开瓶器

另外,一般酒瓶的会有盖子,bottle cap是指瓶盖,而开瓶盖的东西叫做开瓶器,开瓶器的英文叫做bottle opener。


8.On the subject of passing: Dishes go counterclockwise, but if someone to your left asks for soming, you can hand it directly to him.

Since from the ancient China,there's a number of people must care about their tab吃完东西时将刀叉对角放齐,置于盘子外侧。不要靠在盘子上,而且刀刃应该向里。le manners,such as the way how to set tables.


6.When eating with silverware, begin from the outside piece, then knife and fork for the second course and so on. The pieces closest to the plate are for the last course.

叉--Fork 刀--Knife 勺--spoon

dinner fork 正餐叉 dinner knife 正餐刀 dinner spoon 正餐勺

salad fork 沙拉叉 salsd kn4. THE TABLE SETTINGife 沙拉刀

dessert fork 甜品叉 dessert knife 甜品刀 dessert spoon 甜品勺

soup spoon 汤勺 chopsticks 筷子 butter knife 黄油刀 coffee&tea spoon咖啡&茶勺

plate--盘子 cup--杯子 saucer--碟子

dinner plate 正餐盘 salad plate 沙拉盘 dessert plate 甜品盘

side plate 小盘 show plate 展示盘

soup cup 双耳杯 coffee cup 咖啡杯 tea cup 茶杯 tea pot 茶壶

soup saucer 汤碟 coffee&tea saucer 咖啡&茶碟 toothpicks tong 牙签盅 ashtray 烟缸


叉--Fork 刀--Knife 勺--spoon

dinner fork 正餐叉 dinner knife 正餐刀 dinner spoon 正餐勺

salad fork 沙拉叉 salsd knife 沙拉刀

dessert fork 甜品叉 dessert knife 甜品刀 dessert spoon 甜品勺

soup spoon 汤勺 chopsticks 筷子 butter knife 黄油刀 coffee&tea spoon咖啡&茶勺

plate--盘子 cup--杯子 saucer--碟子

dinner plate 正餐盘 salad plate 沙拉盘 dessert plate 甜品盘

side plate 小盘 show plate 展示盘

soup cup 双耳杯 coffee cup 咖啡杯 tea cup 茶杯 tea pot 茶壶

soup saucer 汤碟 coffee&tea saucer 咖啡&茶碟 toothpicks tong 牙签盅 ashtray 烟缸

cup 杯子 bowl碗 筷子chopsticks 盘子dish 叉子fork

cook the meal 用英文怎么翻译

cook the meal


cook the meal:做饭|煮饭

set the table




set the table:摆好餐具|摆餐具|摆桌子

Mabel Set The Table:梅布尔布置餐桌

I set the t另外,餐厅有些会提供salt,也就是盐的意思。装盐的那个罐子就叫做salt shaker。able.:我准备餐桌碗筷

cook the meal: 煮餐食

set 刀叉 英文, 吸管 英文, 大汤匙 英文, 托盘 英文, 杯子 英文, 碗 英文, 碗盘 英文, 筷子 英文, 茶壶 英文, 茶杯 英文, 软木塞 英文, 餐具 英文, 马克杯 英文the table: 摆桌子


(一)西餐用 垫底盘show plate 餐盘dinnerplate 点心盘dessert plate 面包盘bread/butter plate (b/b plate) 汤碗及底盘bouillon cup&saucer 奶盅creamer 糖盅sugar bowl 咖啡杯及底盘coffee cup&saucer 茶杯及底盘tea cup&saucer 浓缩咖啡杯及底盘demitasse cup&saucer 刀 knife 叉 fork 汤匙 spoon 碟 plate 玻璃杯 glass 牛油碟 butter dish 胡椒架 pepper shaker stand 盐瓶架 salt shaker stand 茶壶 teapot 茶杯 teacup 西餐碟 dishes 服务盘 serving tays 面包篮 bread baksets 食物夹 food tongs 指示牌 nameplates 西饼座pastry stand 蛋糕架 cake stands 转盘座 revolving dish stands 酒架酒篮 wine baskets 酒桶雪桶 champagne buckets 酒壶酒杯 wine pots 茶壶水勺 water jugs (二)中餐用磁制器皿 大圆盘round coupe plate 椭圆盘oval rim plate 骨盘plate round 酱油碟oval sauce dish 汤匙soup spoon 鱼翅盅shark's fin soup cup with cover 碗 bowl 筷子 chopsticks 筷子架 Chopstick Stand 牙签 toothpick 席面羹 Self-Serving Spoon 席面刀叉 Self-Serving Fork and Knife 席面碟 Show Plate 毛巾碟 Tower Dish 餐巾圈 Napkin Ring 牙签筒 Toothpicks Holder 洗手盅 Finger Bowl 台号座 Number Stand (三)饮料用玻璃器皿 直筒杯high ball glass 可林酒杯collins glass 传统酒old fashioned glass 雪莉酒杯sherry or port glass 酸鸡尾酒杯wisky sour glass 白酒杯white wine glass 水杯water glass 红酒杯red wine glass 香槟杯champagne glass 鸡尾酒杯cocktail glass 啤酒杯beer glass 果汁杯ju glass 白兰地酒杯brandy glass 绍兴酒杯shao-shing wine glass (四)银器类 咖啡壶coffee pot 田螺盘escargot dish or escargot plate 洗手盅finger bowl 糖罐盅sugar bowl 鲜奶罐盅creamer 托盘serving tray 鸡尾酒缸punch bowl 酱料盅sauce boat 烛台candle holder 冰桶 bucket with tong 水壶water pitcher 盐罐salt shaker 胡椒罐pepper shaker 保温锅chafing dish 椭圆保温锅oval chafing dish 方形保温锅oblong chafing dish 电热保温汤锅soup warmer 三层自助餐服务盘3-tires buffet serv tray 方形银盘oblong tray 圆形银盘round platter 椭圆形银盘oval platter 牛排服务车roast beef serv wagon 蛋糕架cake stand 保温灯warmer lamp (五)扁平银器 汤匙soup spoon or bouillon spoon 大餐刀dinner knife or table knife 大餐叉dinner fork 点心匙dessert spoon 点心叉dessert fork 奶油刀butter knife 茶或咖啡匙tea or coffee spoon 鱼刀fish knife 鱼叉fish fork 龙虾橇lobster cracker 刮面包屑crumb scraper 蠔叉oyster fork 田螺夹escargot tong 田螺叉escargot fork 鸡尾酒匙punch ladle 公匙serving spoon 公叉serving fork 小咖啡杯匙demitasse spoon 牛排刀steak knife 酱料匙sauce ladle

刀---kn7.Grabbing a bowl of salad or a saltshaker as it's being passed to someone who asked for it is the equivalent of cutting in line: greedy and rude.ife 叉---fork 碟---plate 碗---bowl 茶匙---teoon 汤匙---soup spoon 点心匙---dessertspoon 餐匙---tablespoon 筷子---chopsticks 干酪刀---cheese knife 面包刀--bread knife 牛排刀---steak 1.When ing a woman pull her chair to the table, hold it and guide it. Don't shove it against the back of her legs.knife 熟肉刀---carving knife

叉: fork 刀: Knife 碟: dish 碗: bowl



2.If you're seated at a table with eight or fewer guests, wait fo12.pepper/pepper shaker 胡椒/胡椒罐r ryone to be served and for the hostess to begin eating before you dig in. At a long banquet table, it's OK to start when sral people are seated and served.


3.All things not hing to do with food should remain off the table: keys, clutch bags, cigarette packs, sunglasses, BlackBerrys.


4.Don't snap your napkin open or unf it showily like it's an Olympic flag.


5.If you prefer not to he wine while dining out, don't turn your glass upside down, and don't make a big deal of saying you don't drink. Simply place your fingertips on the rim of the glass and say "Not today, thanks."


6.If you're eating and want to take a sip, dab your mouth with your napkin to oid staining the rim of the glass.


9.When you excuse yourself to go to the restroom, just say "Please excuse me."

9.想3.chopsticks 筷子去洗手间的时候,只要说"失陪一下"就可以了。

10.When out with friends or family - n at a fancy restaurant - it's OK to ask for your leftovers to be wrapped. But don't do it at a business lunch or dinner.



2.If you're seated at a table with eight or fewer guests, wait for ryone to be served and for the hostess to begin eating before you dig in. At a long banquet table, it's OK to start when sral people are seated and served.


3.All things not hing to do with food should remain off the table: keys, clutch bags, cigarette packs, sunglasses, BlackBerrys.


4.Don't snap your napkin open or unf it showily like it's an Olympic flag.


5.If you prefer not to he wine while dining out, don't turn your glass upside down, and don't make a big deal of saying you don't drink. Simply place your fingertips on the rim of the glass and say "Not today, thanks."


6.If you're eating and want to take a sip, dab your mouth with your napkin to oid staining the rim of the glass.


9.When you excuse yourself to go to the restroom, just say "Please excuse me."


10.When out with friends or family - n at a fancy restaurant - it's OK to ask for your leftovers to be wrapped. But don't do it at a business lunch or dinner.


1. Don't talk with food in your mouth.

2.Don't put your elbows on the table.

3. It is polite to wait until ryone is finished eating before leing the table.

4. It is polite to wait until ryone is served to start eating, unless ryone has their food except for one or two people and they suggest that ryone begin.


餐16.wine glass 酒杯具

tableware; dining utensils; cutlery

table dinner set/serv

dishware mess kit

dishware mess kit tableware dishware

dining utensils c例: a wine bottle 酒瓶utlery


table这个英文单字很常见,就是桌子、餐桌的意思。另外提到table,还必须提到table cloth,table cloth 是指桌布的意思。


1.Pull out chairs to seat the women when you are eating toger.


2.Do not sit down before all the ladies are seated.


3.Pull your chair up and sit clos

e to the table after sitting down.


4.It is customary to say grace before the meal begins in many Christian homes. Watch the host or hostess. If they bow their heads, join them.


5.When the hostess takes her napkin, open your napkin in half and lay it across your lap.



7.When hing soup, move the spoon away from you to spoon out the soup. When a little remains, you may raise slightly the side of the bowl close to you.


8. Cut large pieces of food, such as steak or chops, into all pieces all at one time.


9. Use you knife close to the fork. This way, it is a lot easier to cut meat.


10. Put your knife and fork diagonally on the further side of the plate when you he finished eating soming. Do not place them leaning on the plate. The knife should always be placed the sharp edge in.

11. In在美国,切完东西时,你可以放下刀,用右手拿起叉来吃饭;在欧洲,你可以左手拿叉,用叉的背面将食物送到嘴里,这样有利于叉的边缘放较硬的食物,上面再放较软的食物。

12.You can choose whichr you like.




Your host may he seating arrangements in mind, so you should allow him to direct you to your seat. As the host, you should suggest the seating arrangements. In a restaurant, the guest of honor should sit in the best seat at the table. Usually that is one with the back of the chair to the wall. Once the guest of honor's seat is determined, the host should sit to her left. Other people are then offered seats around the table.

在,大家都习惯进去一家餐厅直接坐下来等服务员来点餐。在美国一般都在前台,有的时候人多,就在门口等waiter or waitress来带你入座。


At rmal meals, place the napkin in your lap immediay upon seating. During formal occasions, before unfolding the napkin, wait for the hostess to remove her napkin from the table and unfold it in her lap.

Read more table manners tips for using your napkin in the napkin etiquettesection.



During serv of a formal dinner, the food is brought to each diner at the table; the server presents the platter or bowl on the diner's left. At a more casual meal, either the host dishes the food onto guests' plates for them to pass around the table or the diners themselves to the food and pass it to others as necessary.


Deciding which knife, fork, or spoon to use is made easier by the outside-in table manners rule – using utensils on the outside first and working your way inward.

餐具的使用顺序有点复杂,比如吃沙拉的刀叉和吃牛排正餐的刀叉是不一样的。喝汤和吃甜品的勺子也是不一样的。基本上从大小就可以分辨。但是小旋子觉得与其记这么复杂的东西,不如在用餐的时候,很礼貌的问服务员:It's my first time to dine in a high end restaurant. I am so confused about all these table settings. Can you please l me which one I should start with?


At a all table of only two to four people, wait until ryone else has been served before starting to eat. At a formal or business meal, you should either wait until ryone is served to start or begin when the host asks you to.



The continental table manners style prevails at all meals, formal and rmal, because it is a natural, non-disruptive way to eat.

Hold your fork in your left hand, tines downward.

Hold your knife in your right hand, an inch or two above the plate.

Extend your index finger along the top of the blade.

Use your fork to spear and lift food to your mouth.

If your knife is not needed, it remains on the table.


Pass to the right. One diner either holds the dish as the next diner takes some food, or he hands it to the person, who then serves herself. Any hey or awkward dishes are put on the table with each pass. Special rules apply topassing salt and pepper and passing bread and butter.



When you pause to take a sip of your brage or to speak with someone, rest your utensils by placing your knife and fork on your plate near the center, slightly angled in an inverted V and with the tips of the knife and fork pointing toward each other.


At a formal affair, plates are removed by a professional staff. But as most rmal meals are served without , the hostess clears the plates, often with the of a guest or two. At a family meal, members clear their own plates.

8和9一起说。尤其在餐厅用餐时,当我们中途去筷子通常只有东方人士会用,chop sticks是指筷子的意思。洗手间和我们吃完了的时候,餐具的摆放是不一样的。很多朋友次在美国吃西餐,去了一趟洗手间,回来的时候自己的食物已经被收走。为了避免这样的悲剧,请看下图:


After you and your friends finish your food, you can go ahead and get your bill. Just say to the waiter/waitress: Check, please./Can/May I please he my check/bill?

是没有给小费的习惯。但是在美国,几乎在任何服务业都要给小费。快餐店除外。小费给多少,不同城市,不同州,标准都会不一样。详细的请自行百度Google. 还是那句话,如果是在美国的普通餐厅用餐,不要太在意。但是如果去,的家里用餐,以上的很多细节到家千万不要忘了哦!

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