
招生计划 2025-02-22 09:57:54







【拼音】: jié wài shēng zhī

【出处】: 清李渔《闲情偶寄·词曲·格局》:“善观场者,止于前数出所见,记其人之姓名。十出以后, 皆是枝外生枝,节中长节,如遇行路之人,非止不问姓字,并形体面目,皆可不必认矣。”

【解释】: 本不应该生枝的地方生枝。比喻在原有问题之外又岔出了新问题。多指故意设置障碍,使问题不能顺利解决。

【出处】: 宋·朱熹《答吕方子约(九月十三日)》:“随语生解,节上生枝,则更读万卷书,亦无用处也。”

【举例造句】: 兀的是闲言语甚意思,他怎肯道节外生枝。 ★元·杨显之《潇湘雨》第二折

【拼音代码】: jwsz

【近义词】: 横生枝节、节上生枝

【反义词】: 一帆风顺

【歇后语】: 一堂官司两堂审;十一个手指

【灯谜】: 栉;竹子;绿竹逢春

【英文】: new problems crop up unexpectedly

【故事】: 宋学家朱熹,他一生大部分时间从事讲学和著书,他认为读书要从文章的思想内容、逻辑推理上去读,不要管别的问题,吕祖谦的弟弟吕子约不同意这种观点,朱熹认为读书不要左遮右拦,没必要去多惹一些麻烦,以免节外生枝。

【拼音】: zhī wài shēng zhī

【解释】: 比喻派生、繁衍而出者。同“节外生枝”。

【拼音代码】: zwsz

【用法】: 作宾语、定语;用于书面语



竹子的读音是:zhú zi。



解释: 常绿植物,茎圆柱形,中空,有节,叶子有平行脉,嫩【近义词】: 节外生枝芽叫笋。种类很多,如淡竹、苦竹。茎可供建筑和制器具用,笋可以吃。












妇女节读音:[ fù nǚ jié ]

2. Or food. Panda basic don't eat a bug, and basic eat bamboo, n don't eat a lot of other plants, picky about food, once after withered bamboo flowering, pandas will starve to death. Just met in the early 90 s, starved to death the panda.

妇女节英文:Women's Day



(一)、已婚的女子:妇人。少( shào )妇。



女(nǚ rǔ)

(一)、女性,与“男”相对。古代以未婚的为“女”,已婚的为“妇”。现通称“妇女”:女人。女士。女流(含轻蔑意)。少( shào )女。

(二)、以女儿作为人的妻(旧读 nǜ )。


节(jié jiē)












这是训练英语口语的方法,同时训练中文口The panda is not only popular among Chinese people, but also foreigners. It is often presented as a national gift to the United States, Japan and many other countries. We he a pair of pandas, whose name is tuan tuan yuan yuan. Last year, we settled down in Taiwan zoo, which is popular in Taiwan. I like the panda comition. The line of visitors was long and long, and the fr of panda fr was formed in Taiwan.才也是同问题二:竹笋英语怎么说? 竹笋: bamboo shoot(s)样的步骤。

这个是一定要熟悉音标的。现在通行的音标和以前的有点不一样。要学习音标的话,就好好的看看现在初中英语书几页的音标注解,再配合你自己学习英语的基础,慢慢的就熟悉了,像你举例子说的 ea有的时候只发短音e,大规律要通过自己熟悉了之后才能慢慢掌握,要靠单词量的积累,急不来的。像picture、culture等单词,就是长单词也有音节规律可循的,慢慢来,不要着急。相信自己。

cheer swear beer发音是否一致


Pandas are good friends of man. Man should try to protect them and ]et them live in the way they like!


Panda action slowly, the market is meek, always happy, appear to be dead and undisputable character, especially attractive.






【量词】 棵、株、根、枝、节、丛

As we know,last year,we he sended two pandas to Tai wan。 They are names Tuantuan and Yuanyuan,meaningful name。 We also hope Tai wan can come back home soon,would be toger with its motherland。【辨析】











Pandas in zoos, through training the breeder uncles and aunts, also many performance! Such as drilling circle, upright, upside down, or cartwheel and【用法】: 作谓语、宾语、定语;指意料之外栽竹子,拔竹子,扛竹子啊,抱竹子,扔竹子,吃竹子,晃竹子。的事 pushing the car. I most like to see the giant panda says. It huddled in her chubby body, like a big ball rolling, funny, very fun. Pandas don't like the cat that greediness eat fish meat, don't eat the delicious fruit, like a monkey pandas like eating bamboo lees and shoots.



1 phonetic symbol 首先音标要读准

2 response 然后是问和答,训练与人交流的能力

3 speech 接着根据一定的topic,作演讲

4 debate 是口语的境界,辩论。

问题三:竹笋的英文是什么? bamboo shoots



It is well known that bamboo shoots are a panda's staple diet.


The restaurant serves different vegetables, and they order mushrooms, cabbageand bamboo shoots.

Modern schools ( are springing up) in shanghai like bamboo shoots after a springrain.


问题四:笋干焖腩肉的英文怎么说 笋干焖腩肉

[词典] Braised Tenderloin (Pork)with Dried Bamboo Shoots;

n. 1 幼苗( shoot的名词复数 ); 嫩芽; 新枝 2 拍摄; 摄影 3 狩猎;

v. 拍摄( shoot的第三人称单数 ); 射杀; 开(枪或其他武器); 打猎;

问题五:菜干笋干 英语该怎么说 菜干 dried vegetables

dried bamboo shoots笋干

问题六:竹笋的英文是什么? bamboo shoot

词目:竹笋 拼音:zhú sǔn 基本解释 [bamboo shoot] 从竹子的根状茎上发出的幼嫩的发育芽,一经长出地面就砍下作为一种蔬菜,尤其被中这家餐馆提供各种蔬菜,因此他们点了蘑菇、心菜和竹笋。国人和所食用

问题七:广州话“酷笋”,就是揽枕.英文怎么写 抱枕在粤语称为“箍笋”,源自英文Cushion





问题八:山笋香菇包英文怎么写 笄山笋是广德县卢村乡笄山村的竹海所产,由于笄山土质肥沃,土层较厚,故所产竹笋壳薄肉厚,质嫩脆甜,而且个儿小,遍身金黄,外形十分美观,为竹笋中之上品。


问题九:windows2003的设置里哪些与asp和access数据库有关熊猫(英文名:panda) 域:真核域(Eukaryota) 界:动物界(Animalia) 门:脊索动物门(Chordata) 纲:哺乳纲(Mammalia) 目:食肉目(Carnivora) 科:熊科(Ursidae) 属:大熊猫属(Ailuropoda) 种:大熊猫(A. melanoleuca) 大熊猫是世界上珍贵的动物之一,主要分布在我国的四川、甘肃、陕西省的个别崇山峻岭地区,数量十分稀少,属于一类保护动物,称为“国宝”。它不但被世界野生动物协会选为会标,而且还常常担负“和平大使”的任务,带着的友谊,远渡重洋,到国外攀亲结友,深受各国的欢迎。大熊猫身体胖软,头圆颈粗,耳小尾短,四肢粗壮,身长约1.5米,肩高60-70厘米左右,体重可达100-180千克。特别是那一对八字形黑眼圈,犹如戴着一副墨镜,非常惹人喜爱。 大熊猫的祖先是食肉动物,现在却偏爱吃素,主要以吃箭竹为生。一只成年的大熊猫每天要吃20千克左右的鲜竹。有时,它也会开一次“荤”,捕抓箭竹林里的竹鼠美餐一顿,甚至大摇大摆闯入居民住宅,偷吃食物。大熊猫性情孤僻,喜欢独居,昼伏夜出,没有固定的居住地点,常常随季节的变化而搬家。春天一般待在海拔3000米以上的高山竹林里,夏天迁到竹枝鲜嫩的阴坡处,秋天搬到0米左右的温暖的向阳山坡上,准备度过漫长的冬天。每年的四五月份是大熊猫的繁殖季节,雄、雌大熊猫难得同居在一起。但5月一过,便又各奔东西。雌性大熊猫怀孕4-5个月左右,就急着寻找树洞或石穴作为“产房”,它每胎产1-2仔。刚生下的幼仔重量只有150克左右,相当于妈妈体重的1‰。可是,一个月后体重可达2千克,3个月就能长到五六千克。熊猫妈妈常把小熊猫搂在怀中,轻轻抚摸,外出时也把它衔在嘴里,或用背驮着,亲亲热热,形影不离。等到小熊猫五六个月大时,妈妈就开始教它爬树、游泳、洗澡和剥食竹子等本领。两年后,小熊猫才离开母亲,开始的生活。大熊猫的寿命一般为20-30年。 大熊猫的家族非常古老。大约在一百万年前,它们遍布我国的陕西、山西和等地区,在云南、四川、浙江、福建、等省也有它们的踪迹,现在留下来的数量很少,成为科学家研究生物进化的珍贵的“活化石”。 迄今为止,全世界200多个和地区都没有几乎濒临绝迹的大熊猫,只有在我国的四川、陕西、甘肃部份地区的深山老林中才能找到它们的身影。目前全世界的大熊猫总数仅1000只以下,而且数量在不断减少。 根据科学统计有78%的雌性大熊猫不孕,有90%的雄性大熊猫不育,这就给大熊猫的繁殖带来了许多困难。 在动物学上,大熊猫属食肉目。据考证,大熊猫的古代名称有貘、白豹、虞等。在200多万年前的更生世早期到100万年前的更生世中晚期,大熊猫已经广布于我国南半部,组成了大熊猫----剑齿象动物群;今天该动物群的许多种已经绝灭,而大熊猫却一直活下来,所以大熊猫有“活化石”之称。 分布于的四川、陕西、甘肃。特有种,野生数量不足1000 只,人工饲养下约100只。 大熊猫(又名大猫熊)栖居于海泼2000-3500米的高山竹林中。独 居,昼夜均有活动和休息,无定居。视、听觉较,嗅觉尚好,体态笨 拙,善攀爬,会游泳。以竹叶、竹笋、竹杆等为食,偶食小动物、鸟卵。繁殖期春季,孕期80-160天,每产1-2仔,5-7岁性成熟,寿命25- 30年。动物园1955年开始饲养展出,1963年繁殖成功,1978年人工 授予精繁殖成功,1993年全人工哺育成功,1999年人工辅助母兽哺育双 仔成功。 为一级保护动物。 被列入濒危野生动植物种贸易公约附录 10分 把父系路径打勾





熊猫吃竹子的英语句子1 1. The food. Panda main food is bamboo, bamboo sword but bamboo nutrients cannot very good absorbed by panda, 1 kg of bamboo, deer can absorb more than 60% of the panda is less than 20%, caused the panda eat n much bamboo ry day. Every day of life is to walk (fixed line), eat, sleep. As with the mouse a virtue, as we go along...

3. Reproduction. Panda estrus once a year, with the opite after mating success probability is very all, I mean probability of conception.

4. The habitat. Wolong is the panda's house, because there is no natural enemies, the wolong leopard life altitude and the panda is not a ll, so there was no panda activities within the scope of the deadly predators. In addition, the panda life altitude, there is bamboo, temperate zone in China, I'm afraid I don't he much cho.

5. This is my own opinion: pandas are actually killing is not a lot, because the panda no value... Don't like tiger, bones or medicine, skin is valuable, it is also a symbol of courage; Panda skin I don't know, but the bones and meat is... Kill pandas are no ability, gentle is famous。

熊猫吃竹子的英语句子2 Pandas are rare animals in the world. They are national treasures of China. I like them very much.

Pandas he black and white fur. They he dark eye circles around their eyes. Pandas like eating bamboo.And their bodies are fat.

I often go to the zoo nearby to see pandas. I really enjoy watching cute pandas.

熊猫吃竹子的英语句子3 Panda is a lovely animial。 It has just two colors all around the body,black and white。 Most pandas live in sourthern china,sichuan province。 They like eating bamboo,the main food for them。

Nowadays,the balance of nuture is destroyed and the weather is getting warmer and warmer,so we need to do soming to protect these animals。 Otherwise one day we cant see pandas any more。

熊猫吃竹子的英语句子4 Panda is a lovely animial. It has just two colors all around the body, black and white. Most pandas live in sourthern china, sichuan province. They like eating bamboo, the main food for them.

As we know, last year, we he sended two pandas to . They are names Tuantuan and Yuanyuan, meaningful name. We also hope can come back home soon, would be toger with its motherland.

Nowadays, the balance of nuture is destroyed and the weather is getting warmer and warmer, so we need to do soming to protect these animals. Otherwise one day we cant see pandas any more.

熊猫吃竹子的英语句子5 I like many animals, but my forite is the giant panda. Giant pandas are rare animals in China, their hometown in sichuan province.

Giant panda looks interesting, chubby, plump and cute. Its head and body are white, only the rim of the eye, ear, and the shoulder is dark brown. Especially that a pair of black rim of the eye, long in white face, like wearing a pair of sunglasses, plus the clumsiness and go up and look in all directions, appear very lovely.

I love pandas, it can be seen rywhere in my little world. My pencil-box. The head of a bed, desk, plastered with pictures of giant pandas. In art class, if the teacher asked the paint free proition, I often draw a panda. These, may all is because I am too fond of pandas!

熊猫吃竹子的英语句子6 In this full of vitality in nature, there are many lovely animals, but my forite also belongs to our national treasure of China -- the giant panda.

The giant panda is very cute and fluffy it, black and white fur particularly conspicuous, round head, with a pair of black ears, has been standing, as if in listen to what. He has a pair of black eyes. Eyeball always transfer guru, outside a layer of hair and eyes, seems to be deliberay dyed deep black, if you don't watch carefully, thought he was wearing a dark glasses!

The giant panda is our national treasure of China, it is not only va10、风吹得竹子飒飒做响,好像有蟒蛇或猛兽正在那里蠢蠢欲动似的。luable, and the number is very few and far between, in China, the number of pandas but also more than one thousand, how many countries and n pay a high pr to buy, but didn't get it.

The panda is a mammal, is usually a viviparous two, while the red panda is more lovely, his life, it is golden, the pandas is made of bamboo is the staple food.

We should protect all animals, love the nature, the giant panda has now very few, if people don't care, the giant panda like the dinosaur extinction, sooner or later, so we should cherish our pandas let us toger to protect giant pandas.

熊猫吃竹子的英语句子7 Panda is one of the scarcest animals. People in the world like it very much. There used to be many pandas in China long ago.

the number of pandas is increasing year by year. There are now so many pandas that some are being sent to other countries so that people there can enjoy them.

Nowadays, the biggest nature park for panda in China is in Sichuan. There is a research centre for nature and wild life there. Scientists hope that one day they will he enough pandas to be set free and let them live in the wild again.

熊猫吃竹子的英语句子8 We all know that the giant panda,it's very cute,but I often read in many people for their own economic interests to kill it,I feel very sad.

The giant panda is our country special product,it is the unique face has become "the WWF" sign.

The giant panda is like a bear,but not bear,at about 1.5 meters,weighs 160 kilograms,black and white on the appearance of body hair is their characteristics.

The giant panda temperament is gentle,ture and movement are particularly lovely.In all over the world in the zoo,the giant panda is the most popular pet tourists.

The giant panda this animal or representative of the remaining ancient animals,about 100 more than ten thousand years ago,the giant panda will live on the earth,so they he a "living fossil" said.

The giant panda this lovely and rare animals in an increasingly reduce,the world is less than 1000 only add up.

Don't let this lovely and rare animals in the face of the earth?It is up to us to protect lovely and rare animals--the giant panda!

熊猫吃竹子的英语句子9 Panda is our country’s treasure,we should protect it.

Nowadays,we see from the TV that panda is less than before,it is not only because of the damage of the environment,but also the weakness of the panda.

Everybody loves panda,it is so lovely,a panda has two black eyes,it is very lazy,it likes sleeping all the time.

When we see its round body shape,we can’t loving them.In order to see the lovely animal,we need to protect them.

We must protect the environment,like not to throw the rubbish away,not to cut down the trees.We condemn such behior that killing the animals.

Protecting the animals is rybody’s job.

熊猫吃竹子的英语句子10 The giant panda is the rarest member of the bear family and among the world’s most threatened animals. It is universally loved.

Today, the giant panda's future remains uncertain. As China's economy continues rapidly dloping, this bamboo-eating member of the bear family faces a number of threats. Its forest habitat, in the mountainous areas of southwest China, is increasingly fragmented by roads and railroads. Habitat loss continues to occur outside of protected areas, while poaching remains an r-present threat.

熊猫吃竹子的英语句子11 Panda is my forite animal. Whenr I go to the zoo, the first one goes to see the panda. If there is a panda on TV, I always stare at it meticulously.

I think the most lovely panda is the body fat like a bear, the first round tail short, head and body color black and white, and a pair of black rim of the eye, and other animals is different, especially striking.

The panda likes to eat bamboo shoots, bamboo lees and tender bamboo tips. When he sees the bamboo, he picks it up and eats it like he has not eaten for three days.

You also like giant pandas, take time to go to the zoo to he a good look at the cute animals - giant pandas.

熊猫吃竹子的英语句子12 The giant panda is known as the national treasure of Chin问题一:竹笋的英语怎么写 系统地英语口语可以通过四个步骤训练a. The panda was a kind of ordinary animal in China long ago. Howr, for some reasons, too many of them he been killed. So the number of them is falling quickly. At present people are taking an important measure to se pandas. People want to find a home for them, and recently, they he set up a nature park for them in Sichuan Province,which is called "Pandas' Home. "There pandas can enjoy their life happily. There is a bamboo forest near the Pandas' Home. So the pandas can find bamboos easily which they like to eat very much.Because pandas are well protected now, the number of them is increasing ry year. We hope that one day we will he enough pandas to set them free and let them live in the wild again.



(二)、物体的分段或两段之间连接的部分:关节。两As the balance of nature was destroyed and the weather w(四)、泛指女性:妇女。妇孺(妇女儿童)。妇幼。as getting warmer and warmer, pandas became less. But at present,节车厢。

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