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encash是什么意思 ens什么意思?
encash是什么意思 ens什么意思?
encash是什么意思 ens什么意思?
encash是什么意思 ens什么意思?
Word Meaning
Each Every one of the two or more individuals ing a number of objects, considered separay from the rest. It is used either with or without a following noun; as, each of you or each one of you.
Eadish See Eddish.
earlyish being somewhat early; "at an earlyish hour"
Earreach Earshot.
Earsh See Arrish.
Earth The connection of any part an electric conductor with the ground; specif., the connection of a egraph line with the ground through a fault or otherwise.
Eath Easy or easily.
Ecclesiarch An official of the Eastern Church, resembling a sacrist in the Western Church.
echocardiograph a sonograph that creates an image of the heart and its abnormalities
echoencephalograph a sonograph that creates an image of the brain and its abnormalities
ectomorph a person with a thin non-muscular body
Eddish Aftermath; also, stubble and stubble field. See Arrish.
Edh The name of the Anglo-Saxon letter /, capital form /. It is sounded as "English th in a similar word: er, other, d, doth."
Edinburgh the capital of Scotland; located in the Lothian Region on the south side of the Firth of Forth
Eh An expression of inquiry or slight surprise.
Ehrlich German bacteriologist who found a `magic bullet'' to cure syphilis and was a pioneer in the study of immunology (1854-15)
Eidograph An instrument for copying drawings on the same or a different scale; a form of the pantograph.
Eigh An exction expressing delight.
Eighth Next in order after the snth.
Eighth Next in order after the snth.
Eighti The next in order after snty-ninth.
Eirenarch A just of the peace; irenarch.
Ela obranch Of or pertaining to the Ela obranchii.
Elderish Somewhat old; elderly.
Eldritch Hideous; ghastly; as, an eldritch shriek or laugh.
electrocardiograph medical instrument that records electric currents associated with contractions of the heart
electroencephalograph medical instrument that records electric currents generated by the brain
Electrograph A mark, record, or tracing, made by the action of electricity.
electromyograph a medical instrument that records the electrical wes associated with the activity of skeletal muscles
Elench That part of an argument on which its conclusiveness depends; that which convinces of refutes an antagonist; a refutation.
Elnth Next after the tenth; as, the elnth chapter.
Elfish Of or relating to the elves; elflike; implike; weird; scarcely human; mischievous, as though caused by elves.
Elijah a Hebrew prophet in the Old Testament who oped the worship of idols; he was persecuted for rebuking Ahab and Jezebel (king and queen of Israel); he was taken up to heen in a chariot of fire (circa 9th century BC)
Elizab Queen of England from 1558 to 1603; daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn; she succeeded Mary I (who was a Catholic) and restored Protestanti to England; during her reign Mary Queen of Scots was executed and the Spanish Armada was defeated; her reign w
Ellipsograph An instrument for describing ellipses; -- called also trammel.
Elliptograph Same as Ellipsograph.
Elrich Alt. of Elritch
Elritch Ghastly; preternatural. Same as Eldritch.
Elvish Pertaining to elves; implike; mischievous; weird; also, vacant; absent in demeanor. See Elfish.
Embellish To make beautiful or elegant by ornaments; to decorate; to adorn; as, to embellish a book with pictures, a garden with shrubs and flowers, a narrative with striking anecdotes, or style with metaphors.
Emblanch To whiten. See Blanch.
Embryotroph The material from which an embryo is formed and nourished.
Embush To place or hide in a thicket; to ambush.
Emforth According to; conformably to.
Empeach To hinder. See Impeach.
Empoverish See Impoverish.
Enambush To ambush.
enantiomorph either one of a pair of pounds (crystals or molecules) that are ror images on each other but are not identical
Enarch To arch.
Encash To turn into cash; to cash.
Encoach To carry in a coach.
Encroach To enter by gradual steps or by stealth into the sessions or rights of another; to trespass; to intrude; to trench; -- monly with on or upon; as, to encroach on a neighbor; to encroach on the highway.
Endognath The inner or principal branch of the oral appendages of Crustacea. See Maxilla.
Endolymph The watery fluid contained in the membranous labyrinth of the internal ear.
Endomorph A crystal of one species inclosed within one of another, as one of rutile inclosed in quartz.
Enfamish To famish; to starve.
Enfeeblish To enfeeble.
Enflesh To clothe with flesh.
Engastrimuth An ventriloquist.
English Of or pertaining to England, or to its inhabitants, or to the present so-called Anglo-Saxon race.
Enmesh To catch or entangle in, or as in, meshes.
Enomotarch The mander of an enomoty.
Enough Satisfying desire; giving content; adequate to meet the want; sufficient; -- usually, and more elegantly, following the noun to which it belongs.
Enrish To transport with delight; to enrapture; to fascinate.
Enrich To make rich with any kind of wealth; to render opulent; to increase the sessions of; as, to enrich the understanding with knowledge.
Ensearch To make search; to try to find soming.
Enterolith An intestinal concretion.
Entrench See Intrench.
eolith a crude stone artifact (as a chipped flint); sibly the earliest tools
Eparch In ancient Greece, the governor or perfect of a province; in modern Greece, the ruler of an eparchy.
Ephah Alt. of Epha
Epigraph Any inscription set upon a building; especially, one which has to do with the building itself, its founding or dedication.
Epitaph An inscription on, or at, a tomb, or a gre, in memory or mendation of the one buried there; a sepulchral inscription.
Epoch A fixed point of time, established in history by the occurrence of some grand or remarkable nt; a point of time marked by an nt of great subsequent influence; as, the epoch of the creation; the birth of Christ was the epoch which ge rise to the Ch
Eremitish Eremitic.
Ergograph An instrument for measuring and recording the work done by a single muscle or set of muscles, the rate of fatigue, etc.
Eriach Alt. of Eric
Ersh See Arrish.
Eskalith a white powder (LiCO3) used in manufacturing glass and ceramics and as a drug; the drug (trade names Lithane or Lithonate or Eskalith) is used to treat some forms of depression and manic episodes of manic-depressive disorder
Establish To make stable or firm; to fix immovably or firmly; to set (a thing) in a place and make it stable there; to settle; to confirm.
Estatlich Alt. of Estatly
Estrich Ostrich.
Etch A variant of Eddish.
Ethnarch The governor of a province or people.
Eugh The yew.
Eunuch A male of the human species castrated; monly, one of a class of such persons, in Oriental countries, hing charge of the women's apartments. Some of them, in former times, gained high official rank.
Evanish To vanish.
Everich Alt. of Everych
Everych each one; ry one; each of two. See Every.
Exarch A vroy; in Renna, the title of the vroys of the Byzantine emperors; in the Eastern Church, the superior over sral monasteries; in the modern Greek Church, a deputy of the patriarch , who visits the clergy, investigates ecclesiastical cases, etc
Expolish To polish thoroughly.
Extinguish To quench; to put out, as a light or fire; to stifle; to cause to die out; to put an end to; to destroy; as, to extinguish a flame, or life, or love, or hope, a pretense or a right.
extrovertish somewhat extroverted
eyebath a all vessel with a rim curved to fit the orbit of the eye; use to apply medicated or cleansing solution to the eyeball; "an eyecup is called an eyebath in Britain"
Eyeish a member of the Caddo people of northeastern Texas
Eyelash The fringe of hair that edges the eyelid; -- usually in the pl.
eyepatch a protective cloth covering for an injured eye
Eyereach The range or reach of the eye; eyeshot.
Eyete of Eyetooth
Eyetooth A canine tooth of the upper jaw.
Eyewash See Eyewater.
我找出了全部 e开头h结尾的101个单词及其解释,没有你想要的.估计是你把结尾写错了.
at once释义:立刻; 马上。你知道at once的 同义词 是什么吗,以下是我为大家整理的at once的同义词和例句,以供大家参考。
at once的同义词
at short not, immediay, right away
at once的同义词例句
He began to look for another ition immediay.
All those who are immediay involved will be rmed of the decision.
I came immediay I heard the news.
at once的英语例句
The man was so genial, so I was drawn to him at once.
We agreed to lee at once.
Since she is seriously ill, we he to send for a doctor at once.
We determined to go to the railway station at once.
It is necessary that he be sent there at once.
When I ge him the chance, he grabbed it at once.
If you see anything suspicious, rm the pol at once.
He stopped playing the piano at once.
He balled of that problem at once. 他立刻处理了那个问题。
James will be back at once, hang on. 詹姆斯马上就回来,别挂断电话。
You'd better encash your motorcycle at once. 你马上卖掉摩托车换成现款。
He relapsed into a thoughtful mood at once. 他立刻又陷入沉思中。
We at once went out. 我们立刻跑了出去。
So she contacted his consultant at once to consult with him about this. 于是她立刻联系他的顾问医生向他请教怎么办。
Let me come at once, or at once come to me! 让我立刻到你那儿去吧,或者你立刻到我这儿来!
The tired treller fell back on the bed and at once fell asleep. 那个疲劳的旅客往床上一倒就睡着了。
It's getting late. Run home at once. 天晚了,快跑回家去。
How do you accomplish them both at once? 你是如何同时实现这两个目标的呢?
Let them do it at once. 让他们马上做这件事。
He besought her to go at once. 他恳求她马上去。
We must move at once in this matter. 对这件事我们必须立刻采取行动。
I recognized his vo at once. 我立刻听出了他的口音。
at once的英语 句子 带翻译
We must start at once. 我们必须马上出发。
He her come in at once. 让她马上进来。
I knew him at once. 我立即认出了他。
His face scowled at once. 他的脸色马上阴沉下来。
He unbuttoned the old man at once. 他立刻解开老人的衣服。
He him in at once, please. 请他立刻就进来。
I he to go, I really must, at once
I dreamed up a plan to solve both problems at once
I must be going back at once.
I recognized his vo at once.
The receptionist recognized him at once
She knew at once that he was concealing soming from her.
I must speak to Tania at once
His story was seen through at once.
If they'd operated and pinned her arm at once, she might he healed by now
After the theatre let out, the street was at once thronged with people.
The audience at once greeted him warmly.
We must start at once.
In case you give me lee, I will start at once.
If anything happens to him, let me know at once.
1. attend的同义词和例句
2. consider的同义词和例句
3. appreciate的同义词和例句
4. walk的同义词是什么
5. college的同义词
Search results
Word Meaning
Each Every one of the two or more individuals coming a number of objects, considered separay from the rest. It is used either with or without a following noun; as, each of you or each one of you.
Eadish See Eddish.
earlyish being somewhat early; "at an earlyish hour"
Earreach Earshot.
Earsh See Arrish.
Earth The connection of any part an electric conductor with the ground; specif., the connection of a egraph line with the ground through a fault or otherwise.
Eath Easy or easily.
Ecclesiarch An official of the Eastern Church, resembling a sacrist in the Western Church.
echocardiograph a sonograph that creates an image of the heart and its abnormalities
echoencephalograph a sonograph that creates an image of the brain and its abnormalities
ectomorph a person with a thin non-muscular body
Eddish Aftermath; also, stubble and stubble field. See Arrish.
Edh The name of the Anglo-Saxon letter /, capital form /. It is sounded as "English th in a similar word: //er, other, d//, doth."
Edinburgh the capital of Scotland; located in the Lothian Region on the south side of the Firth of Forth
Eh An expression of inquiry or slight surprise.
Ehrlich German bacteriologist who found a `magic bullet'' to cure syphilis and was a pioneer in the study of immunology (1854-15)
Eidograph An instrument for copying drawings on the same or a different scale; a form of the pantograph.
Eigh An exction expressing delight.
Eighth Next in order after the snth.
Eighth Next in order after the snth.
Eighti The next in order after snty-ninth.
Eirenarch A just of the peace; irenarch.
Elaobranch Of or pertaining to the Elaobranchii.
Elderish Somewhat old; elderly.
Eldritch Hideous; ghastly; as, an eldritch shriek or laugh.
electrocardiograph medical instrument that records electric currents associated with contractions of the heart
electroencephalograph medical instrument that records electric currents generated by the brain
Electrograph A mark, record, or tracing, made by the action of electricity.
electromyograph a medical instrument that records the electrical wes associated with the activity of skeletal muscles
Elench That part of an argument on which its conclusiveness depends; that which convinces of refutes an antagonist; a refutation.
Elnth Next after the tenth; as, the elnth chapter.
Elfish Of or relating to the elves; elflike; implike; weird; scarcely human; mischievous, as though caused by elves.
Elijah a Hebrew prophet in the Old Testament who oped the worship of idols; he was persecuted for rebuking Ahab and Jezebel (king and queen of Israel); he was taken up to heen in a chariot of fire (circa 9th century BC)
Elizab Queen of England from 1558 to 1603; daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn; she succeeded Mary I (who was a Catholic) and restored Protestanti to England; during her reign Mary Queen of Scots was executed and the Spanish Armada was defeated; her reign w
Ellipsograph An instrument for describing ellipses; -- called also trammel.
Elliptograph Same as Ellipsograph.
Elrich Alt. of Elritch
Elritch Ghastly; preternatural. Same as Eldritch.
Elvish Pertaining to elves; implike; mischievous; weird; also, vacant; absent in demeanor. See Elfish.
Embellish To make beautiful or elegant by ornaments; to decorate; to adorn; as, to embellish a book with pictures, a garden with shrubs and flowers, a narrative with striking anecdotes, or style with metaphors.
Emblanch To whiten. See Blanch.
Embryotroph The material from which an embryo is formed and nourished.
Embush To place or hide in a thicket; to ambush.
Emforth According to; conformably to.
Empeach To hinder. See Impeach.
Empoverish See Impoverish.
Enambush To ambush.
enantiomorph either one of a pair of compounds (crystals or molecules) that are ror images on each other but are not identical
Enarch To arch.
Encash To turn into cash; to cash.
Encoach To carry in a coach.
Encroach To enter by gradual steps or by stealth into the sessions or rights of another; to trespass; to intrude; to trench; -- commonly with on or upon; as, to encroach on a neighbor; to encroach on the highway.
Endognath The inner or principal branch of the oral appendages of Crustacea. See Maxilla.
Endolymph The watery fluid contained in the membranous labyrinth of the internal ear.
Endomorph A crystal of one species inclosed within one of another, as one of rutile inclosed in quartz.
Enfamish To famish; to starve.
Enfeeblish To enfeeble.
Enflesh To clothe with flesh.
Engastrimuth An ventriloquist.
English Of or pertaining to England, or to its inhabitants, or to the present so-called Anglo-Saxon race.
Enmesh To catch or entangle in, or as in, meshes.
Enomotarch The commander of an enomoty.
Enough Satisfying desire; giving content; adequate to meet the want; sufficient; -- usually, and more elegantly, following the noun to which it belongs.
Enrish To transport with delight; to enrapture; to fascinate.
Enrich To make rich with any kind of wealth; to render opulent; to increase the sessions of; as, to enrich the understanding with knowledge.
Ensearch To make search; to try to find soming.
Enterolith An intestinal concretion.
Entrench See Intrench.
eolith a crude stone artifact (as a chipped flint); sibly the earliest tools
Eparch In ancient Greece, the governor or perfect of a province; in modern Greece, the ruler of an eparchy.
Ephah Alt. of Epha
Epigraph Any inscription set upon a building; especially, one which has to do with the building itself, its founding or dedication.
Epitaph An inscription on, or at, a tomb, or a gre, in memory or commendation of the one buried there; a sepulchral inscription.
Epoch A fixed point of time, established in history by the occurrence of some grand or remarkable nt; a point of time marked by an nt of great subsequent influence; as, the epoch of the creation; the birth of Christ was the epoch which ge rise to the Ch
Eremitish Eremitic.
Ergograph An instrument for measuring and recording the work done by a single muscle or set of muscles, the rate of fatigue, etc.
Eriach Alt. of Eric
Ersh See Arrish.
Eskalith a white powder (LiCO3) used in manufacturing glass and ceramics and as a drug; the drug (trade names Lithane or Lithonate or Eskalith) is used to treat some forms of depression and manic episodes of manic-depressive disorder
Establish To make stable or firm; to fix immovably or firmly; to set (a thing) in a place and make it stable there; to settle; to confirm.
Estatlich Alt. of Estatly
Estrich Ostrich.
Etch A variant of Eddish.
Ethnarch The governor of a province or people.
Eugh The yew.
Eunuch A male of the human species castrated; commonly, one of a class of such persons, in Oriental countries, hing charge of the women's apartments. Some of them, in former times, gained high official rank.
Evanish To vanish.
Everich Alt. of Everych
Everych each one; ry one; each of two. See Every.
Exarch A vroy; in Renna, the title of the vroys of the Byzantine emperors; in the Eastern Church, the superior over sral monasteries; in the modern Greek Church, a deputy of the patriarch , who visits the clergy, investigates ecclesiastical cases, etc
Expolish To polish thoroughly.
Extinguish To quench; to put out, as a light or fire; to stifle; to cause to die out; to put an end to; to destroy; as, to extinguish a flame, or life, or love, or hope, a pretense or a right.
extrovertish somewhat extroverted
eyebath a all vessel with a rim curved to fit the orbit of the eye; use to apply medicated or cleansing solution to the eyeball; "an eyecup is called an eyebath in Britain"
Eyeish a member of the Caddo people of northeastern Texas
Eyelash The fringe of hair that edges the eyelid; -- usually in the pl.
eyepatch a protective cloth covering for an injured eye
Eyereach The range or reach of the eye; eyeshot.
Eyete of Eyetooth
Eyetooth A canine tooth of the upper jaw.
Eyewash See Eyewater.
我找出了全部 e开头h结尾的101个单词及其解释,没有你想要的.估计是你把结尾写错了.
Your check I he received, but you take my name wrong, is not qiu qui,
Results from the Bank of China, I cashed in, you can be corrected in the following over the cheque, thank you! !
I he received the check you issued to me. Thank you. Howr, you he put my name in the wrong way. It should he been written "qiu" instead of "qui". Therefore the Bank of China refused to cash the check.
Could you please reissue a check with the correct name qiu and send it to me?
Thanks in aance.
I he received your check,but for you writing my name wrong,it's not qui but qiu,the bank of china refused to encash my check,pls check it correctly,and then send me the correct check,thanks for a lot.
enable vt.使能够,使可能
enact v. 制定(法律),扮演(角色)
enactment n. 颁布,扮演
enamel n. 琅,瓷釉
enamor vt. 迷住,使迷恋
enamored adj. 倾心的;被迷住的
enamour vt. 迷住,使迷恋
enamoured adj. 珍爱的,喜爱的
扩展资料 encamp vi. 扎营,露营
encampment n. 露营,宿营
encapsulate v. 装入胶囊,压缩
encase vt. 围住,包起;把...装入箱内
encash 把…兑现兑现,取得
encephalitis n. 脑炎
enchain vt. 束缚,以铁练绑住
enchant vt.迷住;用魔法迷惑
motor bicycle;
You'd better encash your motorcycle at once.
He runs behind a motorcycle for half an hour ry morning.
They are ramming their motorcycles on the expressway at 80 miles per hour.
He started out wanting a motorbicycle, and then bought a car.
然而, 不会有任何外来干扰来使用这辆摩托车来熏烤肉, 因为这是完全合法的.
Howr, there is no hassle in using the motorcycle for oking meat as it is totally legal.
Inside, the driver and a single passenger sit in tandem, as they would on a motorcycle.
His car or motorcycle is Japanese, and so are his shirt and trousers.
Car and Motorcycle jam in Taipei.
While women fantasise about love and romance, men fantasise about fast cars, biggercomrs, boats and motorcycles.
Some brought their own tents and others turned on the lights of motorcycles.
Often, border pol thought he must be insane. Some said they would permit him to cross, butnot his motorcycle.
This is easier than I imagined. As we wander down a hill in the dark, a man on a motorbike pulls up and says: “Yoent coat?
We make ry part of the bike. It's very light, half the weight of a normal motorcycle.
If you wouldn’t normally ride a motorcycle in flip flops, or get staggering drunk in a strange placewith people you don’t know, why would you do it on holiday?
Along the thoroughfare, motorcycles and art new cars zoom past them.
The President's car was flanked by motor-cycle outriders.
Mr. Lin will wash his motorcycle tomorrow morning.
He diounted from the horse and walked to the man on the roadside.
She is now dragging it to a repair shop to get it fixed.
The motorist diounted from his motorcycle and came towards the gate.
Riding a motorcycle is the same with riding a bike.
How much did you spend on the motor bike?
Motorcycles fall within our scope of business.
He was sitting on a motorbike and iling broadly.
1. Two men riding on motorcycles opened fire on him.
2. He lifted the bike off its stand and kick-started it.
3. The gunman escaped on a motorcycle being ridden by an accompl.
4. Stefano used a motor cycle to herd the sheep.
5. Richardson sred his right foot in a motorbike accident.
6. They made their getaway along a pement on a stolen motorcycle.
7. Two young men were racing motorcycles on the loose grel.
8. They saw a squadron of fif motorcycle polmen driving in V-formation.
9. There were gangs of kids on motorbikes roaming around.
10. Carlos Sainz of Spain has won the New Zealand Motor Rally.
11. Carmela heard the purr of a motor-cycle coming up the drive.
12. He suffered sre brain damage after a motorbike accident.
13. A man in a crash helmet was mounting a motorbike.
14. I won't he him risking his neck on that motorcycle.
15. Daniel's early exure to motor racing did not excite his interest.
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