“According to”是一个常见的短语,用来指代信息来源或权威。然而,在写专业或学术作品时,使用它的同义词可以增加语言的多样性和清晰度。以下是“according to”的一些替代词:
替代“According to”的语言:
As stated by: 明确指出信息来源。 As per: 表示遵循特定权威或指南。 Based on: 指出信息的基础或证据。 In accordance with: 强调与特定规则或标准的一致性。 Pursuant to: 指法律或协议中确定的信息。 By: 指明信息提供者或来源。 According to the view of: 介绍观点或意见。 In the opinion of: 用于特定专家的看法。 Studies indicate: 引用研究或调查作为证据。 Data suggests: 指出趋势或模式,基于可量化的信息。
如何使用“According to”的同义词:
使用“according to”的同义词时,考虑以下准则:
选择与句子的语调和风格一致的同义词。 准确引用信息源,包括姓名、称号或组织。 避免在短文中重复使用相同的同义词。 使用过渡词和短语来平滑文本流。
According to a recent study, the average lifespan of humans is increasing. As stated by the WHO, vaccines are an effective way to prevent disease. In accordance with the company policy, all employees must complete a safety training course. Pursuant to the contract, the buyer must pay the full amount within 30 days. In the opinion of the experts, climate change is the greatest threat to humanity.
标题:增强学术写作:用同义词替代“According to”
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