
各省高考 2025-01-23 10:26:04


Based on Shiba Ryoutarou's fiction, many also beli that Okita and Hijikata were like brothers. In history, Yamanami Keisuke was the v-commander Okita shared a brotherly relationship with. Yamanami's seppuku (with Okita as his second) in 1865 was an extremely painful incident in Okita's short life. There is no record showing that Hijikata and Okita were close; it is debatable wher Okita n got along with Hijikata.







==Okita Soji==

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Okita Sōji (冲田 総司), (1842 or 1844 - July 19, 1868) was the captain of the first troop of the Shinsengumi, a special pol force in Kyoto during the late shogunate period. He was a well-known genius swordan, being one of the strongest out of the Shinsengumi, along with Saito Hajime and Nagakura Shinpachi.


He was born Okita Soujirou Fujiwara no Harumasa in 1842 or 1844 from a samurai family in the Shirakawa- han's Edo mansion. His great-grandfather was Okita Kan'emon ( - 1819) and his grandfather was Okita Sanshiro ( - 1833.) His father, Okita Katsujiro, died in 1845; he had two older sisters, Okita Mitsu (1833-1907) and Okita Kin (1836-1908.) In 1846, in order to marry the adopted son of the Okita family, Okita Rintaro (1826-1883), his oldest sister Okita Mitsu became an adopted daughter of Kondo Shusuke in name. Kondo Shusuke was the third of the Tennen Rishin Ryu and Okita started training at the Shieikan with him around the age of nine. By that time, Kondo Shusuke had already adopted Shimazaki Katsuta (the later Kondo Isami), but Hijikata Toshizo had not yet enrolled at the Tennen Rishin-ryu school. Okita proved to be a prodigy and attained Menkyo Kaiden status ( of kenjutsu) at eigh or so.

In 1861, Okita became the Head Coach (Jukutou) at the Shieikan. Even though he was often commented to be honest, polite, and good-natured by those around him, he was also known to be a strict and quick-tempered teacher to his students.

According to Yagi Tamesaburou (Yagi Gennoujou's son) and Satou S'sen (Satou Hikogorou's descendent), Okita was a tall, dark, and thin man with high cheekbones, a wide mouth, and a "flatfish" face. In addition, he was known as a man who iled and laughed well (not very talkative, howr.)

=Shinsengumi Period=

Okita changed his name to Okita Souji Fujiwara no Kaneyoshi some time before his departure to Kyoto in 1863. He soon became a founding member of the Shinsengumi and a Fukuchou Jokin (V-Commander's Assistant.) Okita Rintarou, also a practitioner of the Tennen Rishin-ryu, became a commander of the Shinchougumi (the Shinsengumi's brother league in Edo.)

Okita was the second youngest among the Shieikan members, with Todo Heisuke being the youngest. He was one of the Shieikan members involved in the Serizawa Kamo (one of the original commanders of the Shinsengumi) and the Uchiyama Hikojiro assassinations in 1863.

Equally skilled with shinai, bokken/bokutou, and katana, his signature technique was named the Mumyo-ken or Sandanzuki (which translates as "Three Piece Thrust"), a technique that could attack one's neck, left shoulder, and right shoulder with one strike. (the Mumyo-ken supedly could hit all three points simultaneously, but this is most likely an embellishment.) The Mumyo-ken was his own invention and it could he been derived from an invention of Hijikata's (the Hirazuki.)

It was rumored that his tuberculosis was discovered when he coughed blood and fainted during the Ikedaya Affair, but some sources say that he contracted the disease after that. Both are reasonable, as tuberculosis can kill quickly (weeks), or very slowly (many years). While many of the Shinsengumi fans beli that Yoshida Toshimaru was killed by Okita during the Ikedaya Affair (based on Shimosawa Kan and Shiba Ryoutarou's fiction), it is in fact historically inaccurate.

In 1865, Okita became the captain of the first unit of the Shinsengumi and also served as a kenjutsu instructor; later that year, he was appointed by Kondo Isami to be the fifth of the Tennen Rishin-ryu after him.

Although highly unlikely, it was rumored that he wielded a famous katana called Kikuichi-monji. Howr, he surely owned a set of Kaga Kiyomitsu (a katana and a wakizashi) and his so-called "Kikuichimonji Norimune" was likely a Yamasiro Kunikiyo instead.


The rmation that Okita died when he was 25 is based on the theory that he was born in 1844 and therefore was 25 by East Asian age reckoning when he died in 1868.

It is historically accurate that Okita loved children. During his time in Kyoto, he was often seen playing with children and was a baby-sitter to Yagi's sons in Mibu.

Okita was a bit of a clean freak.

Aside from being treated by Matsumoto, Okita also took Kyorou Sanyaku (medicine for enervation and coughing) for his tuberculosis (not to be confused with Ishida Sanyaku for treating injures such as bruises and broken bones.)

There has not been any evidence of an Okita photograph.

The account in regard of Okita and a certain doctor's daughter originally comes from the Shinsengumi trilogy by Shimozawa Kan. His Shinsengumi books are categorized as (historical) fiction. Likewise, according to Shimozawa's Shinsengumi Shimatsuki, Okita died after an attempt to kill a black cat. Howr, it is debatable how much of it is fact-based.

"Okita" (冲田) was his family name; "Soji" (総司) was his given name; "Fujiwara" (藤原) was his family clan (the surname of his ancestors); "Kaneyoshi" (房良) was his formal given name (like a middle name equivalent). It is unclear wher Okita changed his name to Okita Souji Fujiwara no Kaneyoshi in 1863 or in 1862 (or less likely, in 1861.) There's a theory that he changed his name to Souji because some people around him called him "Sou-Ji" (short for Soujirou.) Other than his full name, he could be referred as Okita Soji or Okita Soji Kaneyoshi. In writing, he was sometimes referred as Fujiwara no Kaneyoshi (formal name used in writing) or Okita Kaneyoshi (like the "initials" for his full name.).

=Okita in Fiction=

Like the other members of the Shinsengumi, fictionalized accounts of Okita's life and actions appear in novels, period dramas and anime/manga series.

Okita is briefly mentioned and shown in the anime/manga series Rurouni Kenshin, which takes place during and after the Meiji Revolution in Japan. A character later on in the series, Seta Sōjirō, was based on the Okita Sōji from novel Shinsengumi Keppuroku (and therefore, darker than the real Okita.) Okita is also a main character in the anime/manga Peacemaker Kurogane, which takes more liberties with history. In an episode of the anime Ghost Sweeper Mikami, ghost-ter Mikami Reiko gets inside of a haunted movie about the Bakumatsu and meets Okita, who is depicted as a crazy guy who thinks only of killing people (obvious pun on his usual portrayal, which also is a foil to the show's rendition of Hijikata.) In the anime/manga series Shura no Toki, Okita's (fictional) last battle before succumbing to his sickness is with a warrior from the Mutsu Enmei Ryuu, an unarmed martial art. Their duel was a request from Okita himself from years before. And while only briefly appearing in Kido Shinsengumi: Moeyo Ken (in a flashback and as a sible ghost), Okita's fictional daughter ru (by an equally fictional unnamed wife) is one of the three main characters of the series.

Okita is the male protagonist in the manga Kaze Hikaru, a fictional story about the Shinsengumi during the late Tokugawa shogunate, in which Okita trains a young girl to be one of the Shinsengumi in order to enge her father and older brother. He is also featured in the manga Getsumei Seiki.

In addition, he is depicted in the 1999 live-action film Gohatto (sometimes known as Taboo in the USA) and video series Bakumatsu Renka Shinsengumi. His three-point strike (Mumyo-ken) and his tuberculosis are also very similar to the character Ukyo Tachibana from the video series Samurai Shodown.

The popular Japanese conception of Okita is that his character and his swordanship were of the highest purity. In Shiba Ryotaro's novels, he joined the Shinsengumi not because of his political beliefs but rather out of his loyalty for Kondo Isami and his (fictional) friendship with Hijikata Toshizo.

Although his given name is sometimes pronounced as "Soushi" in the fictional world, it's actually "Souji.".


Mori, Makiko. Okita Soji Feature. Tokyo: Shin Jinbutsu Oraisha, 1999. ISBN 4404028075

==Okita Soji==

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Okita Sōji (冲田 総司), (1842 or 1844 - July 19, 1868) was the captain of the first troop of the Shinsengumi, a special pol force in Kyoto during the late shogunate period. He was a well-known genius swordan, being one of the strongest out of the Shinsengumi, along with Saito Hajime and Nagakura Shinpachi.


He was born Okita Soujirou Fujiwara no Harumasa in 1842 or 1844 from a samurai family in the Shirakawa- han's Edo mansion. His great-grandfather was Okita Kan'emon ( - 1819) and his grandfather was Okita Sanshiro ( - 1833.) His father, Okita Katsujiro, died in 1845; he had two older sisters, Okita Mitsu (1833-1907) and Okita Kin (1836-1908.) In 1846, in order to marry the adopted son of the Okita family, Okita Rintaro (1826-1883), his oldest sister Okita Mitsu became an adopted daughter of Kondo Shusuke in name. Kondo Shusuke was the third of the Tennen Rishin Ryu and Okita started training at the Shieikan with him around the age of nine. By that time, Kondo Shusuke had already adopted Shimazaki Katsuta (the later Kondo Isami), but Hijikata Toshizo had not yet enrolled at the Tennen Rishin-ryu school. Okita proved to be a prodigy and attained Menkyo Kaiden status ( of kenjutsu) at eigh or so.

In 1861, Okita became the Head Coach (Jukutou) at the Shieikan. Even though he was often commented to be honest, polite, and good-natured by those around him, he was also known to be a strict and quick-tempered teacher to his students.

According to Yagi Tamesaburou (Yagi Gennoujou's son) and Satou S'sen (Satou Hikogorou's descendent), Okita was a tall, dark, and thin man with high cheekbones, a wide mouth, and a "flatfish" face. In addition, he was known as a man who iled and laughed well (not very talkative, howr.)

=Shinsengumi Period=

Okita changed his name to Okita Souji Fujiwara no Kaneyoshi some time before his departure to Kyoto in 1863. He soon became a founding member of the Shinsengumi and a Fukuchou Jokin (V-Commander's Assistant.) Okita Rintarou, also a practitioner of the Tennen Rishin-ryu, became a commander of the Shinchougumi (the Shinsengumi's brother league in Edo.)

Okita was the second youngest among the Shieikan members, with Todo Heisuke being the youngest. He was one of the Shieikan members involved in the Serizawa Kamo (one of the original commanders of the Shinsengumi) and the Uchiyama Hikojiro assassinations in 1863.

Equally skilled with shinai, bokken/bokutou, and katana, his signature technique was named the Mumyo-ken or Sandanzuki (which translates as "Three Piece Thrust"), a technique that could attack one's neck, left shoulder, and right shoulder with one strike. (the Mumyo-ken supedly could hit all three points simultaneously, but this is most likely an embellishment.) The Mumyo-ken was his own invention and it could he been derived from an invention of Hijikata's (the Hirazuki.)

It was rumored that his tuberculosis was discovered when he coughed blood and fainted during the Ikedaya Affair, but some sources say that he contracted the disease after that. Both are reasonable, as tuberculosis can kill quickly (weeks), or very slowly (many years). While many of the Shinsengumi fans beli that Yoshida Toshimaru was killed by Okita during the Ikedaya Affair (based on Shimosawa Kan and Shiba Ryoutarou's fiction), it is in fact historically inaccurate.

In 1865, Okita became the captain of the first unit of the Shinsengumi and also served as a kenjutsu instructor; later that year, he was appointed by Kondo Isami to be the fifth of the Tennen Rishin-ryu after him.

Although highly unlikely, it was rumored that he wielded a famous katana called Kikuichi-monji. Howr, he surely owned a set of Kaga Kiyomitsu (a katana and a wakizashi) and his so-called "Kikuichimonji Norimune" was likely a Yamasiro Kunikiyo instead.


The rmation that Okita died when he was 25 is based on the theory that he was born in 1844 and therefore was 25 by East Asian age reckoning when he died in 1868.

It is historically accurate that Okita loved children. During his time in Kyoto, he was often seen playing with children and was a baby-sitter to Yagi's sons in Mibu.

Okita was a bit of a clean freak.

Aside from being treated by Matsumoto, Okita also took Kyorou Sanyaku (medicine for enervation and coughing) for his tuberculosis (not to be confused with Ishida Sanyaku for treating injures such as bruises and broken bones.)

There has not been any evidence of an Okita photograph.

The account in regard of Okita and a certain doctor's daughter originally comes from the Shinsengumi trilogy by Shimozawa Kan. His Shinsengumi books are categorized as (historical) fiction. Likewise, according to Shimozawa's Shinsengumi Shimatsuki, Okita died after an attempt to kill a black cat. Howr, it is debatable how much of it is fact-based.

"Okita" (冲田) was his family name; "Soji" (総司) was his given name; "Fujiwara" (藤原) was his family clan (the surname of his ancestors); "Kaneyoshi" (房良) was his formal given name (like a middle name equivalent). It is unclear wher Okita changed his name to Okita Souji Fujiwara no Kaneyoshi in 1863 or in 1862 (or less likely, in 1861.) There's a theory that he changed his name to Souji because some people around him called him "Sou-Ji" (short for Soujirou.) Other than his full name, he could be referred as Okita Soji or Okita Soji Kaneyoshi. In writing, he was sometimes referred as Fujiwara no Kaneyoshi (formal name used in writing) or Okita Kaneyoshi (like the "initials" for his full name.).

=Okita in Fiction=

Like the other members of the Shinsengumi, fictionalized accounts of Okita's life and actions appear in novels, period dramas and anime/manga series.

Okita is briefly mentioned and shown in the anime/manga series Rurouni Kenshin, which takes place during and after the Meiji Revolution in Japan. A character later on in the series, Seta Sōjirō, was based on the Okita Sōji from novel Shinsengumi Keppuroku (and therefore, darker than the real Okita.) Okita is also a main character in the anime/manga Peacemaker Kurogane, which takes more liberties with history. In an episode of the anime Ghost Sweeper Mikami, ghost-ter Mikami Reiko gets inside of a haunted movie about the Bakumatsu and meets Okita, who is depicted as a crazy guy who thinks only of killing people (obvious pun on his usual portrayal, which also is a foil to the show's rendition of Hijikata.) In the anime/manga series Shura no Toki, Okita's (fictional) last battle before succumbing to his sickness is with a warrior from the Mutsu Enmei Ryuu, an unarmed martial art. Their duel was a request from Okita himself from years before. And while only briefly appearing in Kido Shinsengumi: Moeyo Ken (in a flashback and as a sible ghost), Okita's fictional daughter ru (by an equally fictional unnamed wife) is one of the three main characters of the series.

Okita is the male protagonist in the manga Kaze Hikaru, a fictional story about the Shinsengumi during the late Tokugawa shogunate, in which Okita trains a young girl to be one of the Shinsengumi in order to enge her father and older brother. He is also featured in the manga Getsumei Seiki.

In addition, he is depicted in the 1999 live-action film Gohatto (sometimes known as Taboo in the USA) and video series Bakumatsu Renka Shinsengumi. His three-point strike (Mumyo-ken) and his tuberculosis are also very similar to the character Ukyo Tachibana from the video series Samurai Shodown.

The popular Japanese conception of Okita is that his character and his swordanship were of the highest purity. In Shiba Ryotaro's novels, he joined the Shinsengumi not because of his political beliefs but rather out of his loyalty for Kondo Isami and his (fictional) friendship with Hijikata Toshizo.

Although his given name is sometimes pronounced as "Soushi" in the fictional world, it's actually "Souji.".


Mori, Makiko. Okita Soji Feature. Tokyo: Shin Jinbutsu Oraisha, 1999. ISBN 4404028075


Oji, Kazuko. Walking with Okita Soji. Tokyo: Shin Jinbutsu Oraisha, 1989. ISBN 4404016212


自作家司马辽太郎的作品以后,冲田在、影剧等的构筑世界中频繁地被赋予美少年的形象。有关冲田的容貌,现在残存的冲田的肖像画,是在昭和4年,以冲田家的人为基准绘制。根据八木家的人或与新选组有关的人所言,并没有“美少年”这样的概念。据载,冲田“脸平色黑”、“肩膀强健”、“驼背”、“高大”。(在“交给龙马!”、“月明星稀──再见新选组”中正是使用类似这样的说法)在这样的记述下呈现的形象,也对美少年的说法抱存疑义。冲田是美少年这样的印象,是因为他有着剑术高超,但却不幸肺痨早逝这样富含戏剧性的生涯,再加上演出这样戏剧性一生时的需要,于是由司马辽太郎的“燃烧吧剑”为首,承继著这种趋向的“幕末纯情传”等等许多的作品中定位了“剑术超乎常人地强,有着开朗的性格,但在另一方面,却是病弱苍白的美少年。”这样深植一般人心中的印象误解。在1974年上映的电影“冲田总司”(东宝)由草刈正雄演出主角冲田总司,至此奠定了冲田为"美男子"的形象, 之前冲田并没有特别被定义为美男子。还有人认为,多数的电影等影像媒体中总是让年轻美男子饰演冲田的角色的影响也不容小觑。有关冲田的肖像,1977年出版的“激录新撰组”(原康史著东京运动社刊)的表纸中刊载了宣称是冲田的照片。书中收录了许多宣称是新选组队轻武士照片,照片中也能看见和冲田同年代武士的姿态,研究者中有不少是抱存疑虑的。


:近藤勇(1834年 - 1868年) 副长:土方歳三(1835年 - 1869年) 总长:山南敬助(1833年 - 1865年) 参谋:伊东甲子太郎(1835年 - 1867年)


1番队:冲田总司(1842年? - 1868年) 2番队:永仓新八(1839 - 15年) 3番队:斋藤一(1844年 - 15年) 4番队:松原忠司(1835年? - 1865年) 5番队:武田观柳斋(1830年 - 1867年) 6番队:井上源三郎(1829年 - 1868年) 7番队:谷三十郎(? - 1866年) 8番队:藤堂平助(1844年 - 1867年) 9番队:铃木三树三郎(1837年 - 19年) 10番队:原田左之助(1840年His anime, manga, and TV depictions tend to be as a handsome young man, sometimes a bishōnen. The Latin American dub of Rurouni Kenshin, n mistook Okita for a woman, and the Hijikata/Okita yaoi pairing is very popular among the fangirls of Peacemaker Kurogane. - 1868年)


He was not particularly fond of liquor but it is fictional that hIt is a misconception that Okita's mother died when he was a young boy. In fact, she died in 1862.e loved sweets.


其创始人为千叶周作成政(1794-1855)。 周作出生于陆前栗原郡花山村,是三兄弟中的次男。其祖父千叶吉之丞常成原为磐城国相马藩北辰梦想流剑术师范,后移居到陆前国栗原郡花山村居住。周作少时随父亲千叶幸右卫门练习北辰梦想流剑术,以后作为浅利又七郎义信的养子,到下总松户跟随浅利又七郎和中西忠兵卫学习一刀流剑法。后来将自己所学剑术糅合起来,创立了北辰一刀流,并在江户日本桥设立了剑术道场玄武馆,与镜心明智流的士学馆、神道无念流的练兵馆合称“江户三大道场”。玄武馆后来迁往神田玉池。







比如山崎原名山崎烝,烝同蒸,有During the Boshin War, after the Battle of Toba-Fushimi in January of Keiou 4, Okita went into Matsumoto Ryoujun's hospital in Edo. He then moved to a guesthouse with Okita Rintarou, Okita Mitsu, and their children. When the shogunate forces (including the Shinsengumi and the Shinchougumi) retreated to the Tohokegion, Okita remained in Edo alone. He died on July 19 (lunar calendar May 30th), 1868. Later that night, he was buried at his family temple in Edo (present Tokyo), under his birth name (with Okita Souji listed in the death records.) Today, Okita's gre is not open to the public.向上的意思……猩猩偏偏就给山崎取名叫“退”……



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