
各省高考 2025-02-26 10:26:25


在、浙江省 、浙江省教育厅、浙江省广电厅的共同关心和支持下,经过一年多的艰苦努力,于1998年6月6日实现了我校现代远程教育的成功试播,同年底在浙江省招收了批现代远程教育学生。新的浙江大学成立后,学校对开展现代远程教育非常重视,将试点工作纳入了学校整体发展规划,并确定了开展现代远程教育的规划和分步实施方案。






要说考试考研可能不会有影响,本科就可以,但是就业的话,用人单位看上面当然写了你是远程教育的,跟浙大学生当然不一样了。 城市学院的学习很好的话还可以换跟浙大一样的, 那个恐怕不行吧。

公1999年3月我校远程教育学院正式挂牌。 学院拥有很强的师资力量,拥有一个团结高效的集体。务员没影响的



和以往的传统学习方式不同,远程教育是一种以学生自主学习为主,教师指 导为辅, 通过各种媒体或网络自学的一门新兴教育体系。在这里有我们渴求的书 林瀚海,从内容到形式都新颖独特,激发了我的学习兴趣,丰富的创造力和非凡 的预见性, 更能使我领悟到教育学习的真谛,那就是人人享有终身接受教育的权 利!这一切,都深深地吸引着我,通过两年半的学习,也使我对远程教育有了实 实在在的认识。


Zhejiang University is a prehensive national university. Founded in 1897, Zhejiang University was initially known as “Qiushi Shuyuan” (Qiushi Academy), one of the ealiest modern academies of higher learning established in China. In 1952, because of the nationwide restructuring of universities, Zhejiang University underwent a reshuffling of disciplines and some departments merged into other universities. In September 1998, a new Zhejiang University was established on the basis of the amalgamation of the four former individual universities, namely Zhejiang University, Hangzhou University, Zhejiang Agricultural University and Zhejiang Medical University, which were all located in the garden city of Hangzhou. Approved by the State Council, the founding of the new Zhejiang University has been a significant move in the reform and dlopment of China's higher education. The four universities he grown out of the same ancestry, the Qiushi (with the literal meaning of "seeking truth" in Chinese) Academy, which was founded a century ago as one of the earliest institutions of higher learning in China. As a result, they he all inherited from it the spirit of "Qiushi" and at the same time, built up their own distinctive features in teaching and research. Under the direct administration of China's Ministry of Education, the new Zhejiang University is a key prehensive university whose fields of study cover eln branches of learning, namely philosophy, literature, history, education, science, economics, law, mament, engineering, agriculture and medicine. The university, now has 112 specialties for undergraduate studies, and it is entitled to confer s degrees in 317 programs and doctoral degrees in 283 programs. Under its administration there are 14 Nation Key Laboratories, 2 National Engineering Research Centers and 3 National Engineering Technology Centers. Besides, it has set up 35 nation key specialties and 43 t-doctor stations. Endowed with a pleasant climate, picturesque surroundings and a forable academic atmosphere, Zhejiang University is an ideal place for teaching, research, and learning. With five campuses, namely Zijingang, Yuquan, Xixi, Huajiachi, and Zhijiang, the university now occupies a total area of 518 hectares and a floor space of over 2,000,000 square meters. At present, the total number of full time students has reached over 39,000, including more than 22,900 undergraduates, over 9,500 tgraduates working for 's degrees and over 6,600 Ph.D. candidates. There are also nearly 37,000 students taking courses in degree and non-degree programs in education. Among its 8,400 staff members and workers, there are 13 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 13 members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, over 1,200 full professors and over 2,400 associate professors. With a total space of 83,000 square meters, the university library has a collection of more than 5,840,000 volumes. In addition, the university has 6 affiliated hospitals, providing medical servs of various kinds for people from all over Zhejiang province. At the turn of the century, the university is taking full aantage of the opportunities brought by the amalgamation, and will continue to give priority to education and research. It seeks to offer serv to the nation's economic dlopment, and to make ry effort to build itself into an institution on a par with the first-class university in the world.。

没事的,等下一次 接着进行一次就行了,答辩前一定要对自己的论文了如指掌,应对老师的提问。 学费肯定是不用交了,多会有一个论文答辩费


For another,people he a wider range of chos as to teachers and lessons, because they can listen to the best lessons by the best teachers in the country, or n in the world.



Distance Education

1. 写一篇关于远程教育的英语作文 远程教育


In this technical high speed dlopment rmation age,people's shopping, exchange, n is studies and so on a series of lives to be sible to plete through the neork.Under this, we yze the distance education which the social dlopment is popular now.

For one thing, distance education makes it sible for people in remote areas to learn the subjects they are interested in.



But,malpract is also some。Because beeen teacher and the students'exchanges not vividly, therefore academic discussion also insufficient depth.

In brief, the distance learning dlopment opportunities are very big, the education prospect is very good, is only requires the time to consummate gradually.

2. 如何写《我上浙大远程,重回大学课程》这篇作文

我是从事 IT 行业的一名员工,毕业于普通职高,那时因为生活在农村家里 条件不好为了提前告别农村生活。

从学校一毕业就进入本市的一家电脑公司从事 电脑行业,但心中那份大学情结却常常萦绕在我心头,挥之不去。 “大学梦何日 能圆。

21 世纪是充满竞争的, “物竞天择” “适者生存” “优胜劣汰”,这不仅是 自然界的现象, 也是生活中普遍存在的现象。 想要适应不被所淘汰, 为 了自强,更为了圆梦,2011 年秋我报读了浙大远程教育。

为了更好的利用这个平台,学习到我们想掌握的知识,我们必须 在学习过程中做到以下几点: 1、树立学习信心,制定学习。 之过急、急于求成, 目标定得太高,只能是打击自己的学习信心,只有循序渐进、实事求是、正确地评价和认识自己、客观地设定自己的期望值,才能帮助自己树 立较强的学习信心。

确定了自己的学习目标,拟定实现目标的。为每一个 学习单元确定一个明确可行的学习目标, 严格按照学习时间表完成每一个单元的 学习任务和目标,脚踏实地地完成每一个学习任务和目标。

2、培养积极的学习情绪,养成良好的学习习惯。 在头脑清醒、注意力集中的时间段学习, 才能取得更佳的、事半功倍的效果。

在学习中还必须克服自己的分心现象,养成良好的学习习惯。 3、多记笔记,提高领悟能力,增强记忆。

多做笔记有助于提高学习效率;有助于加强记忆,特别是对考试前的复习很有 帮助。有时候,除了把教材和光盘中重要的地方做下记录之外,还要综合其他相 关资料,整理出一份 内容较丰富的笔记。

4、重视交流与沟通,主动学习、主动探索。 在学习过程中遇到一些困难和挫折是在所难免的, 当遇到自己难以解决的困难和 问题时,应正确分析它们产生的原因,尽可能获得家人、朋友和教师的关心、支 持和鼓励,多与同学交流学习心得和体会,互相鼓舞学习信心,学习他人的成功 经验,消除不良心理影响,有助于激发学习动机,增强学习信心。


3. 速求一篇介绍浙江大学的英语作文(我正在考试)

4. 求一篇英语作文,和远程教育有关

distance learning

the modern distance learning are meant for those do not he access to regular schooling or other forms of education.

distance learning can be achid without stepping out of home and learners can enjoy rich resources of education online. whats' more, the flexibility of the distance learning is its another aantage.

i he learned plenty of knowledge through distance learning and he been especially impressed by the multimedia education provided by teachers online. and i would make the most of myself to achi more in the future.

5. 根据你学习的网络课程写一篇英语作文

What is a neork courses

The sum of the online courses is through the neork performance of a discipline teaching content and teaching activities, is a new manifestation of courses under the conditions of the rmation age. It includes teaching goals, teaching strategies to anize the teaching content and the neork teaching support environment. The neork teaching support environment refers to sofare tools to support online teaching, teaching resources, as well as the implementation of the neork teaching platform teaching activities. Neork courses has the basic characteristics of interactivity, sharing, openness, collaboration and autonomy.

It should be noted that the teaching content includes teaching resources, neork courses should normally include teaching resources, including neork courses (should include at least part of the teaching resources); the neork curriculum involves only the textbook itself is not ideal (or at least inplete) . Howr, in the actual dlopment process, in order to facilitate the work (such as the division of labor or the need for parallel operation) sometimes independent teaching resources, n it side by side with the neork courses - called "neork courses and neork resource dlopment. Howr, this time should pay particular attention to: This distinction is only need for dlopment, the neork course the original neork resources should be included.

In short, the online courses is through some sofare on the neork, remote courses.

6. 用英语写一篇 题目为远程教育的优势的文章 字数80左右7. 谁能帮我写一篇关于浙江大学远程教育的学习报告

With the dlopment of r and its inter,we he the so-called Long Distance Education.Such kind of the edcation should be regarded as one of the results of the educational reforms.Anyway,the Long Distance Education really breaks the limitation on time and space.Also,this new style of education is able to satisfy the individual demand from different students.It depends on the students themselves to choose the courses offered and presented on the .Meanwhile, with the aid of the inter,students will cultivate the ability of option on different rmation from the .And surely enough,their ability of adoption on the will be trained.。


浙江大学是我国首批开展现代远程教育试点的四所高校之一, 早在1997年,浙江大学即敏锐地意识到现代远程教育的启动势在必行,决定自行筹措资金,引进先进的网络设备,开展我校的现代远程教育。1997年学校成立远程教育中心,具体筹备有关工作。



这些标志着浙江大学在开展现代远程教育方面取得了开创性的成果,在浙江大学网络教育环境熏陶下成长起来的一代新人受到了的极大关注和欢迎,《日报》、《》等媒体多次给予了详细的。试点期间,原副 、原副周远清、高教司、发展规划司、科技司等曾多次对我校现代远程教育试点工作进行考察或座谈,提出了十分宝贵的指导意见,并给予了充分的肯定。

浙大的远程教育好考吗 希望考过的人解答 告诉我具体的是怎么样的 谢谢啦

远程教育是自助招生,相对较为方便,而且考试前学校一般会提出复习提纲,仔细复习下肯定没问题~复习提上的题目大约百分之七十左右都是考题,考过东华大学的学校,没考浙大的,但是应该不多的,求采纳,做个任务中……不过质量能保证,还有疑问可以追问。除了医学教学站外,我校远程教育校外学习中心90%建立在电大系统内。 2001年7月,我国启动远程学历教育以来的首批255名毕业生在浙江大学毕业。


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