朝韩首脑首次会面 朝韩首脑会谈时间
朝韩首脑首次会面 朝韩首脑会谈时间
1.因为朝韩原来是He went on, “While South Korean entrepreneurs and governmental officials beli that they can enhance the inter-Korean relationship and give hope for economic revival to North Korean workers through the Kaesong Complex, Kim Jong Il has only his two pures.”一个,后来分裂成两个,因为经济问题,所以,不建交
1 朝鲜,南双方都认为朝鲜半岛上只存在一个。
2 增加互信,文化交流
3 影响肯定是有的,但是也不能太乐观,如果仅仅一次会晤就能解决所有问题,朝鲜就能弃核?那也就不需要六方会谈,当年也不会爆发
8. 时间17时30分许,韩国文在寅及夫人金正淑为朝鲜人金 正 恩及其夫人李雪主举行欢迎晚宴,金 正 恩与文在寅分别致辞。晚宴结束后,韩方在板门店为朝方举行欢送仪式。4月5日,朝韩有关人员在板门店举行了朝韩工作会议,主要讨论了月底即将举行的韩朝首脑会谈的安保工作安排,但双方均对具体的会谈内容保密。因此,今天的通信会谈内容也没有对外公开。
away from the inter-Korean reunification of how far (the general trend of the world)
Xu Baokang
to talk about unification, North Korea and South Korea can not be separated from "the joint declaration." The inter-Korean summit, signed the "joint declaration" has three main features:
first established the principle that the Korean nation to address the issue of national reunification are the s of the two sides stressed to unite and settle the issue of reunification independently. South Korea's largest newss, one of the "East Asia Daily" in the article pointed out that the "self-solve" the issue of reunification to achi reunification in the process of "direct and take the initiative to rule out a stumbling block."
The second is a clear direction, that is, in a unified way, the South's "confederation" with the North's "primary federal " has in common. In a unified way, South Korea is the idea of "three-step": The first step is to achi national confederation, the second step is to establish a federal , the third step is to realize the ultimate reunification of the country. In a unified way, North Korea has consistently aocated the "federal Korea." South Korea belis that North Korea's "federal Korea," South Korea and the initial stage of the national confederation in the content and meaning he in common with the main performance of the mutual recognition of the two sides in their respective countries on the basis of gradually moving to a community and That this is only to the ultimate reunification of the stage. South Korean media that the "joint declaration" for the unification of the two sides set up a joint North-South struggle, "coordinates" epoch- significance. North Korea, "Rodong Sinmun" in the article that this is the realization of the reunification of the motherland at an early date with the new landmark of great historical nts. Under the agreement, the two sides in future talks will be recognized on the respective institutions, non-interference in internal affairs, mutual cessation of libel, defamation, subversion and sabotage, as well as the establishment of liaison offs in Panmunjom on issues such as consultation, and may reach an agreement.
Third, the proed action plan. The main performance in three areas: First, from easy to start to address the issue of reunion of separated families. This is an urgent need to address the big hearts of the people. North-South divide in the past 55 years, more than 700 million separated families day and night looking forward to meet at an early date, long period of time, has a large number of elderly Aodao not on this day passed away. "Joint declaration" a clear commitment, on August 15 this year, began the exchange of separated family members of the delegation. It is belid that this is a real action to contribute to the implementation of the Declaration. Second, economic cooperation, both sides determined to keep the ll of cooperation from the private to the official, known as the "dlopment of the national economy." Third, in order to ensure the implementation of the Declaration, the two sides decided to be held as soon as sible dialogue between the authorities, Kim Jong-il will in the future due to visit Seoul.
that the inter-Korean summit, meeting on the promotion of mutual understanding, dloping North-South relations and realizing peaceful reunification is of great significance. North Korea and South Korea as well as public opinion on the results of the two sides spoke highly of it. Kim Dae-jung in passionate, said: "I am here to achi if the peace on the Korean peninsula, North-South exchanges and cooperation as well as the first step in the reunification of the motherland, I would be very honored by." Kim Jong-il said that the summit Meeting "created a very good precedent," all problems can be solved in the future.
to national reconciliation, cooperation, to be independent and peaceful reunification of the motherland, which is North and South Korea's long-cherished wish of the people, but also a historical necessity. On how soon we can achi unity, so far no one can come up with a timetable. North and the South since the peninsula half a century of continuous confrontation and the complex internal and external conflicts, the decision is bound to be a long process of unification and the twists and turns. In the process of the reunification of North and South are still facing many difficulties. First of all, deep grudges for half a century the North-South confrontation, mutual suspicion and distrust of the to melt in a short time is difficult, it is necessary to connect the national feelings of the bond, requiring careful nurturing care and patience, not emotion on the basis of harmony, unity will be A zone free of trees. Second, the North-South institutions at the national, ideological, economic strength and many other areas of the enormous differences in order to achi common ground while reserving differences, peaceful coexistence, to achi the ultimate reunification of the degree of difficulty can be imagined. The inter-Korean summit during the talks, Kim Dae-jung and Kim Yong Nam, Kim Yong Nam had bluntly asked: "In the North-South exchanges and cooperation on the issue, South Korea," National Security Law, "there is prejud, you he any ideas? "Kim Dae-jung replied:" At present, different views of the South, this issue has been submitted to Congress. "Can be seen, it is necessary to eliminate the differences is not easy. Third, despite the clear trend on the peninsula, but strictly speaking, the current status of the peninsula is only a "truce agreement" stage, the peace mechani on the peninsula has not really been established. South Korean media pointed out that the establishment of peace mechani, and also the lack of an effective North-South non-aggression guarantee, to discuss a unified program may be too hasty. Fourth, the Korean Peninsula has always been a strong Western powers for the powerhouse, the peninsula has complicated international background. Although the North Korea-South Korea summit to resolve identified the issue of national reunification is the of the Korean nation, but the reality of U.S. forces in Korea the problem is insurmountable. The United States more than once stressed that "the U.S. military will not withdraw." This shows that the reunification of the peninsula's deep-rooted problems to solve toger is not a all degree of difficulty. It is reported that Kim Dae-jung in talks with Kim Yong Nam, Kim Yong-nam asked sharply, "South Korea and the United States and Japan on North Korea policy, in close co-operation, which has a bearing on our own, your ition?" Kim Dae-jung Explained: "work closely with the three countries will North Korea, is also forable for us, the cooperation of the three countries not to undermine North Korea." Raised this issue in itself interesting. In addition, the United States has always been to put pressure on South Korea, Kim Dae-jung in the hope that the North-South talks "fully involved in the issues of concern to the United States to discuss nuclear and missile issues." The reunification of the peninsula, Kim Dae-jung prudent only to emphasize again and again, "saw a bright future and national reconciliation, cooperation, unity of hope."
for the first time North Korea-South Korea summit meeting was successfully held in the North Nanmai to peace, reconciliation, cooperation and peaceful reunification of the path of epoch- nt. Howr, the process of reunification of the peninsula, there is a long and tortuous, sometimes there would n be repeated. "The future is bright, the road is tortuous." Using the old saying summed up the situation on the Korean peninsula's reunification, and perhaps be able to withstand the test of history.
"Global Times" (June 23, 2000 Second Edition)
Guicai know?
朝鲜与韩国何时能统一 韩国
Regarding one of the key elements of conflict in the inter-Korean relationship, the Kaesong Industrial Complex, President of the Committee for Democratization of North Korea Hwang Jang Yop said, “The Kaesong Complex is nothing but a special zone for the North Korean regime to reject economic opening and reform.”
Through “Hwang Jang Yop’s Democracy Lecture,” a radio program on Free North Korea Broadcasting (Free NK), a short we radio broadcasting NGO organized by defectors, he pointed out, “In China’s case, they made special economic zones in Shanghai and other cities in order to open and reform their economy, but North Korea built the Kaesong Industrial Complex for only two pures: foreign currency and causing societal conflict in South Korea.”
He ge an example, “In the early 1990s, when North Korea constructed the Rajin-Sun special economic zone, officials suggested to Kim Jong Il that he had to pay attention to it, but Kim said, ‘When we can see some results? It was built only to earn foreign currency.”
He introduced one more story, “When Kim Woo Jung, the former CEO of Daewoo, established a cooperative company in Nampo, he nr met any workers there but one; a representative of workers who was ntually raled to be a cadre of the United Front Department of the Party.”
He stressed, “If Kim Jong Il built the Kaesong Industrial Complex in order to open and reform the economy, why has not he reformed and opened markets for the last three decades?”
He claimed that, “Even those North Koreans who he worked abroad face difficulties changing their awareness. Then, how can Kaesong workers be expected to modernize their minds just because they receive high wages? Kim Jong Il just makes the people think that ry good thing is all thanks to the General (Kim Jong Il).”
President Hwang said, “I insisted that there would nr be benefits from the Kaesong Complex when the South Korean government started trying to build it.”
He emphasized lastly, “In the relationship with the Kim Jong Il regime, the best tactic is to delay. Especially, we don’t need to he a dialogue with the regime, but to keep our distance from it, diplomatically to treat it well, but internally to arouse the South Korean people’s attention to issues surrounding it.”
Unified north and south Korea benefit
现在好像又多了个南非,称为BRICS(Brazil,Russia,India,China,South Africa),
现在好像又多了个南非,称为BRICS(Brazil,Russia,India,China,South Africa),
2018年3月29日,韩国统一部-长官赵明均与朝-鲜祖国和平统一委员会委员长李善权(左)举行韩朝高级别会谈。视觉 资料
3. 时间9点15分许,朝韩人在板门店韩方一侧的“和平之家”举行韩朝首脑会谈,与文在寅分别致辞。朝韩曾在平昌冬奥会开幕式上举“朝鲜半岛旗”共同入场。朝韩还在女子冰球项目上共同组队参赛。
韩国当地时间27日晚8点30分许,朝鲜人金 正 恩及夫人李雪主参加韩方准备的欢迎晚宴后,启程返朝,结束了27日的行程,从早上8点30分金 正 恩跨越朝韩军事分界线到晚上8点30分许返朝,整个行程约12小时。
1. 时间8时30分,朝鲜人金 正 恩与韩国文在寅握手并跨越军事分界线,随后两人“手牵手”跨越军事分界线进入朝方一侧,并在朝方一侧短暂停留。
2. 时间8时40分许,朝韩人在板门店韩方一侧检阅韩军仪仗队。随后双方步入“和平之家”,金 正 恩在留言簿上签名提字,内容为“新的历史从现在开始,在和平的时代,历史的出发点”。
金 正 恩在致辞中表示,自己百感交集,未来双方能否经常会晤解决悬而未决的问题,不让失去的11年白白流逝。今天,自己以在起跑线上发出起跑指令的心情访韩。双方将敞开心扉,就互相关心的问题进行讨论,以本次会谈为契机,面向未来携手并进,以回应外界关切。
金 正 恩还说道,来之前聊了很多关于晚餐的事情,好不容易从平壤带来了平壤冷面,希望先生能够享用。从平壤大老远带来的,平壤好像也不远。今天双方将真诚交流,与文在寅畅谈并一定会就必要的内容进行沟通,争取取得良好的成果。
文在寅表示,金 正 恩委员长题;承认双方统一方案的共同性,并为实现统一而努力;史上首次跨过韩朝军事分界线的瞬间,即意味着板门店从分裂的象征转变为和平的象征,向金 正 恩的决断致敬。文在寅说,希望韩朝今天大胆对话,共叙10年来的未尽之言,共同努力达成协议,为期待和平的朝鲜民族和全世界献上厚礼。
4.时间10时55分许,韩首脑会晤上午阶段的会谈结束,会谈持续100分钟,此后朝韩双方各自用餐,金 正 恩及随行人员回到朝方一侧。
5. 时间15时30分许,朝韩人再次会面并进行共同植树活动。
两位人所植之树为1953年签订《朝鲜停战协定》时的松树。植树时金 正 恩使用汉拿山泥土,文在寅使用白头山的泥土,并由金 正 恩浇灌汉江之水,文在寅浇灌大同江水。植树标志牌上配有“种下和平与繁荣”的文字,下方有文在寅和金 正 恩的签名。
6. 时间16时9分许,朝韩首脑在“徒步桥”上进行单独会谈。
7. 时间17时许,朝韩首脑共同签署《关于实现半岛和平、繁荣及统一的板门店宣言》(简称《板门店宣言》),朝韩一致确认了通过完全弃核实现半岛无核化的共同目标。随后,文在寅在共同记者会上表示,“我和金 正 恩委员长一起宣布,半岛再也不能生战,开启新的和平时代”。金 正 恩则表示,南北是不能分割的,希望可以共同开启和平新时代。
9 当地时间27日晚,朝鲜人金 正 恩及夫人李雪主参加韩方准备的欢迎晚宴和欢送仪式后,启程返朝,并于时间20时27分通过军事分界线,到达朝方一侧。
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