A foreign boy is eating noodles with 2 forks
叉子用英语怎么说 碗用英语怎么说
叉子用英语怎么说 碗用英语怎么说
A foreign boy with two forks in eat noodles
A boy from foreign country uses two forks to eat noodle7 could yoeconsider to use our glasses? it's more environmental protection.s.
do you he forks?
Do you he aif you like,we can let you know when we he new fors and nts or activity, so, can you lee your mailing address for us? fork?
He you any fork?
Do you he a fork?
Do you want to ?
Do you he any fork
18 need space to add milk?utensils / cutlery
fork 叉子
spoon 汤匙
plates 盘子
salad plate 沙拉盘
glasses 杯子
napkin 餐巾
pepper shaker 胡椒罐
salt shaker 盐罐
bread basket面包篮
butter tray 奶油碟
1. Man should open the chair for the lady. 男士应该为女士拉开椅子让她入座。
2. Man should sit on the lady’s left-hand side. 男士应该坐在女士的左手边。
3. Go into the seat from the left-side. 由椅子的.左侧入座。
4. Keep your hands on the lap before the meal serving. 在上餐之前把手放在大腿上。
1. Unfold the napkin and fold it half before putting it on your lap. 打开餐巾,对折,然后放在大腿上。
2. Use the napkin only to wipe your mouth. 餐巾只能用来轻轻的擦拭嘴边。
3. Place the napkin on the back of the chair if you need to be excused. 如要离开座位, 将餐巾放在椅背上。
4. After completion, place the soiled napkin at the left of your place setting. 用餐完毕, 把用过的餐巾放在餐具的左手边。
Table manners
1. During eating, your back should be relying on the seat back. 用餐时,背部要靠着椅背。
2. The meat entrees should match wine, and the fish entrees should match white wine.主菜若是肉类应搭配红酒,鱼类则搭配白酒。
3. When eating the soup, scoop the soup with spoon from back to front. 喝汤时,用汤匙由后往前将汤舀起。
4. When eating the bread, torn the bread into all pieces and eat with left hand. 吃面包时,先用两手撕成小块,再用左手拿来吃。
Place Setting
1. Put the fork on the left-hand side and the knife on the right-hand side. 把叉子放在左边,刀子放在右边。
2. Always eat outside-in. 先用摆在外面的刀叉,由外而内的使用餐具。
3. Put the salad fork to the outside of the dinner fork, the salad knife to the outside of the dinner knife. 把沙拉用叉子放在晚餐(主餐)叉的外侧,沙拉刀放在晚餐(主餐)刀外侧。因为我们是先吃沙拉再吃主餐。
5. The soup spoon goes outside the knives. 喝汤用的汤匙要放在刀子外侧。
6. Place the dessert up top, and the bowl of the spoon is pointing to the left. 把甜点餐具摆在餐盘正上方,汤匙的前端要朝左摆放。
8. The bread plate should be set at the upper left, and the butter knife goes on the plate at an angle, with the blade pointing in. 面包盘要摆在左上角,奶油刀要斜摆在面包盘上,让刀刃面向自己。
9. Set the wine glass to the upper right. 把酒杯放在右上角。
是用o24could you please hold on?we had no more change,let me go get some changes.n。
In America, people all use a knife and fork to eat.
In America, all the people eat with / using a knife and fork.
In America.10is there anything you'd like for today? or as usual as before?People use knives and forks to eat
这边只用‘restroom’=洗手间Colin often eats lunch at school, he often eats beef with a knife and fork
1 this is your change and receipt. please, go over there to take your drinks, your order will be ready for soon.(请问很快就好指的是什么?客人点的餐点?)
2 hope you enjoy your meal.
3 sorry, there are too many drinks. please take a seat to wait for a moment, we will call you when we are ready .
4 would you please take a seat?when it's ready, I will take them for you.
5 the credit card machine isn't working, can you pay cash?
8 beef,pork,chicken,fish
9(加上你有的)thank for your patience,here is your drink.
11would you like to try our new fors? this is sour(sweet) with beef(cherry jam )
12 take a look, when you are ready please l me. then may i serve this madam(Mr.) to order now?
13 just a moment , i will find our duty mar to yoesolve this problem.
14Mr and Miss(mrs), please come over there to take your drinks, they are ready.
15(...no idea what you are talking29 how is it feel? taste good? about)
16do you like(want) hot or warm water.
17 fork ,spoon,wet moist napkin ,knife
19 do you want me to add some milk? how much milk do you need to add?
20 the milk is added inside.
21do you he three yuan for change?
23 would you like to wrap that for you?
25walk out of that door, go straight, the restroom is on the right side.
26just connect to chinanet will be fine.
27 what can i do for you?(can I serve for you? what can i you?)
28 hello, may i know your name?would you like to sign up to be our frequent visitor ?do you accept our text messages?
30 total is XXXyuan
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