llm学校排名 llm院校

高考志愿 2024-11-10 09:50:53


5、LLM是近两年热门的留学专业,高就业率、高工资、优良的工作环境及优越的地位是促使LLM专业走红的重要因素,而作为全世界的金融中心的美国, 它的LLM专业自然也是全世界学生报读的热门,也就出现了越来越多的学生转学分去读这个专业了,在这里给大家简单介绍一下该专业的相关信息。LLM的分类


llm学校排名 llm院校llm学校排名 llm院校

llm学校排名 llm院校

llm学校排名 llm院校

澳洲法学研究类硕士学校有悉尼大学,邦德大学,而且澳洲法学研究类硕士的就业率很高,前景非常Minimum Acceptable Scores不错。




安全:Wustl治安较,尤其今年的Ferguson案件之后,黑人冲突不断。USC治安较好;费用:USC>Wustl。USC学费比较贵,生活费也高。排名:USC>Wustl。位置:USC位于加州洛杉另外,GPA是录取的另一个可以量化的标准,一般申请者的GPA在3.5左右,而很多法学院录取平均GPA更是达到3.6-3.8之间,竞争十分激烈。除了标准化成绩,各种相关经历也不可或缺。、、律所的相关实习经历,各种调查和实践,法律援助活动,法律学术交流活动等等都作为大学评判申请者的标准。由于每位申请者的经历和关注点各不相同,我们建议申请人根据自己的特点选择申请切入点,有条理由选择地规划自己的申请,避免千篇一律。矶,较发达,华人也多,找实习比较容易。而且各种Chinatown,美食特别多。不得不说华人在加州是很强势的。个人学历提升:你是CUPL的,本科学历已不错,这两间在这方面对你没什么别。不过许多人对USC评价不高,Party school,似乎学风不浓,但我觉得这个看个人啦。USC常年处专业排名18,说明一定实力。






(New York University, 简称 NYU) ,成立于 1831 年,是全美的私立大学之一;也是美国一座坐落于纽约心地带的。所设课程压力不大,但要求甚高,学生称其 “not high pressure, but demanding” 。而31名诺贝尔奖得主更是使纽约大学光芒四射,享誉世界。

LLM(英文:Master of Law)是一个一年的美国法律速成班,相当于美国法律硕士学位。美国本国学生基本上以读JD为主,可以说LLM就是专门为学生准备的一个一年制课程,严格的说是9个月。 凡具有法学学士或以上学位者可以申请美国的LLM。



International Law

Business and Financial Regulation

Immigration Law and Policy


Administrative Law

Aanced Clinical Pract Seminar

Aocacy for Children and Youth

Criminal Law and Administration

Environment Law

Employment law



LLM分General program和specialized program两种。大多数学校只提供general program,选择general program的本科生可以任意选课;少数学校,比如NYU提供corporate llm,GTU提供Taxes program,international law等program,这类sepcialized program对选课有一定要求,比如一定要选满相关课程多少分。

建议应届本科生选择general program,因为本科生对将来学术方向还没有明确定位,general program可以自由地选课。其次,general program的申请比较容易,许多specialized program都需要相关的工作背景,本科生申请美国法律硕士这些program时没有优势。



二是一些本科刚毕业的学生。 对于学生来说,LLM基本没有奖学金,所以每一个申请人必须抱定自费的打算。LLM的学费一年在3万5-3万9美金不等,加上各地的生活费不等(以 NY和LA贵)。总共的花费估计在50万左右。LLM费用每年都在增长,基本上每年的增长率为10%。

TOEFL:600/ IBT100以上




美国律师考试,每年两次,分别在二月底和七月底举行。美国律师考试本身由两大块组成:全国联考部分和各州单独测试部分。考试时间两到三天,各州不等。纽约州考两天。通过律考的考生,还必须通过职业联考Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE) 才能被授予执业资格。MPRE是单独的全国考试,全是选择题,一年多次,可在当地考,各州分数线不一,但成绩全国有效。纽约是85分通过。



第二,在美国找到工作或一年的internship。但根据以往LLM的说法是‘it is extremely difficult to find a job offer, especially those who will support your J-1 visa’。LLM在美国找到工作是很难的,难到什么程度?根据U Penn career off的统计,在过去6年(05年之前)LLM的班级中,成功找到工作的人仅15%,的一届,只有3个人找到工作。虽然各校情况存在异性,但 基本上“找工作”很难,尤其是对没有经验、直接去读LLM的人来说。即使在那些找到工作的人群里面,很大一部分是在国内外所有工作经验,和该外所的美国分所事先有协议,在那里工作或实习一段时间。所以,如果你是一个本科生,基本上要做坏的打算:找不到工作,可能考完Bar就要回来。同样,intern也是很难很难的。

第三,LLM转JD。因此,很多本科生出去,在迫于无奈之下决定做更大的风险投资,就是转JD。一些学校,比如Columbia,Cornell,和U Penn都允许成绩的LLM转成JD。但一些学校,比如NYU,是不允许的。






首先法学研究生学校排名;11 6、什么人去读LLMA 厦门大学优于 13 A 华东政法学院;但是每个学校又有各自的专业学科;你还需要考虑你未来的发展方向,不可否认,华东政法在上海的影响力是排的;

给你几个角度,自己思考吧:1.学校排名 2.专业排名 3.导师实力 4.你的研究方向以上内容参考: 5.你的未来发展方向 6.城市因素




至于学校环境之类的,我想你这两年的读研时 Bar(美国州级律师资格)--美国没有全国统一的司法考试。 每一个州都是的司法单位,都有自己的律师考试、报考条件和通过标准。如果获得了某个州的执照,通常只能在该州执业。跨州执业要另行申请,一般需要四到七年的执业经验才可以申请到其它州免试执业。但是只要你有任何一个州的执照,你都可以到首都执业。加州和纽约是美国人口多,经济发达的两个州,因此考生人数也多。间,应该没多少时间去享受优美的校园环境。


LL.M. students at Penn State Law work with experienced faculty members to dlop a course of study that supports their individual career goals. LL.M. students can enroll in courses ailable to Penn State J.D. students and share classes with J.D. students. Penn State Law's rich curriculum affords LL.M. candidates the opportunity to enroll in a variety of diverse courses or to concentrate their studies in any one of the specialized fields of study. The most popular fields among our LL.M. candidates include:


不从能力素养方面,单纯从就业来说, 如果你是准备去Constitutional Law I国外发展的,建议你可以去美国读LLM。


跟我一级诶LLM的出路主要有三条:,就考虑考研了???Criminal Law


伦敦经济学院(The London School of Economics and Political Science,简称:LSE;中文简称:伦敦政经),1895年创立于英国伦敦,是一所公立研究型大学,为伦敦大学联盟成员和罗素大学成员,被誉为名校和G5超级精英大学。

2021~22年度,伦敦经济学院位居英国QS世界大学排名第49位,美国U.S. News世界大学排名第230位,英国泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名第27位,软科世界大学学术排名第151-200位。






对于你个人来说,重要的还是看就IELTS: 7.5业情况!!!


校园环境 市郊

◆以下内容为 收集整理,供大家学习参考!!


LLM是英文Master of Law的简写,译为法学硕士。美国LLM专业的主要教学内容是对美国基本法律制度和法律体系的简要介绍,偏重于法律理论知识的学习。美国不同大学开设的 LLM专业不同,但一般分为两种:Generalized Studies和 Specialized Studies。一般大学只开设前者,也就是对美国法律的总体介绍;少数大学还会特别开设后者,包括如环境法、比较法、公司法、破产法、知识产权保等多种专业法律的研究课程,申请人可以根据自己的兴趣选择相应的专业进行申请。

Administrative Law and Regulatory Pract




第二,在美国找到工作或一年的internship。但根据以往LLM的说法是‘it is extremely difficult to find a job offer, especially those who will support yourJ-1visa’.LLM在美国找到工作是很难的,难到什么程度?根据UPenn career off的统计,在过去6年(05年之前)LLM的班级中,成功找到工作的人仅15%,的xx届,只有3个人找到工作。虽然各校情况存在异性,但基本上“找工作”很难,尤其是对没有经验、直接去读LLM的人来说。即使在那些找到工作的人群里面,很大一部分是在国内外所有工作经验,和该外所的美国分所事先有协议,在那里工作或实习一段时间。所以,如果你是一个本科生,基本上要做坏的打算:找不到工作,可能考完Bar就要回来。同样,intern也是很难很难的。




注册学生 University Park 3328名全日制学生;GA校区 1000名

地址 麦基斯波特市McKeesport ALLEGHENY

毗邻城市 匹兹堡Pitturgh

学校性质 公立

创立时间 1855年


LL.M. Program

Master of Laws

Penn State Law trains international lawyers for the global marketplace. For more than forty years, LL.M. students from around the world he come to the Law School to aance their careers by studying with our distinguished faculty. Profiles of sral students can be found here.

The of laws program is a 24-credit, one academic year course of study open to individuals who hold a degree in law from an accredited institution outside of the United States. Unique program benefits include:

internationally renowned faculty scholars in key areas of U.S., international and transnational law, and other specialized fields of study

experienced faculty aisors who provide personalized guidance on course selection and career options

the ability to design a course of study that meets individual career goals

opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration and study with Penn State's School of International Affairs

a practitioner-focused writing and research curriculum especially designed for LL.M. students

an intensive ten-day orientation program

an optional, intensive summer course in legal English communication

regular interaction with J.D. students through shared classroom experiences, a J.D./LL.M. mentoring program, and professionally oriented student activities, including the International Law Society

access to Career Servs resources that can assist students with identifying internship and job opportunities




The Penn State Law LL.M. is a one-year program in which LL.M. candidates must complete a minimum of 24 credit hours of course work. The LL.M. is designed to provide lawyers trained outside of the United States with an understanding of the American legal that will enhance their legal career.

Foreign-trained LL.M. students are required to take the following two courses:

Introduction to the United States Legal System — this course instructs students in American legal ysis and discourse. In addition to providing students with an overview of the U.S. legal , the course s students dlop skills in three fundamental areas of United States legal pract: (1) common law legal ysis, (2) case law research, and (3) effective communication of legal ysis.

One case ysis course from the following list:

Civil Procedure


Criminal Procedure



Business Law

Arbitration, Mediation and Negotiation

International and Transnational Law





Master of Laws (LL.M.)

See More Videos at Moritz's YouTube Channel

The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law Master of Laws (LL.M.) Program is designed for foreign lawyers who wish to aance their legal education in a stimulating academic environment. The College offers the dual aantages of a highly-regarded law curriculum at a major U.S. university and an LL.M. program of limited size that allows for individualized attention and support.

Two of the program’s primary goals are to immerse foreign lawyers in a year of U.S. legal education and to foster interaction between American J.D. students and the LL.M. students. In large part this is accomplished by integrating the LL.M students into the J.D. curriculum, ensuring that both groups will benefit from the interaction and graduate from their respective programs well prepared to participate in an increasingly globalized world.

Moritz also offers a rich selection of student activities outside the classroom where LL.M. students may participate in the life of the College.

Ohio State’s LL.M. program offers students an opportunity to select their courses from a rich and diverse curriculum. Students may choose a generalized study of U.S. law or may tailor their courses to fit specialized interests and career objectives. Students he an option to elect a concentration in Business Law, Criminal Law and Procedure, Inlectual Property and Information Law, International and Comparative Law, Labor and Employment Law, or Alternative Dis Resolution, or they may design a customized concentration.



The LL.M. program is limited to students who he:

obtained an LL.B. from a foreign country; or

completed in a foreign country the university-based legal education required to take the equivalent of the bar examination in that foreign country; or

qualified to pract law in a foreign country; or

the equivalent thereof as determined by the LL.M. Admissions Committee.

TOEFL: 600 based; comr based; 100 ibT


其研究生院的学术水准甚高,尤其是其法学院,一直处于上升态势,在2007年位列《美国与世界》(U.S. News and World Report) 全美第五名。其商学院亦是蜚声全美,金融,营销等专业在2007年度《商业周刊》(BusinessWeek),《经济学家》(The Economist),《金融时报》(Financial Times)等众多排名中皆位列前10。


Flexibility. In most semesters, more than a dozen different online courses are offered, ranging from Taxation of Mergers & Acquisitions to Tax Policy. Students can customize classwork around their schedules, watching their class on video at any time that is convenient. Even final exams can be completed on a comr in your home or off by using a video proctoring dev. Students can complete the entire degree by participating in online courses, though they are welcome to take classes on campus in Greenwich Village as well.

Interactivity. Executive LL.M. students he direct access to their professors through online discussion boards, e-mail and ephone conversations. And n though Executive LL.M. students are not physically on campus, they can keep up with all that goes on at Washington Square by watching videos of our many panels and programs.

High Quality Technology. Online courses are offered in high-resolution video, using the same technology that popular video-on-demand servs use to deliver movies. Each course is recorded by multiple live camera operators and a director, not by a fixed camera at the back of the room. Most professors use a “art tablet” that displays the professor’s handwriting electronically in a separate window in each course video.

Most of the students in the Executive LL.M. program are experienced attorneys who are located outside of the New York region. Current students include attorneys who work at law firms, accounting firms and in-house at corporations. They pract across the United States, as well as in Europe and Asia.

Admission to the Executive LL.M program is highly selective. Executive LL.M. students must meet the same admission standard as our on-campus students. To apply, you must hold a first degree in law (J.D. or LL.B.) from a law school that is approved by the Section of Legal Education of the American Bar Association or a bachelor of law degree from a non-U.S. law school approved by its foreign equivalent. For more rmation on application requirements, please visit our How to Apply page. If you would like to discuss which of our tax programs best suits your needs, please contact us.

Students he up to five years to complete the 24 credits needed to receive a degree.

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